Unexpectedly Soulmates


Character Skelly:


Age (18+):


Sexual Orientation:

Traits: +___, ___, ___/-___, ___, ___



What He/She looks for in a partner:

Appearance: (No anime or gifs please!)



Pairing 1

Male: @ScarsOfWonderland

Pairing 3

Female: @RavenReigns11258

My Character:

Name: Sage North

Age (18+): 18

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Traits: +Creative, Intelligent, Romantic/-Insecure, Impulsive, Kind (to a fault)

Personality: Sage is the smartest and sweetest girl a guy could ask for. However, she is insecure and has always had trouble in relationships because of it. More will come later in the roleplay.

Biography: She went through school unnoticed. She could have been popular if she wasn't so shy and insecure. Now she is looking to find herself in New York- her friends are forcing her to be out there.

What He/She looks for in a partner: A sweet, smart, romantic guy that will teat her right.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/-1.jpg.1f3f98faba8b41eea4328af8d9518ec3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21627" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/-1.jpg.1f3f98faba8b41eea4328af8d9518ec3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: Pearl



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Sorry everyone, I have a lot on my slate at the moment. I'm going to have to pull my character. Good luck with the role play.
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Name: Cameron (Cami) McKeeby

Age (18+): 19

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual



  • Confident.
  • Trustworthy.
  • Laid-back - doesn't get stressed out about much of anything, is usually cool and collected.


  • Hard to earn Cami's trust.
  • Witty (In a smart-ass kind of way).
  • Laid-back - rarely takes things super seriously, even when things might be important.

Personality: Cameron is a cool and generally fun girl to be around. She's usually in a mood to relax and just enjoy her time on the planet, and she often doesn't let herself get too stressed out. She loves to joke around with friends and is very quick to warm up to strangers, which ensures that she's never left without someone to talk to.

Biography: Growing up in a wealthy household has always been one of Cameron's most defining experiences of her life. Because of this background, she has never really been in a dire situation. Any problems she had growing up were quickly taken care of thanks to her parents' money and influence. As such, she never developed a sense of importance in anything, really. An only child, Cami learned to make friends relatively quickly and was known as a "social butterfly" in her high school. She was a part of the popular crowd, but tried to avoid the hostile and otherwise unpleasant girls she came into contact with. She's been in a few relationships, none of which were outstanding. She currently resides in NY

What He/She looks for in a partner: Someone who can make her laugh, anyone who can be a reliable partner to just spend time enjoying life with. Loyalty and trustworthiness are major qualities she looks for.


Other: She'd work well with a male or a female.


Aurora Black

Age (18+):




Sexual Orientation:



+ Funny, outspoken, caring

- temperamental, indecisive, detached


Aurora is the kind of girl that you're not sure if she's depressed or not because of her demeanor. She may seem tough and can take anything life throws at her, but she can get hurt easily especially when it comes to someone talking bad about her family. Once you get to know her though she can be a real sweetheart, and she let's her true self show. She's is super protective over them because that's all she has left. She will fight if provoked, but doesn't like to. Aurora doesn't trust people easily and can seem detached at times for certain reasons, but she is capable of learning how to.


Aurora doesn't like to talk about her past much, but she will if the situation arises. Her mother died of cancer when she was 5. Abused physically and mentally since the age of 6, Aurora knows how to fight and leave a mark when she does. If she hears someone talking about her behind her back, then she'll approach them and throw the first punch. She's never had any friends due to her not trusting anyone. Aurora hates being told what to do by people she doesn't like, or in general.

What He/She looks for in a partner:

I look for a guy who can take my crap. I tend to get emotional sometimes so someone caring is the guy for me. I want someone who wants to figure me out and figure my past out. I look for someone who is a bit of a challenge but not so much that he doesn't communicate. I want a guy that likes to cuddle. I want a guy that can be himself around me and that I can be myself around, and I want someone I can trust.

Appearance: (No anime or gifs please!)


She has a tattoo on either wrist (bass clef on left and treble on right) as well as a Raven on her right thigh. She has a stud in her nose and two piercings in each ear.



Name: Abygail Rose

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Sexual orientation: Homosexual

Traits: + Loving, smart, kind, caring, sweet, gentle/ - Depressed, negative, beats herself up, desperately needs attention, gets jealous easily.

