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Fandom Un-Befuddling Britain (CS)


bird brain
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My Interest Check
Full name. Rhiannon Jones

Nickname(s). Rhian, Pigeon, Pige

Age. 24

Date of birth. 01.03.71

Gender. Female.

Blood-type. Muggleborn.

School/House. Hogwarts | Hufflepuff

Birthplace. Porth, Wales.

Wand. Hazel, unicorn hair, 9 3/4 inches.

Other. Animagus (pigeon, unregistered, secret).

Height. 5 foot 4.

Body type. Curvaceous, mid-size.

Eye colour. Rich brown.

Hair colour. Muddy blonde, long and curly.

Piercings. Both of her earlobes pierced once.

Tattoos. Pisces constellation below the small of her back.

Health. Wears reading glasses. Struggles with long periods of physical activity.

Style of dress. Rhian’s style of dress seems to change between a love for floral skirts and dresses and jumpers, overalls and jeans. Her confidence peaks and plummets, and her clothes change with that. She has a couple of pairs of glasses that she uses for reading.


Intuitive →
Rhian is a rather sensitive soul who can easily empathise with others, and she can usually tell when something is wrong. She’s a listener, and tries her best not to be judgemental as she works on the basis that others apply the same feelings to her. Being able to read a room is always a good skill, but sometimes she ends up being a therapist, or taking on the problems of others until she has no time to deal with her own, ever-growing list of issues.

People-pleaser →
Rhian is a social butterfly. She can mould herself to most social situations and fit right in. She’s not afraid of striking up conversations, and she has a knack for making people laugh and feel good about themselves. This makes her particularly endearing and she knows that she can use this to her advantage. Although, sometimes it means she puts herself out, takes on too much and finds it hard to say no after appearing to be the world’s biggest yes-man.

‘Imposter’ →
Rhian often feels as though she’s the imposter - perhaps growing up in a Muggle world that made her feel different, and then entering a wizarding world which harboured some anti-Muggleborn mentalities has something to do with it. She cringes at the idea of being recognised for her talents, but wants nothing more. She believes she shouldn’t be seen as equal to other witches and wizards of her magical ability, but demonstrates it regularly. She is the archetypical self-doubter.

Likes. History, old-timey towns, cups of tea, baked goods, Christmas, travelling, spending time with family, Muggle music

Dislikes. Anything mathematical, apparating, boiling hot weather, being alone

Talents. Historical research, transfiguration, and she is almost fluent in Welsh


Immediate relatives. Cerys Jones (Muggle mother, 51, amateur baker), Owen Jones (Muggle father, 54, community Welsh teacher and occasional translator), Lloyd Jones (brother, 22, Gryffindor, Quidditch player), Iwan Jones (brother, 18, works part-time in an apothecary)

Important: She and her siblings are all magical - this is rare, but their ancestry can be traced back to a powerful witch whose only descendant was a squib, and magic skipped several generations.

Patronus. Pigeon

Amortentia scent. Brewed tea, fresh laundry, oaty biscuits

Companion. Tawny owl called Tylluan

Past. TBD

Artist: AI generated image

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line-height: 100%;]Full name. Rhiannon Jones

Nickname(s). Rhian, Pigeon, Pige

Age. 24

Date of birth. 01.03.71

Gender. Female.

Blood-type. Muggleborn.

School/House. Hogwarts | Hufflepuff

Birthplace. Porth, Wales.

Wand. Hazel, unicorn hair, 9 3/4 inches.

Other. Animagus (pigeon, unregistered, secret).

Height. 5 foot 4.

Body type. Curvaceous, mid-size.

Eye colour. Rich brown.

Hair colour. Muddy blonde, long and curly.

Piercings. Both of her earlobes pierced once.

Tattoos. Pisces constellation below the small of her back.

Health. Wears reading glasses. Struggles with long periods of physical activity.

Style of dress. Rhian’s style of dress seems to change between a love for floral skirts and dresses and jumpers, overalls and jeans. Her confidence peaks and plummets, and her clothes change with that. She has a couple of pairs of glasses that she uses for reading.

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Intuitive →
Rhian is a rather sensitive soul who can easily empathise with others, and she can usually tell when something is wrong. She’s a listener, and tries her best not to be judgemental as she works on the basis that others apply the same feelings to her. Being able to read a room is always a good skill, but sometimes she ends up being a therapist, or taking on the problems of others until she has no time to deal with her own, ever-growing list of issues.

