Two Clans



.:CHARACTER FORM:. (Fill Out Before Roleplaying)


Position: (Good clan member, Evil, Elder, Other?)





Special Info:
(ex; special ninjutsu techniques, etc)

Bio: (Somewhat relates to your current position)


THERE IS NO NEED TO WAIT FOR APPROVAL ON YOUR CHARACTER (If you've posted in the recruitment thread/contacted me in any way, you're good to go). You can start roleplaying at any time. Also, remember you are not restricted to ONLY staying in your village. (Hint hint) You're a ninja, after all. Create some chaos ;)

- Feel free to discuss any character relations you would like to see happen (romantic interest, personal history with another character...etc) or any other plot related things in the OOC chat or through pm

- Refer to the 'Overview' tab to get a full listing of each member
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Name: Kuriha (Kuri for short)

Position: Good Clan Member

Gender: F

Age: 20

Weapon(s): Kunais, kakute rings, katanas

Personality: Her outer disposition comes out cold and uncaring; but she's actually a very kind hearted person. The mask she wears protects the people around her; therefore hardly lets herself be seen as vulnerable. She values life, though will not hesitate to protect herself and kill an enemy if she has to. Being stubborn toward death, her fighting spirit never seems to dwindle even when all else fails. Somewhat of an idealist.

Special Info:

*Proficient in clone techniques.

*Impeccable aim and eyesight, especially in the darkness.

*She has a sort of "power" that lets her read people and see any ill will emitting from them. It fluctuates though, depending on her state of mind.

*When her blood has been excessively spilled, she can get very violent and lose her way. Both a strength and weakness.

*There is a scar along her forehead, covered by her bangs. It's origin remains unknown even to her.

Bio: Kuriha grew up looking up to the Elder's wisdom and caring for him just like a father. A mysterious incident left Kuriha abandoned one stormy night; thus leaving her at the nearest village. Alone. Confused. Cold. Nightmares plagued her subconscious mind often, she'd dream of the parents she never knew. Dead or alive, Kuriha did not know. Her memory failed her; it was as if it was swiped from underneath her. Come to find out, her parents were deathly frightened of her.

By nature, Kuriha had done various violent acts against animals and other children she played with. The parents believed it was a learned trait she'd picked up somewhere- not inherited. A notorious serial killer who was rumored to live within their own village seemed to be the prime suspect. Kuriha often wandered dangerous and suspicious areas with him, one being a faraway cave travelers used to take refuge in. A series of unfortunate events and a fall nearly caused her to crack her skull open. Thus the memory loss. Hours later, Kuriha was found by her parents and other villagers. It was then when the parents decided to abandon her, leaving her in the hands of the Elder. To this day, the Elder harbors a written letter by the parents, insisting if Kuriha were to ever look for them, that she should cease her pursuit and forget her old life. Forget she ever had parents and forget her violent childhood. The Elder knew he had to keep a close eye on the young kunoichi, and keep her from straying off the good path.



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Name: Aoi Keito

Position: Evil Clan Member

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Weapon(s): Double spear, hidden knives

Personality: Cold and a bit distant from other people but are open to ones he trusts and are loyal to him. He's known to put up a facade of surrounding masks to hide his true feelings.

Special Info:

-Good with hiding and trying to be invisible with the surroundings

-Is a smooth talker and can persuade anyone just by using his tongue

Bio: Grew up with no parents to care for him. Was severely abused and bullied at a young age when growing up on the streets. His anger and resentment for people grew and he eventually came to hate everything around him. Everything but his elder sister. She was his only family and the only person he wishes to protect. However, she was held captive somewhere when a group of thieves kidnapped her late one night. Years passed and he hasn't seen a sign of his beloved sister. He now shows no mercy for those he despises. Eventually, Aoi found home in the evil clan where he was raised to kill. It was the only place he felt safe in except for he woods.


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Name: Aeri Kimura

Position: Good clan member

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Weapon(s): Two long twin blades

Personality: Aeri is a kind ninja. She is helpful and she loves children. She is a nature lover and you could usually see her admiring it. She's also very protective of her friends and she will protect them even if it will bring her to harm. This was a trait she acquired when she failed to protect her best friend before and that memory still haunts her mind. She is very loyal to the clan though she's not originally a part of it.