Personality: She is a very caring, loyal person. She puts everything before herself, everyone else's happiness comes first. She tends to keep to herself. Shes not very outgoing. Abygail, is extremely shy. She doesn't go around looking for trouble but she somehow always finds herself in the middle of it. (You'll learn more about her personality in the role play)

Biography: Abygail has always know that she was a lesbian. Though she doesn't act tomboyish but is quite girly, she never found men attractive. She grew up in a household of 6 older brothers she has always been the youngest. She's never told any of her family about her sexuality. In fact she never made it annouced to anyone really. Abygail always kept to herself in the family, she was the quietest. She was always the good child, she tried very hard to keep her very strict parents happy.

What he/she looks for in a partner: I Abygail Rose, Look for a girl who is emotionally stable. Who has their head screwed on straight, and who will be loyal to me always. I am not picky about perfection. I look for kindness, and a warm heart. I don't look at the outer skin because no ones perfect, there will be blemishes and flaws. I look on the inside.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bf8cb516f_Ellenpage2.jpg.c40e000c8c0a76ebdb47edf28ca7f6cb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21652" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bf8cb516f_Ellenpage2.jpg.c40e000c8c0a76ebdb47edf28ca7f6cb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She lives alone (with one cat) in a shiny brand new apartment.

Other: Pearl



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Name: Dmitri Rogers

Age (18+): 19

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Traits: +Critical thinker, Empathetic, Energetic/-Impatient, Insecure, Irritable (At times)

Personality: Dmitri is often blunt and straightforward. He's insecure about his skin tone and when in social situations often wonders what the persons around him may be thinking. Being used to it, he is not very affected by rejection. He thinks about life, and his position in it way too much. Dmitri does not support religion or any other dogmatic organization similar to those. Everyone should search within themselves to find divinity there in his opinion.

Biography: He grew up with only his mother and his older brother. They were very, very poor and often couldn't even afford to make groceries. Many days would pass between meals, and what kept this individual from dying was food stamps provided by the government. When he was 5 years old, he was digging through his brother's things when he found some weird brown stuff in a dime bag. He read the label saying 'do not eat', which he ignored and ate it. It turned out to be his brother's psychedelic mushrooms. It showed him a new reality. His brother found him in the bathroom, washing his hands from the water flowing down from the toilet tank. The sibling knew what was up. Since then, they would often trip together on various different drugs. When he was thirteen, his mother and his brother both died in a horrific accident, leaving him in this world to fend for himself, not having anyone else besides a father who he never even knew. A neighbor who was acquainted with his mother took him in after noticing him roaming the streets for a few months. He lived with them and they sent him to school where he was one of the few black people in the institution, and by night, had him working with them in their store. They treated him horribly, calling him a certain racist word and caused him to become very self conscious of his skin and ethnicity. He continued funding his psychedelic diet and saving until he was old enough to move out and live on his own. He's now nineteen years old and pissed off at the world. He's been single all his life and is now trying to figure out how to peek the interests of someone else romantically.

What He/She looks for in a partner: Someone who doesn't mind all the substances on his psychedelic roster, someone who isn't racist and is easygoing. Someone who can handle his irritability and excuse his smartassness. Most importantly, he needs someone who he can share his views with.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/2d.jpg.e38386d77d3fef555b49647d6539eaa7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21677" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/2d.jpg.e38386d77d3fef555b49647d6539eaa7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: Pearl??



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As a note to everyone- I am placing characters in pairs that I feel will make the roleplay interesting. I am also trying to be respectful of what each character looks for in a partner. Thanks!
Name: Matthew Creed

Age (18+): 24

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Traits: + cute, smart, innocent/- timid, quiet, innocent

Personality: Matthew, just Matthew, doesn't like nicknames. He likes to read a lot and is comfortable being alone as being with people tends to make him feel awkward and stutter.

Biography: Born and raised on a corn field in Illinois. Matthew was a big disappointment to his parents when he came out to them. They always expected so much from him, he made straight A's, led his team to win the state quiz bowl series, and always tended the farm when asked without complaint. They haven't disowned him, but they do not speak to him either. So, Matthew moved to the city for college, over an independent bookstore where he spends a lot of time in the cafe working on his degree in Bio. Engineering.

What He/She looks for in a partner: He doesn't expect anyone to want him. He'd prefer to just be alone and not be a bother to anyone...


Other: Pearl
Yay! 3 more male characters left! Any of you are free to make another character- if you wish.
Name: Alexander Levi Johnson

Age (18+): 19

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Traits: +Positive, brave, smart, kind, funny/- Takes serious things to lightly, Over dramatic, insecure

Personality: Alex is a sweet and sensitive guy, though he isn't always serious when it comes to serious matters. Alex is very sensitive and insecure about himself. Alex isn't always emotionally stable but he sure does try.

