This story of Undertale takes place is an alternate timeline, where a group of humans were sent to the underground with the monsters and labeled as "Sympathizers". Now, in the modern day, there is a large amount of humans living in the underground as well. It's about 70% monsters, and 30% humans. There are some people who want to break the barrier, but for the most part, everyone is at peace living in the underground. This roleplay will always be open, and is mostly a character-driven roleplay, I will be accepting both canon and OC characters. This is mostly a first first come first serve roleplay, but I will reject characters that aren't well thought out or don't roleplay their chosen canon character properly. The literacy level of this roleplay is between casual and somewhat detailed, so I expect at LEAST a paragraph per post. Don't leave anyone out of this roleplay. Be sure to include everyone. You are not allowed to make an OC family member of a canon character.
Frisk -
Toriel -
Napstablook -
Sans -
Papyrus -
W.D. Gaster -
Undyne -
Alphys -
Mettaton -
Muffet -
Burgerpants - @H A N A K O
Asgore -
Flowey -
Chara -
Human 1 -
Human 2 -
Human 3 -
Human 4 -
Human 5 -
Monster OC 1 - @H A N A K O
Monster OC 2 -
Monster OC 3 -
Monster OC 4 -
Monster OC 5 -
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