Types of role plays and things role players do that annoy you

That moment when you've made your 30th OC for a role-play, and start mixing up backstories.
I'm usually open to any verse of role-play. The only ones I'm not interested in participating in, are ones that are oriented around daily activities, or slice of life. I have nothing negative to say about these, I'm just searching for an experience that takes me out of life's spectrum all together when I RP.

As for things role-players do. Godmodding, and auto-hitting during contests are a big one. Generally one that everyone has an issue with, too.

When role-players assume the important role of a canon character in a fandom, and either abuse said characters power, or don't portray said character with a shade of accuracy. I think if you're going to contribute to a fandom, then you need to do at least a little research on your character if it's canon. Of course, this can be dependent on your communities standards.

An elitist attitude. Like any game, RP also has its elitists. This kind of attitude sours the experience for new players, and to the most extreme extent, can cause unnecessary drama in a world some have chosen to immerse themselves in as a getaway from everyday life.

As Flintlock above stated, post-length. It's something to be mindful of. When role-players respond to a full wall of text with a one-liner, or vice-versa. It's good to know what's generally considered acceptable, in the game you're playing.
Senshin said:
I'm usually open to any verse of role-play. The only ones I'm not interested in participating in, are ones that are oriented around daily activities, or slice of life. I have nothing negative to say about these, I'm just searching for an experience that takes me out of life's spectrum all together when I RP.
As for things role-players do. Godmodding, and auto-hitting during contests are a big one. Generally one that everyone has an issue with, too.

When role-players assume the important role of a canon character in a fandom, and either abuse said characters power, or don't portray said character with a shade of accuracy. I think if you're going to contribute to a fandom, then you need to do at least a little research on your character if it's canon. Of course, this can be dependent on your communities standards.

An elitist attitude. Like any game, RP also has its elitists. This kind of attitude sours the experience for new players, and to the most extreme extent, can cause unnecessary drama in a world some have chosen to immerse themselves in as a getaway from everyday life.

As Flintlock above stated, post-length. It's something to be mindful of. When role-players respond to a full wall of text with a one-liner, or vice-versa. It's good to know what's generally considered acceptable, in the game you're playing.
I agree with all of this. I don't mind slice of life, but 9 times out of 10 I'm looking for some sort of adventure. My life is already too normal and "same", so it's nice to do something different for a change.

I hate all of the above. Especially godmodding. Especially wen they write something that they should allow you to respond to, but they don't and just assume what your character was going to do/say in reaction. It bugs me because sometimes I'll read something and already think about how I want a character to respond when all of a sudden they'll just assume a reaction that's completely different. If my character would scream at something, but my rp partner just assumes the character would brush it off- that's just not groovy in my book.
SpartFakles said:
I agree with all of this. I don't mind slice of life, but 9 times out of 10 I'm looking for some sort of adventure. My life is already too normal and "same", so it's nice to do something different for a change.
I hate all of the above. Especially godmodding. Especially wen they write something that they should allow you to respond to, but they don't and just assume what your character was going to do/say in reaction. It bugs me because sometimes I'll read something and already think about how I want a character to respond when all of a sudden they'll just assume a reaction that's completely different. If my character would scream at something, but my rp partner just assumes the character would brush it off- that's just not groovy in my book.
I agree. Assuming control of another's character in any form (outside of some form of an in-character ability, though even this should be exercised carefully) is a huge role-play sin. This type of player generally centers the entire RP around themselves, and attempts to dictate player responses accordingly to their desired outcome. This was an excellent point to make.
Senshin said:
I agree. Assuming control of another's character in any form (outside of some form of an in-character ability, though even this should be exercised carefully) is a huge role-play sin. This type of player generally centers the entire RP around themselves, and attempts to dictate player responses accordingly to their desired outcome. This was an excellent point to make.
Exactly. Thank you for wording that better. I know sometimes it's hard to write long paragraphs in detailed rps sometimes, but it's no excuse to control someone's character so they can continue. You can take more time to paint a full picture of what's going on before reaching the point were the other character needs to react in some way.