Special Info:

  • Can use the shadow step efficiently, making her one of the fastest in the clan
  • Has been assigned to missions involving deception, leaving her with knowledge on deceiving others
  • She works best in a forest terrain.

Bio: Aeri's surname almost tells where she's from. "Ki" meaning tree, and "Mura" meaning village. Her village is found in the middle of a forest and when you're not observant enough, you wouldn't find it. The village has been built on the trees. There isn't much knowledge about the village as they don't usually let outsiders up their village but they were famous for training female ninjas. She was one of the residents there who had trained. Once she was well-versed with their ways, their leader gave her a mission. She was to be the bodyguard of someone from a certain clan. She had agreed, even without knowing much about the mission. The person she was assigned to protect was also a female of her age, named Lira. They had become best of friends in the months they had been together but on one of their journeys, she was killed by an ambush from the rival clan, no matter how hard Aeri tried to protect her. Not having the heart to return to her village, she wandered around. Someone from the same clan as her friend invited her into the clan, saying that her Lira had left a will, giving Aeri her position in the clan. Though it was not really a high position, she was somewhat happy anyway. She promised herself that she will rid the world of that evil clan.





Just a little extra :P

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Name: Rierre Kosaki

Position: Evil Clan Eember

Gender: Male

Age: 30

Weapon(s): A katana, kodachi, tanto, and different projectiles such as shurikens, smoke bombs, etc.

Personality: Serious and tactical, Rierre rarely jokes on different matters. However, he does have fun when fighting against challenging opponents, counting them as obstacles he must overcome. He values loyalty and trust. He does not tolerate any form of betrayal, be it a simple lie or not - he punishes them greatly.

Special Info: Advanced knowledge on different ninjutsus, and has high political power

Bio: In the old days, all was equal - no discrimination, no unfair treatments. Everyone could rise into power with the proper use of socialization and combat skills. Within that time, Rierre was nothing but a mere pawn, a warrior sent to do whatever task the higher-ups would order him. And during that time, was when Rierre became the elder. Most of his tasks were great successes, showing his discipline and strength. The higher-ups found this potential of his, and wanted to see it for themselves. Training sessions here and there, dangerous solo missions, everything difficult was given to him and in the end, he became one of the best. Few years in the clan and he saw flaws, fixed it and rose into power - until he became the very elder that he is now. Signs of his successes and glories are still known by many men. There was a saying about him that goes, "His enemies fear him and his comrades respect him."



well, i tried
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Name: K

Position: Evil Clan Member

Gender: Male

Age: Twenty Four

Weapon(s): Single Katana and Bow

Personality: Stoic when life and death are on the line but quite the clown when not working or in a fight.

Special Info:

  • Eagle Eye: Meaning that he is capable of taking targets out at extreme distances, which is ideal when wanting to kill someone that can not be reached with a knife in the back.
  • Devils Blade: A technique that can only be achieved through determination and an excessive amount of physical and mental exertion, he is without equal when handling his katana, with the exception of the master.

Bio: K (which is what they call him) was abandoned when he was just a babe, no more than two years of age. He was taken in by the Evil clan of ninjas when one member had found him, that member being dead now though. Because he had no name or biological family to speak of he worked harder than most to strive to be the best he could be. There are whispers throughout the land of a man that can hit any target at any distance, and they have dubbed him The Silencer, due to the fact that no one ever knows death is coming. The thing of it is that due to his long range lethality no one takes him seriously up close and personal...that sadly is the last mistake they make, the only one that can match him in sword play being the master of the evil clan, K's Katana being the reason he is called 'K' in his clan.



Name: Kito Hinzaka, though majority of people know him as Fox.

Position: Balanced

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Two small katanas.

Personality: Quiet, distant, and mysterious. Those three words are the best words that can be used to describe Kito as a whole. He tends to not talk much at all saying roughly four or so words a day, he finds life easiest that way.

Special Info:

-Sixth Sense-
The ability to sense anything within 15 meters and 360 degrees. A technique that comes out of his old village.

-God's Cyclone- A devastating two bladed technique that utilizes extreme speed and strength of the user in almost an inhuman way. Demand on the user is great causing extreme fatigue and possible internal injuries.

-Flash Step- Ability to travel at extreme speeds for medium distances. Ineffective in battle, unless trying to flee.