People-pleaser →
Rhian is a social butterfly. She can mould herself to most social situations and fit right in. She’s not afraid of striking up conversations, and she has a knack for making people laugh and feel good about themselves. This makes her particularly endearing and she knows that she can use this to her advantage. Although, sometimes it means she puts herself out, takes on too much and finds it hard to say no after appearing to be the world’s biggest yes-man.

‘Imposter’ →
Rhian often feels as though she’s the imposter - perhaps growing up in a Muggle world that made her feel different, and then entering a wizarding world which harboured some anti-Muggleborn mentalities has something to do with it. She cringes at the idea of being recognised for her talents, but wants nothing more. She believes she shouldn’t be seen as equal to other witches and wizards of her magical ability, but demonstrates it regularly. She is the archetypical self-doubter.

Likes. History, old-timey towns, cups of tea, baked goods, Christmas, travelling, spending time with family, Muggle music

Dislikes. Anything mathematical, apparating, boiling hot weather, being alone

Talents. Historical research, transfiguration, and she is almost fluent in Welsh

[comment]-- Slide 3 --[/comment]
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clip-path: var(--triangle-right);][/border][comment]-- Ribbon --[/comment][border=transparent;
position: absolute;
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background: var(--bg-color);
line-height: 100%;]Biography[/border][/bg]}[bg=transparent;
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box-sizing: border-box;
margin: auto;
max-width: calc(100% - (4 * var(--padding-side)));
padding: 0px;
background:  var(--bg-color);][comment]-- Shadow --[/comment][border=transparent;
width: 100%;
height: calc(var(--triangle-height) * var(--shadow-percent));
padding: 0px;
background-color: var(--accent);][/border][comment]-- Text --[/comment][border=transparent;
padding: var(--text-padding);
color: var(--text-color);
font-family: var(--text);
line-height: 100%;]
Immediate relatives. Cerys Jones (Muggle mother, 51, amateur baker), Owen Jones (Muggle father, 54, community Welsh teacher and occasional translator), Lloyd Jones (brother, 22, Gryffindor, Quidditch player), Iwan Jones (brother, 18, works part-time in an apothecary)
Important: She and her siblings are all magical - this is rare, but their ancestry can be traced back to a powerful witch whose only descendant was a squib, and magic skipped several generations.

Patronus. Pigeon

Amortentia scent. Brewed tea, fresh laundry, oaty biscuits

Companion. Tawny owl called Tylluan

Past. TBD
visibility: visible;
position: relative;
top: -25px;
width: 100%;
font-size: 0.9em;
font-family: var(--text);
text-align: center;]Artist: AI generated image[/border][/border]

code courtesy of @Ambiloquous
Last edited:
Full name. Abigail Fawley

Nickname(s). Abs

Age. 26

Date of birth. 09.12.69

Gender. Female.

Blood-type. Pure-Blood .

School/House. Hogwarts | Slytherin

Birthplace. Brodick, Scotland.

Wand. Pine, Dragon Heartstring, 9 3/4 inches.

Other. n/a

Height. 5 foot 8.

Body type. Lithe, Boyish

Eye colour. Dark Brown.

Hair colour. Short and Wild, light Brunette

Piercings. None

Tattoos. None

Health. Doesn't sleep enough

Style of dress. Abigail's clothing is designed functionality and utilitity over aesthetic or style. Large overcoats, comfrotable cotton shirts and cargo pants betray the outfit of a constant traveller, someone who rarely settle and often carries everything they need at all times.


Abigail's drive and ambition to achieve her goals makes her a great ally when it comes to completing a task, if a little obsessive. As long as the task remains something she has a personal interest in, she won't stop until the job is done. With a passion like this that doesn't fade, Abigail is great at keeping up morale when the road gets tough, but irritating when others would prefer to take their time. There's a lot to achieve, and so little time to do it in.

Tactical Thinker →
A tactical thinker, if there are obstacles in the way of what you wish to achieve, you can bet that Abs won't rest until she has some plan or other to get around it (lawful or otherwise). Unfortunatley, this line of thinking does tend to land one in trouble. Rule breaking in her opinion isn't a problem. Given the right amount of time, and the right resources, she'll come up with whatever plan she thinks will get what she wants.

