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Fantasy Tyranny of King Valerian - A Fantasy GroupRP (Always Open, Needs people!)

Name: Tarken the blood champion

Alignment: chaotic evil

Gender: Male

*Age: "can't recall"

*Species: Vengeful spirit(resurrected)



Blackguard (A combination of a Anti-palidan and a fighter class)

Weapons: Enchanted blood sword that powers itself with the blood of its victims. Apparently animals, and of course elemental creatures like nymphs won't suffice. Also has a gauntlet that can poison anything it touches or punch through thick stone walls and such.

Items: A amulet containing a small mysterious pink crystal that reminds him of his old life. Bag full of cursed objects. A glass jar full of acid.

Spells & Powers: Tarken has thus far traveled far and wide and even somehow escaping the depths of hell by being reincarnated/born as a servant of Kyntonon, God of blood and revenge. With that he is able to control blood magic and use dark magics from being as a anti-paladin and cursing folks and having the usual suffering for being a chaotic gods champion.

Who does the Character help?(King Valerian or the Group of Adventurers?): Adventurers

Personality: Bloody thirsty, cunning, crazy, and most of Chaotic to the core. This man doesnt care if he has to burn down an entire city, or ransack a province to get his revenge. He simple has one goal in mind and that is to end the royal bloodline of King Valerian. He is willing to take any ally or foe who wishes for the downfall of Valerian, anyone that sides with the king shall have his head collected. However for a man who has been corrupted for many years and kills anyone in his path wether innocent or not, there is a rare occasion of his old self that arises out from certain objects, locations, even people.

Backstory: Several generations ago, Tarken was raised as a blacksmith who had the most talented hands and a bright mind. He was raised by two parents that gave him love that every child was given. Grown up to be a man, he decided that being a craftsman wasn't really to his liking. But for a while he stuck with it until one day at his shop, he met a beautiful woman who by chance was a paladin. Events would lead to tark and this woman named "Elian" would later fall in love. He even after many years of training and supervision by many other Palidans of the holy order. He had also became a Palidan, he became quite the religious man and slew many creatures and evil beings. However he would face the loss of his beloved during a mission to protect the king of the realm from a possible assassination. Which that King relates to the current one today. Only this man was quite the intriguing man who knew how to silence those who need to stay quite. When Elian had found several evidences that the king had been committing such scandals and crimes to the people. She attempted to get word back to her superiors. But she was mysteriously killed by a deadly poison, and during her attack the king was saved thanks to Tarken who slated the assassins. When Tarken went to find his beloved, he found only death and a question to god, "How could you?" After the incident m, tark became to change over the months rapidly. Even getting kicked out of the holy order for breaking several sacred rules repeatedly. He did not care and decided to take things into his own hands. When he found out the truth he immedietly rode towards the capital and attempted to murder the king with no plan whatsoever. His anger and wrath overthrew any of his senses of common am sense and such. He murdered hundreds of guardsman and even servants and guest that got in his way. By the time he reached the king. He was outnumbered and outranked by hired adventurers and soldiers. He died several feet away fron the king and cursing his entire bloodline, swearing that he would return and bring chaos and blood to everything he had. His soul was of course transferred to the voids little realm where he suffers and such for eternity. That was until an evil God had later on after about a few hundred years lost his most favorite champion in the mortal realm who unfortunently had his soul completely destroyed. So he decided to fish out another poor soul in the void and had taken Tarken as his choosing. Promising him of revenge and the extermination of the kings bloodline. However there was a catch to the deal in which it involved killing, spreading chaos, and the usual Devils contract. Thus came upon a reincarnated and stronger Tarken. Who later on would make a reputation in silence "Tarken the blood champion"

*Quote: "Only blood of the King and relatives shall secure my Vengeance and faith to thy God"

*Friends: "my gauntlet"

*Extras: Hates the Kings ancestors and anyone related to the bloodline. Death to them. Also has some followers that follow the same god.
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Edgar Niflheim


Chaotic Neutral








(It is said that once a mage transforms their powers to the extent of the maximum to gain an unknown type of power, they become Liches. Liches were once mages who have used their magic above the limit to the point that they immediately die and are then reborn as Liches, their powers often focus on Black Magic as well as resurrection or reanimation of the dead.)


(Human Form)


(Lich Form)



Black Mage


Skeleton Staff:

Edgar uses this as a weapon to either curse people or summon the dead, though his powers can work without the staff, the staff itself is more useful and important, as it is able to control his powers and focus on his targets more often, rather than letting them randomly summoning the undead.


(His staff stands still, though its full extent of it's power is yet to be released.)