That and Mary/Gary Sue/Stu characters are my biggest pet peeves.
SpartFakles said:
Exactly. Thank you for wording that better. I know sometimes it's hard to write long paragraphs in detailed rps sometimes, but it's no excuse to control someone's character so they can continue. You can take more time to paint a full picture of what's going on before reaching the point were the other character needs to react in some way.
That and Mary/Gary Sue/Stu characters are my biggest pet peeves.
I dislike that too. I never understood the drive to play as the perfect character. It limits character growth, and makes character engagement less interesting. If someone wants their character to be received, and respected as a strong individual, that can happen without the character being absolutely flawless. In fact when those flaws are revealed, it can deepen character interest and drive a story in unique ways.
What you said in the last paragraph is called god modding and hell I totally hate that too! Same w the disorder thing! (Speaking as someone with mental disorders too)

I really hate when people who have characters with sad BG stories just for attention. I totally don't mind characters having sad BG stories at all. Like if the character 'x' tells my character 'y' "I was abused when I was a kid, my parents were alcoholics, etc." y's definately gonna like comfort them and stuff but I don't get people who's characters start telling other characters their whole background story if it's irrelevant to what was going on and/or they don't have a bond/friendship with my character. If they say it out of the blue I just think "… why? Was there any sort of reason why they said that to my character two seconds after they met???"

That and forced romance. Ugh.
roguepanic said:
That and forced romance. Ugh.
I completely agree with your entire above post, but this last bit struck a sweet chord with me as this is my number one pet peeve...

Honestly, there is nothing worst (for me anyway) than being in an rp where two complete strangers 'fall in love' after five minutes of real time dialogue or silent scenes built around X: blushing wildly while giggling and bashfully looking away thinking "Did he see? oh gosh! I hope not". While Y spends his time: blushing just as much and staring longingly into X's eyes, as he starts to edge towards the angel of his dreams.

Realistically, no. X would call someone for help at this point. There's a dude, a perfect stranger, edging towards her not saying a single word, just being icy silent...whilst, might I add, unblinkingly staring at her. Like wise the other way round!

come on...


Sure you can have a crush, but love takes time to develop. Its not something you bang out in 10 minutes then spend the rest of the rp regurgitating the same dialogue over and over again >.<

With that being said, please don't think I do not enjoy romance in roleplays. I do, in fact I love it when my character finds someone she wants to annoy for extended periods of time, same goes for other people's characters. But it doesn't happen in every rp or should it be a necessity for people. Some times characters are lucky and sometimes they were doomed to be forever alone in the fictional world because there's no matching/contrasting character to catch their eye.

I say this all with a smile. It annoys me but I also know that others get swept up in it so fair play. This is just something I actively avoid for myself and inwardly cringe when having to read 3 back to back pages worth of 1 on 1 awkward 'will they won't they' rushed posts. Remember I have tried to inject humour into my rant so take what I am saying with a pinch of salt. Not trying to be mean :)
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When people post WIPs and then never come back to finish. That's just rude. It also clutters up the character thread. Please stop doing it.
I think one of my biggest pet peeves is when characters act super cold and distant to the point where it's a chore to drag them into conversations and engage with them. I understand that there are loners, but it's really frustrating having to deal with the whole "no one loves me! ): *runs away crying*" when your character is for the thousandth time asking if they want to collaborate/talk/whatever else.

*speaking more from the experiences I've had on a different website*

I saw people complaining about conflicting personalities in list form, and I find that I personally enjoy using both list and paragraph form to describe a character's personality. If a character sheet just requires me to make a list, fine. But if they ask for paragraph form I find it easier to make both a list and paragraph form, so that way in the paragraph I can give context and then the list can be if I forget what kind of personality they have since sometimes I personally get characters mixed up sometimes. So just in that note I find it's rather nice to have. Plus if I see two conflicting traits I can snuff them out and stuff.
[QUOTE="Tiny Turtle]I think one of my biggest pet peeves is when characters act super cold and distant to the point where it's a chore to drag them into conversations and engage with them. I understand that there are loners, but it's really frustrating having to deal with the whole "no one loves me! ): *runs away crying*" when your character is for the thousandth time asking if they want to collaborate/talk/whatever else.
*speaking more from the experiences I've had on a different website*

