Uhm.. Hi..!


New Member
Uhm.. Uh.. H-hi.

So, uh, I just joined because my sister, Elenayru, told me to..

Anywho, now, to introduce myself. I am Angel, a twelve year old with her skills majoring in drawing, singing, and writing. I am also a novice swimmer. I am self-taught in all skills. I am shy, and in the six grade (gonna be in seventh next year, though! >-<) I consider myself a (female) brony, and also a furry.

Okay, now about RPing. I am interested mainly in Digimon, Doctor Who, Pokemon, elementalist, Warriors, and furry RPs. I also like romance, mainly playing the role as the strong male, or strong, stubborn female. Every now and then I will do a My Little Pony: FiM RP, and maybe a kind of (not HP) wizard/sorcerers RP. I will not do the following: Hetalia, smut, OOC RPs, Highschool RPs, Sonic.

Fun facts:

- Though I am only 12 years old, I am frequently told that my mental age is 20 or 18.

- I love to voice act, and aspire to work on cartoons as either and animator or a voice actor.

- I draw ponies WAAAY too much.

- I have a fursona, a northern rive otter, that is named Victoria. Hence the pun, OtterlyVictorious

- I also have Deviantart, Pinterest, Pokefarm, and Bamafurs accounts.

- I have been drawing since 2 or 3, writing since 7, and singing since I can remember.

- I was almost born with spina bifida.

- There is one character that I generally use for human-like RPs.

Feel free to ask me questions and talk to me! If I ever seem rude, it's probably because your illiteracy annoys me. xD

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