- 8 Healing Potions


(It always comes in handy when your about to fall, though only some of your health is replenished.)

- 8 Mana Potions


(It will be useful to show great power to your foes, just make sure to use them wisely.)

- 4 Revive Potions


(This is probably the most useful, with this you can pick who will rise again and join you in battle, the smile engraved in the bottle looks devious though.)

- Ceremonial Staff


(This may not be a weapon, but it will help send the spirits to the afterlife.)

Spells and Powers:

Lich Physiology


Koschei the Deathless (Russian Mythology) has the physiology of a lich.




[*]Semi-Immortality or Immortality

Who does the Character help?

The Adventurers


He is kind and loyal to both humans and non-humans, as time to time he travels in his mysterious caravan to different places t live. It is said that he wants to assure that he and his friends are safe and that if anyone were to die in the eyes of his enemies, he will reanimate the dead and bring justice.


It is said that Edgar once lived in a peaceful forest at the outskirts of King Valerian's kingdom where he was trained to be a mage at the age of 10, he has also lived with non-humans who made peace with the humans and all was great. One day when he went deep in the forest, he met with a beautiful papillion whose wings were as crimson as blood and eyes were as crystal as the ocean and her name was Allysina, they both played with each other, as well as show off their magic skills in public.

7 years has passed and both Edgar and Allysina were now 17, as Edgar's magic skills have greatly improved and Allysina's wings have evolved into larger ones. One day the king's forces who have searched the village for years (Because the village is entrapped in a magic circle, that currently creates a mystical fog that traps enemies.), was now invaded and founded by the forces, as they murdered and slaughtered everyone in the village. Edgar along with Allysina have decided to escape together deep into the forest in a different place, but all didn't end well when Allysina died along with everyone else, so he decided to escape on his own deep in the forest.

Eventually he found an abandoned temple on which was his temporary home, as he kept on practicing magic for the sake of justice and revenge. One day, a lady with dark angel wings and funeral attire approached him from the sky and told him "Your time has passed", as Edgar ignored her and walked outside only to collapse and die from using the extent of his powers.

He then wakes up in a ferry boat, where he was greeted by the dark angel he saw when he was still alive, he then asked "Where are you taking me?", as the angel replied "Merciless souls such as yours shall be taken to the underworld, but as you grew hatred and misery and trained hard for the sake of justice.... Your soul shall be sent on to "The Bridge of Power", as Edgar asked "What is "The Bridge of Power?", as the angel replied smiling "It is where the souls of those who have trained hard to make their dreams come true belong, as those with strong hearts and bravery are sent here, people with unfinished business and deep revenge have also taken this path and since you are a mage, you shall be forever reborn as a lich", as Edgar asked "What is a lich?",as the angel gasped "A lich is the soul of a mage, reborn in anger, justice, bravery and a strong heart, they may unlock a great power that even the normal mages cannot master and liches are really rare, as well.", as the boat finally arrives at the shore, Edgar then makes it pass through the bridge and enters the living world, reborn as a lich.


"Those who shall play the instruments of pain, shall be rewarded with a gift that they will regret"


Characters in Edgar's Backstory:

(10 Year Old Edgar)


(17 Year Old Edgar)



Name: Gargan the Troll

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Gender: Male

*Age: A few Hundred years old

*Species: Troll


Weapons: Sharp, strong teeth and claws.

Items: A horde of gold and booze that he stockpiled.

Spells & Powers: Regeneration and immune to most poisons.

Who does the Character help?
(King Valerian or the Group of Adventurers?): King Valerian. Gargan and a bunch of other Trolls were convinced by the king to work for him.

Personality: Dumb, easily confused, will become enraged if he think he was insulted, spends most of his day sitting under a bridge collecting tolls from people who want to go through and getting drunk from all the booze he buys with his tolls.

Backstory: In progress

*Quote: " This Trolly Bridge! You no pass Trolly Bridge unless you pay Toll. If you got no pay, than Trolls get to eat you!"

*Friends: Fellow Trolls

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Hey dude. I was just wondering, can I make a good ancient god which is like your younger sibling? Since I think there's a bunch of tough baddies and a freaking massive god rampaging the land, the adventurers ain't got no shit against your character.

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Name: Anna

Alignment: Lawfully Good

Gender: Female

*Age: 13, looks about five or six

*Species: Guardian Spirit

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/thumb-350-47635.jpg.ff5c1a6e60471f6a7691540a51375467.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118654" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/thumb-350-47635.jpg.ff5c1a6e60471f6a7691540a51375467.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Class: Angel

Weapons: her powers

Items: A necklace with a golden sheild on it

Spells & Powers: Healing, the control of water, she can fly

Who does the Character help? She helps whoever has a good reason to use the magical lake

Personality: She's childish, powerful, and very protective of her home.

