Umm... Hello..?


Hi RPN! As is obvious, I'm Instability, and that doesn't mean that I'm instable.

It just means that I'm special ;~;

I'm 19 years old, male, and I've been RPing for my entire life, In fact, walked out of the womb pretending to be one of the doctors so I c- never mind.

Let me try that again. I've been RPing for about 6 years, now, since I like stories and movies and all that. Oh yeah, and books. I will do any type of RP, but I don't like RPs with too many people (which would probably be 10 or more) since it can be confusing and people are easily left behind. I also don't do Fandom, because the concept of how you're supposed to do it without feeling like you screwed it up is beyond me. Although I'm fine with anything else, like Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Romance (<3), anything (but Fandom).

If anyone is ok, RP with me pls?

(I must note that I have trouble with Detailed type RPs but I'm working on it and making good progress)
Welcome to RPN! *throws confetti in air* I'm Kestrel, but you can call me Kes if you want. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. Enjoy your stay!
I think you're allowed to be a bit picky w Rping, I don't see it as a bad thing! Im the same way tbh. I don't like large group rps because it's way too much and it's also because I like writing more than one paragraph... Idek ahahah

Have fun on here! If you'd ever like to RP, shoot me a message!!
[QUOTE="Noire Tukino]I think you're allowed to be a bit picky w Rping, I don't see it as a bad thing! Im the same way tbh. I don't like large group rps because it's way too much and it's also because I like writing more than one paragraph... Idek ahahah
Have fun on here! If you'd ever like to RP, shoot me a message!!

I hope just not being able to RP a Fandom RP is picky... ;w;

I can't message you, I need more replies and I have to wait until tomorrow morning, so... you message me, please?

Kestrel said:
Welcome to RPN! *throws confetti in air* I'm Kestrel, but you can call me Kes if you want. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. Enjoy your stay!
Ok Kes :D
Welcome!! I completely understand keeping group size to a minimum. People do get left behind, or you spent forever waiting on someone to post so you can, then lose the moment (at least for me). I tend to not do scenes in large groups. I play primarily modern-realistic with someone fantasy and/or supernatural elements thrown in. I loves the dramas! :)

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