Biography: When Alex was sixteen he was the caregiver in the house. Both parents were drug users and alcoholics. He took care of his parents and his little sister, which had CF (An eating disorder). He took good care of his sister, but one day while she was sleeping she died. He was crushed forever after that. He blames himself for her death.

What He/She looks for in a partner: Alex looks for a sweet, shy, girl. One that he can take care. He is a very loving person. He looks for a girl that can calm him down just by talking. He likes to be dominant in the relationship.

Appearance: (No anime or gifs please!)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/cutie.png.563f72381f2f5085076be8a2206fda57.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21975" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/cutie.png.563f72381f2f5085076be8a2206fda57.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: Pearl

has a tattoo on his arm of birds flying north west.

Also has the tattoo of the name Ella written across his heart.



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Name: Darwin Ranger

Age (18+):22


Sexual Orientation:Straight

Traits: +Funny, calm, caring/-anti social, distant, Afraid

Personality: Before break up Caring love able funny and always able to find a solution through chaos. After the break up he became the shut in he is rude to people when they try to get close for he is afraid of more pain. But he will try to fix things for his heart is always soft and caring. Never to see someone else cry he will do what he must to fix the issue.

Biography: Darwin became a social outcast after his last break up. He shut himself indoors and only comes out when needing food and house hold things. He works from home as means to make money. He runs a successful site called Ranger Casino .com, Before his shut in life he was very active allot of friends and people around him till the day he came home while his Fiance was sitting on the couch with her bags stating she was leaving him for his friend Martin. She found him boring not only in regular times but in bed also. Which he questioned allot for why hadnt she told him this before, So she walked out not even a kiss on the cheek goodbye. her ring on the counter with a note. Which till this day he has left there. unread and unmoved. For it hurts him and to know she now is married to his so called friend he enjoys staying inside. Though he is very Lonely but is beyond scared of people now, afraid if he meets someone new he will yet again fall victim to betrayal. Upon other things he creates music chillstep and dubstep, He finds himself in his music hence why he does it, never shared with anyone he wishes he could one day.

What He/She looks for in a partner: He firmly believes no one is for him. if he had a partner who would look for someone who could love him for what he has become.


Other:Peral, has a tattoo on his right forarm of my avatar pic ^_^
Sorry I am away from my computer ATM but everyone is accepted. Alexander is in pairing 1 and Darwin in 5

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Name: Xavier Anderson

Age (18+): 19

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Traits: +Sweet, Funny, Sarcastic, Hot Head, Can Be Mean at times, Adorable, Charming

Personality: Xavier is usually really a sweet and Adorable guy and his also very charming but he can also can get angry easily especially jealous so which causes him to be a hot head and can be just plain rude but 90% of the time he is the sweetest guy in the world.

Biography: Xavier used to live in a none safe environment struggling to pay the bill and almost ending up on the streets he never actually cared much for himself which caused him to be in a medium state of depression because his parents used to beat him as a child so he just wants people to be happy looking for good in others and tries to pull through everyday.

What He/She looks for in a partner: A really sweet guy that will care for him and will be fun when he needs to be to be there for him so that they can be there fore each other but doesn't like to be the dominant in the relationship.

Appearance: (No anime or gifs please!)

Other: Has tattoos & gauges

(Can i please have the spot for the homosexual pair please?! & thank you!)
Name: Hannah Hall

Age (18+): 20

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Traits: +Funny, Like to Party, Smart.- Hot Headed, a Bit Rude at times, and Smart. Oh, i put smart twice because it can be a positve thing and it can be a negative thing she uses it in both ways depending on her timing!

Personality: Hannah is a very caring but fun person she spends a lot of her time partying or trying to find out things she wants or needs to know, but that's only when shes in school or has nothing else to do, she has had a lot of boyfriends in her past and tries not to talk about them. She is one of those girls that have the small problem with finding a guy that will actually treat her nicely so she is usually single. Life is pretty laid back for her i guess.

Biography: Hannah lived at home with both her parents, until she went to collage with the money her parents gave her for tuition and other things, they still send her money and get mad at her for using it for things other then there intended she just brushes off her parents complains and leaves it at that. Between collage she walks her pet dog Lucky whos a Pure Bred Husky and she goes out and partys and hangs out with friends.

What He/She looks for in a partner: A guy, who actually cares or gets jealous, shes never had that. Someone who likes animals and has a kind heat, but shes also looking for someone who loves to party and have fun, the smarts thing is something she is okay with but could care less about.


Other: Pearl! Oh and her dog Lucky is a female Husky who is very protective nut loves people, Hannah has Panic! At The Disco tattooed on her right ankle!

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