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Unexpected (hnicolep & Wayward Son)


Trap Queen
Unexpected love comes at war.

Judith finished patching up a solider. He was almost healed. Then he would be back out on the field. Some lucky soldiers got to go home to their families. Judith was one of the ones who didn't get to go home. She stayed out here to help as much as she could. She used her medical knowledge as much as she could to help. They needed it. "Here's another!" Two soldiers carried in a wounded soldier and laid him on a table.
With jaws clenched tight, Dylan clutched his left arm, while copious amounts of blood oozed out of his wound. A large charred piece of metal, probably from a tank, is sticking out of his arm, piercing the flesh all the way through the other side. The others told him not to pull it out, so he simply laid there on the table, rolling from side to side to distract himself from the pain. "Take it out, please take it out," he said weakly to the nurse as he closed his eyes and began to lay still so she can fix him. He did not feel it at first, as he was running away from the explosion. The adrenaline helped mask the pain, enabling him to get away from the carnage. But now, it felt as if a scalding, dull knife is hacking at his arm back and forth without stopping.
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Judiths eyes got big as she seen the metal object. "Shit." She whispered softly and got out a needle and thread. She looked at the two soldiers. "Hold him down." She instructed. Jude gave him a rag to bite on so he wouldn't break his teeth. Too bad they didnt have pain reliever. As she pulled the metal out the wound bled worse. She quickly pulled out the metal and applied pressure to stop the blood. Jude sewed his arm together and bandaged it. "Im so sorry" She mumbled looking at him and taking the rag out of his mouth.

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