Kito was born and raised in a small village where foxes were their deities and with a few number of ninjas. When he was 12 his village was attacked and burned down with only two survivors, him and his master. After the village was destroyed Kito set out with his master to travel the land while also learning what he can about being a ninja. When he turned 13 his mastered taught him to use 'Sixth Sense' which was a great technique taught in his former village. When he turned 14 he was taught that his identity must remain a secret and that's when he obtained his mask and everyone started calling him "Fox" due to his fox-like mask. At the age of 16 his master died of an illness in the middle of a large forest and Kito buried him there without anyone knowing. Ever since then Kito has been traveling alone doing small tasks for money and food. He has never really been in one place for more than two days unless his job dictated it.



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Name: Hideyoshi Akanishi

Position: Good clan member

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Weapon(s): Katana (right handed) & Wakizashi (left handed)

Hideyoshi is the likely sullen guy who has a less-perfect life, somewhat he enjoys with the clan people he stays. He served as an important role as a protector of the clan, which he focuses on saving the innocent people from death. He drinks sake, everyday to wear off depression from his past. He seeks peace to order destroy evil, believed his vision would change the world that Hideyoshi wants. His passionate and way of life from father's footsteps had made him proud and also honoring his mother's legacy.

Special Info:
Hideyoshi is good fighter which focuses on offense & defense, in addition parrying & feint. He moves swiftly and fast like a wind, quite a flexible ninja and he can react quickly before the enemy can hit him. He uses one lightning based ninjustu attack, which is carefully used in combat, which it can deplete instantly when used.

Born & raised in the cottage with his father, somewhat her mother wasn't with him since when he was born. At his 14th age, he learnt to how to fight, adapting the flow of battle and thinking critically before making a move as he been training himself to become a ninja by his father. When his father decided to move to the ninja village for safety, he believed that it is "not safe" to stay in the cottage, so they decided to find an actual spot to train more. He later in grew in 17th age, when Hideyoshi wanted to know about her mother but his father kept himself in silence & bothered not to ask about it. Not until he learns the bitter truth from his father when he finally asked him from the pressure came up. His mother died protecting him from the Evil clan, somewhat he was a clan member of a good side. His father kept the mother's Wakizashi, which he would use it for honoring her as he keeps the Wakizashi. After 5 years of waiting and patience from the Good clan, he was accepted and he was ready to do the right thing for her mother, which he will honor her legacy for the Good clan.


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Kaira Naharaku


Evil Clan Member








Neko Te

Harigata Shuriken

Razor Chain Whip


She appears to be very flirty and coy, but deep down she is truly cold and calculating. She is merciless and will not hesitate to kill anyone to finish the job. She is cunning and sly, not hesitating to use her body to get what she wants. Though she is always cool and collected, she is a vicious and unforgiving person once her anger gets the better of her.

Special Info:

She is excellent in using her speech to her advantage, her honeyed words added with her seductive charm are irresistible, not only to men but to women as well. She is light on her feet and agile, specializing in stealth and speed. Her feminine charm and sexuality, added with her incapability of feeling attachment, makes her all the more deadly.





Nana Onoe



Side Character






+ Giant Iron Fan

+ Two Chisa Katanas

+ Shurikens

+ Pair of iron fans


Nana demonstrates a very childish,sweet and cheerful behavior. She is always seen smiling, and acts, on the surface, very friendly with everyone, demonstrating excessive intimacy towards even towards strangers and hostile people. Truth is, Nana is a free spirit and will do whatever she wants according to her whims, not giving a care of what others wish or want her to do. Her often bubbly behavior and nonchalance towards the feelings of others often makes her sociopathic, as playfully enjoys to torment and manipulate others both physical and psychologically whenever she feels like it. Nana can be also considered a mysterious individual, as others cannot tell if she is really a bad or a good person. She might help someone in one occasion and few hours later, she can be seen making someone cry of desperation and pain. Sometimes, even both. She also often makes up stories about herself, all different with each person. Even her name might be an alias...

