Undead epicenter {Alice x Kid} (Other members always welcomed)


The main basis of this RP, is that we are in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, this was caused by a virus that was leaked by the CDC, the virus spread, and it seemed to go from a few walking corpses to a full on pandemic. Government soon fell and so did anything that had to do with society, the CDC and military tried to stop it, but they were outnumbered. the setting is London England, 2014. This RP will be like a mix of shun of the dead humor and dawn of the dead horror. People can only be infected by a bite, and a head shot is what will kill the undead.

Character sheet

Name:Alice Wingates


Height: 5'9

Looks: Black hair, green eyes, pale skin.

Wears: A black shirt that is a little torn, Black pants, black shoes.

Weapon: Katana, better at melee weapons then guns.

Bio: Alice used to teach a self defense class at the local community center, her dad was a doomsday preper, oddly enough he was the first to turn in the apocalypse, she has managed to survive by roaming with one other person and knowing her resources.

Name:Marshal Sawyer


Height: 6'0

Looks: Shaved brown hair, pale skin, brown eyes, scar under right eye.

Wears:A military green shirt, Brown camo military pants, Brown combat boots, military assigned dog tags.

Weapon: Hunting knife,

Model S&W SD40 VE

Bio: Marshal was a explosive expert for the military. His team was killed while they were trying to block off the city, he met Alice after escaping his death.

Alice and marshal where walking on the outskirts of town, there wern't many undead around but she still kept her katana close, Marshal looked over at her "Do you think that there are any other survivors" Alice glanced at him "I don't know...Maybe not". Marshal sighed "So what we just keep killing and surviving until we die..." Alice kept walking while she said to him "We try to find other survivors...simple... we wait to see if society rebuilds" One of the undead stumbled out of the forest, the corpse looked emaciated, and looked like he turned a long time ago, with out hesitation Alice beheads the corpse and keeps walking, Marshal sighs and follows her.
Name: Edwin 'Eddie' Matzger

Age: 17

Height: 6'1

Looks: Scrawny build, long black hair, green/grey eyes, pale skin, missing his left pinky finger.

Wears: : Black T-Shirt, dark grey zip up hooded jacket, ripped jeans, black and white converse trainers/sneakers.

Weapon: Baseball bat.

Bio: Edwin was a computer technician before the outbreak, and lived alone in a dodgy apartment, when he first heard about the outbreak, he thought it was an incredibly late April fool's prank or hoax, so he ignored it, of course, he had to pay the price, not prepared for the apocalypse and unable to defend himself.

Edwin stumbled through the streets, dragging his bloodied up baseball bat behind him, shaking violently. He looked over his shoulder, yelping when an infected lunged at him, he pushed the walking corpse away, swinging the bat at its legs and following up with a second swing to the forehead, specs of blood splattering over the handle.

Alice looked at Marshal as they finished the walk around forest perimeter "Alright, lets head into the city... lets see what supplies we can find..." Marshal sighed and made sure his gun was loaded and then nodded, Alice and Marshal started to head into the city, Marshal holstered his gun and took out his hunting knife, the team preferred to use melee weapons in the city, so it wouldn't attract more of the undead. As they walked by a corpse that laid on the ground, it looked dead, then it tried to grab Marshal, as he freaked out, he almost pulled his gun, Alice beheaded the ghoul before he could shoot, she looked at him "We dont want to attract more!" Marshal, was trying to catch his breath, said to her "Y-yea...sorry..." They started to head farther into the city to looks for supplies and survivors.
After finishing the undead off, Edwin flicked some blood off of his bat and carried on walking towards the city center, shuddering ever so slightly when he spotted a small pile of bodies down an alleyway. He sighed, pulling his hood up. How did this happen so quickly? He thought, sighing quietly and scuffing his feet along the littered and gritty pavement.
Once Alice and Marshal got to a certain point in town, they climbed a fir escape so they could have a look out from the roof, Alice looked through a pair of binoculars, she saw a wan walking, but he didn't walk like the undead, she said to Marshal "Hey I think I see someone who isn't dead" he looked at her "No way?" she said happily "Yea, come on" they went down the fire escape and started to take the back roads to where they saw the man, soon they stopped as they say Edwin ahead of them, Alice said to Edwin "Hey!"
Edwin jumped back, visibly shaking, he readied his bat, lifting it over his shoulder and slowly edging away, "Wh-Who are you?" He muttered, blood trickling down the handle of his bat, he'd never met someone after the outbreak until now, and was always cautious. Not to far behind him was a living corpse dragging its self towards him, groaning loudly and leaving a trail of brownish-red blood behind it.

((Sorry for the late post, my computer crashed.))
Alice looks at Edwin "Calm down, we aren't here to hurt you, I'm just as surprised as you are to see another survivor, " Alice sees the corpse dragging itself, she quickly runs over and decapitates it, then steps away from Edwin so he doesn't feel threatened, Marshal looks at Edwin "How have you survived? I can't believe that there is actually another survivor....this gives me some hope..." Alice looks at Edwin and smiles.

((Don't worry about it lol I am going to bed soon though, I have work early and its almost midnight here lol so my next reply wont be till im awake.))
Edwin slowly lowered the bat, jumping when Alice slid past him and decapitated the walking corpse. He looked between the two, an expression of disbelief on his face, the bat fell from his loose grip and clattered against the pavement, Edwin slowly and hesitantly edged towards them. "H-Have I really found someone else?"

