Between two worlds

Name: Danielle

Race: Angel

Role: protector of (my second character)

Personality: stern, serious, obtains a disdain for demons and demon hybrids. They're just trouble.

Appearance: long blonde hair, green eyes, pale skin, white wings that are only seen when in her true form.

Name: Elizabeth Smith (elli/Lizzy.)

Race: human

Personality: sweet. Naïve, best friends with Danielle, and unaware of her true race.

Appearance: bright red hair, milky white skin, ruby red lips, lean physique, and bright blue eyes.
Name: Ace

Race: Hybrid {Demon/Angel}

Age: Fifteen

Height: 5'10

Role: Protector of the In-Between {The Human Realm}

Appearance: Shoulder length silver hair, pale black eyes, lean physique, and pale skin.

Personality: Doesn't give a crap about what others think of him, indifferent to every race, truthful and blunt, and calm, with a hint of sadism. Introvert.


Name: Ryder

Race: {Demon/Angel}

Age: Fifteen

Height: 5'10

Role: Protector of the In-Between {The Human Realm}

Appearance: Shoulder length blonde hair, pale blue eyes, lean physique, and pale skin.

Personality: Complete opposite of Ace: People pleaser, caring, truthful, and a huge Extrovert.
Name: Riley

Race: Human {Is turned into a Demon further on in the RP}

Age: Seventeen

Height: 5'5

Role: Protector of the In-Between

Appearance: Long black hair tied into a messy ponytail with a streak of purple, vivid green eyes, curvy physique, and olive skin.

Personality: A bit of a sexist, kick-ass attitude, no nonsense, hotheaded, and a bit sadistic, blunt.
Name: Ivory

Age: 16

Race: Angel

Height: 5'2

Role: Healer and Protector of Travelers

Appearance: Has light browned hair; pixie cut, with (surprise) ivory skin, has big brown eyes.

Personality: Bubbly and innocent, loves making friends but can become dangerous when upsetted.
Ace watched warily as two humans approached him. Their faces were scrunched up into an angered expression, alerting him that the two teens were hostile. As one of them approached, he quickly stepped forward, showing them that he was not afraid.

"What the hell do you want?" He asked upfront and bluntly.

"Who the hell you think you are, huh, you think you better than us?" One of the teens spoke, his voice was laced with anger and a bit of fear.

"Yes, I do." He nodded smirking at them. As soon as the words came out of his mouth, their faces flushed red with anger, and they quickly grasped him by the collar, rearing a fist back. Aiming the fist at him, Ace quickly grabbed it, with supernatural strength,and pushed him back sending him flying away.

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