Um.. hi?


Hello everyone! I'm brand new to the rpnation community, and wow, its so big and confusing! Well, I don't really know how to introduce myself. I'm very awkward in real life and am still trying to work out my interests but my main interest is Youtubers but apart from them that's it really. I'm kind of boring. Sorry about that. But the reason I've joined rpnation is because I love acting and Drama in school and also writing and creating characters, so roleplay is kind of a mixture of them all, isn't it? I don't really know aha. See you around, I suppose!

Hi! Welcome to RPN! If you love drama and writing stories, then you are going to just love role playing. RPN is the best site around for creating stories, either 1x1 or in a group collective. Hope you find what you are looking for. Or, if you have a question, just ask.
Tiny Dancer] [URL=" said:
Hi! Welcome to RPN! If you love drama and writing stories, then you are going to just love role playing. RPN is the best site around for creating stories, either 1x1 or in a group collective. Hope you find what you are looking for. Or, if you have a question, just ask.
Ok, Thanks :)
Oh hey. Welcome.

I like.... youtube, also. Ha. :B

Welcome! I hope you find the experience enjoyable and find some people to roleplay with! I'm available to rp myself if you'd like anyone to join you in one haha.

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