Unconventional twists

Battlecry Samurai

New Member
I really want to find somebody with the same RP tastes that might stick around for a while, so here goes...

I've been playing the same characters for YEARS and I think that's a big part of all the trouble I've had with writing recently, so I made a new character. It's the one in my showcase.

I think he's cut out for a story with intrigue, quirks, maybe a little adventure, and eventually a dash of unconventional romance. If you're familiar with the BBC series Sherlock, you'll have a fairly good understanding of my character, though it's not canon. Or sub-canon... Anyway, if you have any questions or if by some stroke of luck you're willing to set up an RP including him, please contact me. I get very bored. Also know that I'm fairly flexible, but would like to keep the foundation of his background and personality the same. I also enjoy multi-para (please, no one-liners) RP with literate and experienced players. I am not a stranger to more mature themes in RP, but am steadfast about sticking to the rules of RP Nation. If we're both mature adults and would like to include such content, I'd be happy to take the RP to Skype or YM. I sincerely hope that stating this won't get me kicked off the forum.


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