((Alright, g'night!))
Alice smiles "I can see your as shocked as us, let me introduce myself, My name is Alice Wingates and the man with me is Marshal Sawyer, He was apart of the military before this whole thing happened, I was a Martial arts instructor" She smiles "You don't seem to dangerous, Why don't you stick with us, we have a place that's like a lock down, just out of town" Marshal seems shocked still that there is another living person.
"I-I, uh...I-I'm Edwin..." Edwin mumbled, picking his bat back up, "A-And I'm a...a computer technician..." He looked away, slightly embarrassed, he scuffed his heels against the pavement, looking down. "Nice to meet you both...and uh...it would be g-greatly appreciated to stay with you..."
Alice smiles "Well lets go" she seemed really happy to have someone other than Marshal to talk to, she looks back at Edwin as she walks North "I prefer to get home before night time, these undead creeps tend to get faster by night, but ya probably knew that" she laughs a little as she beheads a zombie that lunges out from the ally. Marshal looks at Edwin "I had a friend who was a computer technician, it can be a hard job, you got to be smart" he smiles.
Edwin shuffled along, resting his bat on his shoulder, "N-No, I, uh...I didn't know that..." He looked over to Marshal, nodding. "Yeah...s-sometimes it's difficult, but most of the time it was a breeze..." He raised his bat, knocking a zombie down and stomping on its head, grunting.
Alice laughs a little "Yep because the sun makes them decompose faster...but the seem to be evolving, which worries me" she is humming to herself as she walks, decapitating anything that walks her way. Marshal sighs and says to Edwin "Um...please don't mind her...I think she might of gone insane... anyways, I used to be a bomb technician...Thing is I was in the military so I know how this all happened...we can all thank the CDC"
"The CDC? D-Damn...th-they f**ked real bad, huh?" Said Edwin, scraping the brain matter and blood off of the bottom of his shoe, he looked over to Alice, shuddering slightly whenever she lopped the head off of a zombie. "...You'd think it'd just be a flu or whooping cough of some sorts...o-obviously not..."
Alice looks back at Edwin "Nope its a virus that kills a person with a fever and destroys the frontal lobe of the brain and the hipocampus those are the two parts that control our memories and our common sense and all that stuff, after those are gone all we have is animal instinct, now the rotting of these creeps is from the virus as well, after it kills ya' your blood doesn't flow and you keep rotting but something in your brain, maybe some sort of chemical reaction brings you back into a mindless killing machine" she smiles "If that makes sense" Marshal looks at her "It creeps me out that you smile while explaining all of this... Alice smiles again "Well we are almost home so Im just a tad happy""
"S-So it basically turns your brain into mush and turns you into a cannibalistic animal with a skin condition...b-brilliant..." Edwin shuddered at the thought, busting the shins of a zombie and gritting his teeth as he did so.
Alice looks at Edwin "Its not to scary...Well...just dont get bit" They start to approach a neighborhood most of the houses look dark and the windows are broken out, Marshal says to Edwin "This used to be a nice neighborhood..." he laughs a little.
"T-To be honest, I can believe that..." Edwin chuckled quietly, looking around before looking over to Alice. "W-What about the blood, y-you know, like in 28 days later?" He dragged his bat along, letting it clatter around.
Alice laughs a little "This aint like in the movies dear, If these were 28 days later zombies we would all be screwed!" she laughs, down the street they see a house, the windows are boarded tight and a wall surrounding it with a gate . Alice says happily "almost home!" Marshal sighs "any more enthusiasm Alice and it might kill me"
"W-Well, technically, they aren't zombies, but...I-I'll shut up now..." Edwin's eyes widened in disbelief, expecting the house to have next to no fortification, he chuckled at Marshal's comment but stopped when a loud grumble erupted from his stomach. "Urgh..."
Alice says "FFIINNEE they were infected not zombies" she looks back at him "We have some food at the house, not much but some" she smiles as she walks up to the house and starts to push the gate open. It makes a loud screech sound, Marshal winces "Come on we got to hurry that sound may signal any creeps in the area..." we hurry in as she shuts the gate she can see some of the undead stumbling forwards towards them, she gets the gate closed once she makes sure Edwin and Marshal are safe inside.
Edwin smiled slightly, sliding his bat along the floor and stretching, groaning as he did so. "Y-You do? Brilliant!" He said happily, dropping his rucksack down and opening it, he pulled out a half-empty bottle of water and offered it to the two. "A-At the moment this is the most I can do..."
Alice smiles at Edwin "Dont worry about it, we get water from the river, boil it and then stick it on the front porch over night so it gets cold, so so far water isnt a problem, thank you for the offer" when they get into the house Edwin sees that its dark in the house, there are is a couch and then down the hall two bed rooms and a bathroom. Alice gets a match and starts to light candles around the house so they can see, "Ill see what I can cook us" she smiles and goes to the kitchen, Marshal closes the front door and the three different locks on it, then he sits on the couch and sighs, he says to Edwin "We do pretty well here, alice's father used to be a doomsday preper...so there is food rations and I hunt for any meat seeing as the animal dont seem to be affected, Alice sleeps in her room, I sleep in her fathers old room...." Alice looks at The boys from the kitchen "Yep everyone called him crazy and said his house looked like a prison, but I guess the old man was right" she laughs a little and goes back to deciding what to make.
"Bloody hell, he must've been pretty serious..." Thought Edwin, looking around the dark, candle-lit house, he slouched on the couch, sighing loudly. "I miss my apartment." He said, chuckling slightly afterwards and kicking his shoes off. "Th-There was always some nut-job that would tommyknock every single day and ask if I had any bricks...hrm...strange man, he was..."
Alice looks at Edwin "Bricks? hmm.... My Father used to ask people for bricks, he looked like a complete nut" she laughs "Im cooking rabbit with some rice, Hope that's all right" Marshall looks at Edwin "would you like some more water? Its pretty cold...also if you hear a few knocks or clicks around this house, its a tad normal, and at night the creeps like to try to get is so I hope you can sleep through their groaning" he laughs a little.

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