It does get me riled up, if someone demands all the focus, all the time. May it be with a cold, distant, hurt, mentally handicapped or physically handicapped character. *runs away crying*
I hate the cliched cutesy smiling type that's secretly a turbo edgelord mass murderer especially in games where the party comp is much less edgy or whatever you call it, there's always that one guy who has to go XTREEEM
From my previous experiences, which was a very sporadic wolf community, nothing gets me more upset than a lack of creativity. The problem with the community was: a lot of people were desperate not for roleplays, but for attention. There was a larger considerable focus on editing photos and talking with a false sense of adulthood. Newcomers were somewhat pressured into the confines of the community: adapt or be seen as a lesser roleplayer. Everything had to be a certain way, which is the stupidest idea I have ever seen. It ruined creativity.

Maybe one-liners a bit, but then again, we all see creativity in different ways. Simplicity can be striking, and we all start from somewhere. I like to see very brief roleplay lines as a development of a skill.

On the subject of repetition: wolfspeak. Just, don't overdo it. We get it, you are a wolf, you don't need to say "ebony fae" a kabillion times. There was so much focus on using larger diction in my old community, that the creativity vanished altogether. All characters seemed to say the same thing. Pathetic, simply.

I like to think of it as an author that spends his or her whole time making a beautiful color, that he or she forgets to write meaningful plots in the book.
Stormlight said:
It does get me riled up, if someone demands all the focus, all the time. May it be with a cold, distant, hurt, mentally handicapped or physically handicapped character. *runs away crying*
Yeah. I find especially as a creator it drags the roleplay down because in the end even if their character isn't 'demanding' all the focus on them the focus automatically goes to them because everyone wants their character to stop being all complain-y. I actually hosted a roleplay on a different site that died a super premature death because one character was being super whiny to the point where I had to talk privately with the user controlling the character about it after having repeatedly been told by other roleplayers it was annoying. When I tried to tell them nicely they freaked out and continued to do their thing and then everyone ended up leaving. *the site I used had tricky rules for kicking people out so I couldn't do it unfortunately since they weren't 'technically' violating any rules* I still cringe at the thought of it.
CinnamonShards said:
Has anyone said "When your partner(s) leave you to do all of the world building/plot progression" yet?
No, but I believe that is one I hate too. A while back I used to play a game which I roleplayed in, and there was a roleplay I was in. It was a group roleplay, (4 people including me, of which 2 of them were my friends and the other was someone who wanted to roleplay with us), and the person who asked to roleplay with us kept just posting random stuff in their posts, and basically leaving the plot progression to us. It was really annoying, but luckily the person left a bit afterwards and we were left to our own resources and had a pretty decent roleplay.

As for what type of people I hate in roleplays, there's one more. When people get out of character. I know, pretty childish reason, but it's annoying when the person roleplaying their character actually just doesn't follow the personality of their roleplay character.

AKA you have a character that is cheerful and happy all the time, but suddenly they're sad and distant for 2 days or something, and for no reason at all. It just makes me go like "What are you actually doing?".

As for roleplays, the ones I hate most are those that are actually left to rot without being informed. Like the owner just simply doesn't care. One day the roleplay is going on perfectly, and the other it just dies. I don't know why they would do that, maybe they have a reason, but at least they could state it in a post.
Nepence said:
No, but I believe that is one I hate too. A while back I used to play a game which I roleplayed in, and there was a roleplay I was in. It was a group roleplay, (4 people including me, of which 2 of them were my friends and the other was someone who wanted to roleplay with us), and the person who asked to roleplay with us kept just posting random stuff in their posts, and basically leaving the plot progression to us. It was really annoying, but luckily the person left a bit afterwards and we were left to our own resources and had a pretty decent roleplay.
As for what type of people I hate in roleplays, there's one more. When people get out of character. I know, pretty childish reason, but it's annoying when the person roleplaying their character actually just doesn't follow the personality of their roleplay character.