Backstory: She was created 13 years ago from a child's spirit who died in a very nasty way. She was asked to protect the White lake and it's riches, and that's what she's been doing since her creation.

*Quote: "The only way you can use this water, is of you are putting your life on the line for others."

*Friends: A small fox spirit.





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Name: Ferron

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Gender: Male

*Age: Twenty Two




Weapons:Bastard Sword, Crest Shield, Dirk.

Items:His armor, throwing knives.

Spells & Powers:No spells, or notable powers.

Who does the Character help?(King Valerian or the Group of Adventurers?):King Valerian

Personality: Ferron's personality isn't very notable, as almost nobody knows the man behind the helm. He is ruthless on the battlefield, only taking prisoners when he is directly ordered to. In private quarters, he isn't much for conversation. He can always be found pacing about, murmuring to himself, or training for his next battle.

Backstory:Ferron was not always a knight who had bloodthirsty intentions. In fact, he was born into a peasant family in one of the land's many small villages. He grew up on a farm with his mother, father, and multiple siblings. It seemed as though Ferron was destined to be a man of the soil, just like his father. Either that, or he would be apprenticed to a smith, or some other simple laborer that was common in his village. Then, everything changed when a group of raiders pillaged his village. Ferron's family was all murdered, except for his older brother, who was captured by the raiders and taken away. The rest of the village was slaughtered, and Ferron only survived by hiding in a shallow well, praying to the Gods that they would spare him as he listened to everyone dying only meters away. When he emerged and saw the decimation, Ferron swore revenge. He took his father's axe, and he set out after the raiders who had killed his family. He did this when he was only fourteen years of age, barely more than a child.

While tracking the raiders, he ran into a group of Hedge Knights, who offered their services to the young man in exchange for the land which he now possessed in his forgotten village.

No longer worried about what remained of his family's home, Ferron agreed to let the men have the land and the home. In addition for their assistance, he requested one of their swords. The blade was called Cross, and is the blade Ferron still carries to this day. When he and the band of knights found the group of Raiders who had kidnapped his brother, Ferron and the men made short work of the group, as they had been reduced in number since pillaging Ferron's village. It was here that Ferron got his first taste of blood, and he knew that he would be taken by it for the rest of his life.

After freeing his brother, Ferron set off on his own path. He joined the King's Army, and rose through the ranks until he was knighted by King Valerian, about three years ago. Now, he rides about the land enforcing the King's law, and bringing about his own special breed of mayhem.

*Friends:He is decent friends with one of the knights who serves as the King's Executioner, but other than that he doesn't really call anyone else his friends. He may serve with his brothers in arms, but he regards them as allies and nothing more.
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Name: Alreos

Alignment: Lawful Good

Gender: Male

*Age: As old as time itself.

*Species: Ancient God.


Class: Battle Mage.

Weapons: Runic Sword, with incredible enchanted power.

Items: None.

Spells & Powers: Expert, mastered White magic to the extreme.

Who does the Character help?(King Valerian or the Group of Adventurers?): Both right now.

Personality: Bright, good, cheerful, serious. He will do anything to stop his brother.

Backstory: The First Ancient God, except for the Elder God, whom is his Father.

*Quote: "Now, Brother. Repent... for tomorrow you die."

*Friends: The Elder God, many Ancient Gods.

Birdsie said:
@MrPotato @Delacare
I really wanted to see Seth and Xer'Lai in the sequels ;-;
seriously? poor Xer'Lai been through enough. Also I just got distracted right as they started to RPs and fell out of touch. Before you even ask, I probably could join in again, but I despise jumping into an RP when I cant read through it first. Sry but 500+ pages of Rping is too much even for a book addict like me.
Delacare said:
seriously? poor Xer'Lai been through enough. Also I just got distracted right as they started to RPs and fell out of touch. Before you even ask, I probably could join in again, but I despise jumping into an RP when I cant read through it first. Sry but 500+ pages of Rping is too much even for a book addict like me.
We're starting a new RP pretty soon, it will have a fresh story. By the way, 6 years passed so Xer'Lai should be about 16 now, and in the sequel he might even be 20-something.

I'd love to see people's reaction to seeing him as a grown-up.
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Birdsie said:
We're starting a new RP pretty soon, it will have a fresh story. By the way, 6 years passed so Xer'Lai should be about 16 now, and in the sequel he might even be 20-something.
I'd love to see people's reaction to seeing him as a grown-up.
Oh cool. Just shoot me a notif when its up and I'll make Xer's new CS.

Ty Birdsie.

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