Special Info

Nana possesses a keen talent for manipulation and story-telling, able to charm people with her charisma and cheerful attitude

+ She is great at disgusing herself and impersonating others

+ She shares an affinity with both weapons and agility


Although Nana creates multiple stories regarding her past as a ninja, she does have a true background that she chooses to share with no one. She was born within a clan of discreet yet respectful ninja breed, trained since birth to serve her elders. As a result, she grew sheltered and perhaps lonely...One day however, things changed. On her first mission outside, she saved a young girl about to be attacked by masterless samurai. After escorting her to the nearest village, the girl introduced herself, thanked her and asked Nana if she would see her again. As a ninja, one must remain unseen and forgotten. But for the first time in her life, Nana felt an urge to act on her own. And so the two eventually became friends. However, their happiness was cut short when Sachiko's, her friend, brother Rei destroyed the entire village, now a vessel of a powerful demon sword. Nana fought to protect everyone but Rei eventually slaughtered his dear sister, leaving the young ninja in despair and shock.

Her current objective is unknown....



UPDATE: I remade her past.
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Name: Akira Nakamura

Position: Ronin Samurai For Hire (balanced)

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Weapon(s): Wakizashi (two foot blade) on his hip and a particularly blood-thirsty Muramasa katana he carries on his back, sealed with spell scrolls

Personality: Akira used to have a bright outlook on life. Ever since the incident with the Muramasa sword however, he's had to keep his emotions in check and live in a way he abhors deep down. He doesn't particularly like ninjas but where there's strife, there's a need for a sword for hire. He is willing to sell his services to whoever has the coin to afford them.

Special Info: Akira was trained to use a katana and a wakizashi; at the same time if necessary. He is also proficient in hand-to-hand combat, even if just enough to earn him room to draw a weapon. If he ever unseals the katana, he's consumed by blood lust and his eyes go red. The blade's desire to destroy pushes his body to the limits, causing him to move with speed and strength that is almost unnatural. This state will continue until all enemies are killed, he is restrained, or his body collapses from exhaustion. He is incredibly unlikely to do this even if his life is at stake.

Bio: No stranger to the violence that can ensue between rival factions, Akira's journey with the Muramasa blade began in a fearsome raid on his clan. He and his allies were pushed back into the dojo that they were taught and trained in. The enemy was after one of the legendary blades made by the swordsmith Muramasa that was housed and guarded by his clan. In a panic, Akira took down the blade and drew it.

He came to, covered with blood. The floor was covered with slain enemy samurai. The katana pulsed in his hand.

He had committed a serious offence, causing the demon blade to taste blood there invalidated their code. His original katana was taken from him, leaving him with his wakizashi and a blade he refuses to call his own.

That was a year ago.

Since then he's been a wandering sword for hire, taking whatever jobs that could keep him fed.

It's an unconfirmed rumor to the majority that the katana he carries his a Muramasa. No one has been bold enough to attempt to take it though.

Appearance: Akira stands just slightly taller than most and is somewhat broad. His personal contact and first-hand experience with the Muramasa sword has turned his hair white over the year and he doesn't cut it so it hangs down past his shoulders. Sometimes it's pulled back in a ponytail. A scar runs horizontally across his face and nose, under his black eyes.

He wears plain, pale blue traveling samurai garb.

(I'll get a picture up here eventually, I've just got a thing in that I prefer to draw my characters so I'm lame like that)

Name: Itou Fujiwara (or is it Surname then Given Name? Then Fujiwara Itou)

Position (Good clan member, Evil, Elder, Other?): Balanced/Side Character - Mercenary / Woodblock printer

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Pair of Kusarigama, happo (metsubushi) [for temporary disorientation; normally used for escape <am willing to alter or remove this>], ranged bow, short dagger.

Personality: Itou is a rather distant man, though a tad friendly when approached by others. Preferring to lay low on the back-end of battles before striking, he is not exactly honorable - though this position to attack from behind does not stem from cowardice - nor is he altogether reprehensible. Neither does he stick to any particular code of ethics besides the pursuit of life and liberty. In short, he is one to do whatever task is set before him.

