Other Um...

I Here To RP

New Member

Hi, it's me. <strong><em>I Here To Rp.</em></strong> So, um, I'm not exactly sure how to start up a Rp here, and frankly, I'm still unsure of how to hop into one without seeming like I'm SUUPER late into it. I just...I don't know at this point. <em><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="color:#ff0000;">Any suggestions for me? </span></span></span></em><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-family:'Book Antiqua';"><span style="color:#000000;">(Not a link btw)</span></span></span></em>

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Well I'm new too. Look at interest checks and main topics, may be you can find an RP which is not late? Or you can start your own topic.

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