Self-Centered →
As the only Slytherin in a family of hufflepuffs, Abs learned early at Hogwarts what most young wizard's opinion was of her house. And after graduation, she learnt what the rest of her (mostly) pure-blooded house thought of muggle-borns and half-bloods. Without feeling any particular draw to either arguement, Abigail walks her own path, concerned in her life purely with her own desires and interests, never thinking much about the greater good. All that she does is in service to herself in one way or another.

Likes. Cyphers and riddles, Museums and historical preserved places, solitude, mathematics, her motorcycle, cold weather

Dislikes. Restrictions, Ministry Types, Crowds, early wake-ups

Talents. Ancient Runes, D.A.D.A, Arithmancy, experienced camper and hiker


Immediate relatives. Maria Fawley(Mother, 62, Member of the Wizengamot), Frederick Fawley(Father, deceased for 6 years), Bailey Adams (Sister, 31, Department of Magical Accidents), Frederick Fawley Jr(brother, 28, Alchemist), Clara Fawley(Twin Sister, 26, Department Of Magical Accidents), Marcus Fawley(brother, 21, Department of Magical Co-operation), Samuel Fawley(brother, 16, Hufflepuff Chaser)

Important: She is the only Slytherin in her family. They claim they don't care, but she can't help but feel a little guilty about it. Throwing herself into her work helps take her mind off it (And keeps her away from home)

Patronus. Fox

Amortentia scent. Wood Smoke, Blackboard Chalk, Cinnamon

Companion. Her family have an owl named Baxter, who she doesn't see much of after the end of school.

Past. Abigail Fawley has always been unexpected. Even when she was born, she was the surprise second child her parents were unaware they were having. As a Pureblood (her parents prefer the term “Full” as slightly less offensive), she has lived in the wizard world all her life, and has little understanding of the life and habits of muggles around her. When it came time for her to study at Hogwarts alongside her sister and elder siblings, everyone was expecting Hufflepuff to add a few new Fawleys to it’s ranks.

The Sorting Hat’s decision to place Abigail in Slytherin was met with initial surprise from her family, but she was determined to forge her own path. Separated from her sister from the first time in her life, along with being the only Slytherin in their family, there's still a subtle tension about it during family gatherings. Throughout her time in Hogwarts, Abigail became fascinatied by indecipherable and ancient spells, hidden with cyphers and cryptic clues to hide their meanings.

Abigail's pursuit of these ancient secrets led her to develop a deep interest in the study of magical runes, symbols, and sigils. She even became known for her talent in creating intricate magical diagrams and was invited to participate in a special advanced runic magic course. As she completed her school studies, she fostered a belief that Arithmancy was a backbone to spellcasting, manipulating physics with magic required a strong understanding of this physics in the first place.

After graduation, she joined her sister in working for the Ministry, specifically a Junior role in the Department Of Mysteries, helping other wizards with magical theories. Her work landed her a greater roll as an unspeakable, though she recalls little of her time there aside from her own work. It was after her Father’s murder that her faith in the ministry wavered. They’d never found the culprit, but her Father’s position as an Auror left no end of suspects: rogue wizards, death-eater, copycats. The case was never solved, but the family recovered. For the most part.

The sorting hat sorts you into your house for a reason, regardless of “asking it” or not. Either for attributes readily present already or ones that are yet to come to light. Her family’s qualities all shone together: a loyalty to her father, to each other, and a caring shoulder for the grief they all shared. It was a spark Abigail couldn’t share with them, and though she didn’t intend it, her father’s passing furthered her drift from her family.

Some time afterwards, she elected to leave the Department of Mysteries (Volunteering to have all but her own research obliviated). With what savings she has accrued from her time there, she has continued to travel and investigate her own theories around runic magic and its origins within Arithmancy. Having constantly camped, hiked and scrapped with danger on more than one occasion, she regards herself a competent traveller at this point.

It was a chance reading of the Daily Profit that caught her eye in getting past a block she’d been having. She’d been struggling with the more historical aspects of her work, not to mention a lack of people skills. When the advert crossed her eyes, she sent her letter with haste, eager to finally make some progress.

Artist: Gravityne-Art

code courtesy of @Ambiloquous

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