AKA you have a character that is cheerful and happy all the time, but suddenly they're sad and distant for 2 days or something, and for no reason at all. It just makes me go like "What are you actually doing?".

As for roleplays, the ones I hate most are those that are actually left to rot without being informed. Like the owner just simply doesn't care. One day the roleplay is going on perfectly, and the other it just dies. I don't know why they would do that, maybe they have a reason, but at least they could state it in a post.
I completely agree with the last one. Even worse is when the owner creates the rp, only posts once or twice, and then disappears. I mean, you're the owner; don't you want the rp to flourish? Even worse is when the owner doesn't post at all in the IC thread. I'm not kidding, I've actually participated in an rp where that happened.
Scylla said:
Once again, age ranges with no justifications. However, it's fine in say, a school RP or a darker and edgier RP.
like do you mean when people make it so like 16 year olds are somehow uber professional ( mages/superheroes/defenders of humanity) ?
Scylla said:
Once again, age ranges with no justifications. However, it's fine in say, a school RP or a darker and edgier RP.
readingraebow said:
like do you mean when people make it so like 16 year olds are somehow uber professional ( mages/superheroes/defenders of humanity) ?
Gotta love those 7 year-old professional sharpshooters!
I once was in an RPG where most of the other characters were in their teens or younger. I had the only two characters over 20. The situation was a survival thing in the wild, and both characters were experienced, since they were national park rangers, but since this was the case, the guy sort of started coming out as the leader of the group and almost had an emotional break down several times because as I once expressed to the group, he basically viewed himself as this huge group's babysitter and if something happened to one of them, he'd feel responsible.

It didn't help that a few of the kids, being teens, were pretty belligerent and didn't want to give him the time of day.
Sleipnir said:
I once was in an RPG where most of the other characters were in their teens or younger. I had the only two characters over 20. The situation was a survival thing in the wild, and both characters were experienced, since they were national park rangers, but since this was the case, the guy sort of started coming out as the leader of the group and almost had an emotional break down several times because as I once expressed to the group, he basically viewed himself as this huge group's babysitter and if something happened to one of them, he'd feel responsible.
It didn't help that a few of the kids, being teens, were pretty belligerent and didn't want to give him the time of day.
See that makes since though that the adults would take the lead and the kids would give push back. That's in the nature of teenagers. I was talking about where you have this fourteen year old that have either godlike intelligence and is practically a ninja/doctor/lawyer/scientist all without completing high school. Or they have completed high school at like age six and are full professionals in their areas of expertise by the time the roleplay starts.

And somehow I'm supposed to treat this as normal. So it's not that your character is a 1 in a million genius that would have no social skills and probably be frankly a drag to spend time with but your supposed to be treated as a perfectly normal person.

Like no. Maybe it's my age showing but the idea of teenagers being that put together is laughable to me.
Yeah, I wasn't surprised that some of them were going to be resentful, but they were also fitting to the topic at hand -- like, they were very strong and had crazy weaponry and everything

Everyone acted like it was fine and good

Except That One Guy, because he still just saw tiny baby children
Yeah, one thing I hate the most is "yes-man" kind of partner. Hell, I have said this many times that I'm into heavy world-building and if my partner just go all "yes", "i'm fine with anything", etc. It makes me even more confused! Boring characters sometimes annoy me too, like when all of his/her characters basically act the same only with different looks and gender(s). Extreme godmodding and metagaming, nuff said. Unrealistic characters too I guess? Even if it's in fantasy setting, please be realistic.

I guess overly demanding and fast response partner too? 15-30 minutes IM RP is good enough but I have this one partner before who wants me to respond in like 5 minutes? He'll nudge me with useless chat if I don't reply in 5 minutes and that's just ugh definitely killing my muse. Also, a partner who doesn't want to listen when taught to be better, act high and mighty, thinking he/she was the best. That's just noooo
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