Umbra City


King Dreadpool, the Wrathful
-Character Sheet- (CS)





Appearance (Images are allowed):




Inventory (Optional):

Alignment (Optional):

Powers/Abilities (Optional)

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-Character Sheet- (CS)

Name: Wade Jackson Philips

Alias: Amarth

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Appearance (Images are allowed):


Biography: Wade doesn't have too much to his past, as he has gone to great lengths to clear any knowledge of his origins from databases. All that is known about his past is that he was born in a rather wealthy family, who lived in the finer district of Umbra City. At some point in his life, he must have traveled around the world to gain his knowledge on martial arts and assassination. From that point forward, he became a master assassin, and is willing to kill anyone for a certain price.

Personality: Wade is a morally argumentative person, because of his occupation as an assassin. He is generally a sardonic, brash, uncertain individual. He isn't an unlikable person, at least not out of costume. He isn't above making wisecracks during his assignments, and even taunting his target before taking them out. He simply kills his targets for pay, he didn't care who it was, as long as he got the bounty in the end. He never questions his mission, unless of course he himself believes it was some sort of death wish. At the end of the day, he has not the slightest care for what blood spilled, as long as his account is pumped with cash. However ruthless he seems, he does possess a kinder side, shown to a select few targets that he actually shows some form of care for.

Occupation: Assassin/Mercenary

Vehicles (Optional):

  • Hover-Bike
  • Tank-Like Vehicle
  • Small Starship

Equipment (Optional):

  • Technologically Advanced Armoring
  • Computerized Phone
  • Super-Computer System
  • Energy Swords/Daggers
  • Dual Pistols, Sniper, and Magnetic Grenade Launcher
  • Ballistic Staff
  • Smoke, Concussive, and Explosion Grenades

Alignment (Optional): Chaotic Neutral

Powers/Abilities (Optional)

  • Enhanced Physiology
  • Metahuman Intelligence
  • Master Martial Artistry/Weapon Master
  • Regenerative Healing Factor

Other (Optional):
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Name: Kane

Alias: Krimson

Species: Human

Age: 29


Disregard the eyes, Kane had heterochroma iridium. One of his eyes is blood-red, and the other is angelic-blue.

Biography: Kane is.. the embodiment of evil, though he is not a divine being. He is riddled with crimes. At the age of five, he had dodged his curfew and stole $300 in U.S. currency.

When he was thirteen, he was captured and sentenced to three months behind bars.

At ninteen, he had a total of:

Fifty acts of thievery

Twenty cases of murder

Fifteen assassinations of important political figures

Three months in prison

Despite all of this, he has never committed a single crime against women, nothing. Nothing sexual or offensive. Kane holds an insanely high respect for women, he views their importance on earth greater than any man's.

If you are not a woman, expect no kindness shown to you. If Kane hates you... well, good luck living. Kane takes his grudges seriously, but it is difficult to get on his bad side, he just hates everyone in general.

Occupation: Wanderer, Thief, Assassin, Bounty Hunter



ARX 160

Dark Silver Paint: Metal Finish.

Forty-Five round Magazine

5.56 mm rounds

Red Dot- ORES Sight

Gardener of Souls etched into the side of the handle and on the shoulder stock.



Gauss Rifle

Integrated 2.0x Maginified Scope

Five Round Magazine

Fires an accelerated bullet. Moves approximately at Mach 10.

Bullet fired is a .50 Cal, NATO



Layered Titanium, much like a katana's construction.

Insanely heavy, but incredibly durable.



Multiple layers of an animal's hide. Animal is a hybrid of T-Rex DNA and Raptor DNA. Skin proven to be incredibly durable and resistant to hot and cold temperatures: between -150 degrees through 250 degrees in fahrenheit. Kane added a hood to the armor, with the same matierial.

Physical Abilities:

1. Extreme enhancement to reflexes, almost precognitive.

Specimen has proven to be able to dodge bullets, not yet tested with lasers or gauss weaponry

2. Agility is improved immensely.

Specimen is proven to be able to perform multiple advanced acrobatic moves with ease.

Intelligence has improved immensely.

Specimen can utilize brain to 90% instead of 10%. Proven to be able to perform complex maths and escape dire situations only using his mind.

Specimen proving to be very useful, will continue with further research.
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