Special Info (ex; special ninjutsu techniques, etc):

  • Itou is much more of a ranged fighter - using his pair of Kusarigama to attempt to immobilize an enemy or trick his opponent, he prefers to keep them in one spot before going in for a kill.
  • While shy, he has several contacts he depends on for supplies and shelter as a result of his upbringing.
  • Itou is somewhat practiced in basic improvisation (lies on the spot, acting)

Bio: (Somewhat relates to your current position)

Itou was born into a rather small mercantile village, its inhabitants mostly hunters, woodsmen, and clothiers. Born to the Fujiwara clan, a family of seamstresses and woodblock printers, it seemed rather unlikely for the young child to end up as a mercenary - that is, until a band of warriors passed through the village in need of supplies for their master. As he came of age (around 17), Itou chose to leave his clan behind with their consent. He went with the warriors, and eventually mastering their skills, departing only once his ties to his new master were severed in a family power-struggle that ended in all-out war. Choosing to practice his family's craft on his journey, he wanders about, while taking whatever martial job offered to him, regardless of whom it may be from.



edit: minor edits

Name: Riku

Position: Balanced

Gender: Male

Age:16 (thought I'd make him young more likely to be convinced to join either side)

Weapons: Dual Bladed Daggers and Kunai

Personality: Playful sometimes and kind most people who meet him would say annoying in the best of times. He cares for people he barely knows, and is fresh out of training.

Bio: he just got out of training and still hasn't decided on a clan with the impending war he decided it would be fun to just stay neutral and become one of the rouges he was hearing about. All the while in combat he can be quite scary and unpredictable, however he is not a ruthless killer and will show mercy to anyone who ask for it.


Daggers <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1417534534.405632.jpg.981e3ee379018b5f9ca8d0a7d7a6d330.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35857" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1417534534.405632.jpg.981e3ee379018b5f9ca8d0a7d7a6d330.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

In battle <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1417534516.674355.jpg.866b4f97e364635b8f27aa67138ca2d6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35856" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1417534516.674355.jpg.866b4f97e364635b8f27aa67138ca2d6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

In his village: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1417445334.127459.jpg.ab4f7ae57f8284acecc3fd2f89b37ab1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35786" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1417445334.127459.jpg.ab4f7ae57f8284acecc3fd2f89b37ab1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sorry if I edit him a lot tell me if I should stop.



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Name: Kaizen Raito

Position: Good Elder

Gender: male

Age: unknown

Weapon(s): Katana

Personality: Raito is an odd old man, he often comes very late to meetings, he is a man of peace. He would rather drink tea than fight, he speaks often in riddles, poetry, and stores. Yet all of his advice is forged from the wisdom of his mind. He hates it when his subordinates are hurt or injured, if provoked Raito will smite down any enemy that messes with his clan. Even so Raito believes that his subordinates should do what they think is right that is why he tries his best not to meddle with their affairs. Raito often pretends to be a frail old man, he messes with the youngsters pretending that he forgot their names. He would go around saying "Oh back..... I'm getting to old for this...." In reality Raito has a very sharp mind he is a brilliant tactician, for those old enough to know his legend tremble just hearing his name. But now the other ninjas just see him as a useless old-man, nothing but a figure head in the clans society. Raito finds it rather amusing how the younger ninjas and civilians belittle his abilities, but that's the way he likes it. After all he is an old man, but a bad ass old man nonetheless

Special Info: Raitos main element if fire, when he draws his blade it immediately sets on fire burning anything in its path. The extreme heat of his fire techniques makes powerful illusions due to the mirages created by the intense heat of his great flames. He can make fire clones that can take solid forms that can fool opponents, he can detonate the fire clones at will. Raito is expert in hand to hand combat, he kicks ass with or with out a weapon. Raito rarely fights for he thinks it would be to unfair to unleash his flames against his opponents.

Bio: Raito was born in an age of war, he rose up the ranks becoming a powerful ninja. His strength and fire techniques have labeled him as the fire demon. Despite his raw talent at combat, Raito was a man of peace he desperately tried to resolve all conflict with words rather than turning to weapons and war. He eventually became the elder after the death of his master, he vowed to keep peace and unite the nation in harmony. Due to his old age, his power was dismissed as legends and Raito become nothing more than a fairy tail hero. No one was old enough to tell his tale that is why Raito decided to play along with everyone's foolish assumptions.

Appearance: Raito is an old man, despite is old age he is extremely well toned, his body his clad with scars. His long white mustache and beard is neatly tied together with a back ribbon.



(Sorry for the late post, I was out sick. Do you still need someone to play as the good elder?)

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NeoStigma said:

Special Info: Raitos main element if fire, when he draws his blade it immediately sets on fire burning anything in its path. The extreme heat of his fire techniques makes powerful illusions due to the mirages created by the intense heat of his great flames. He can make fire clones that can take solid forms that can fool opponents, he can detonate the fire clones at will. He posses inhumane strength. Raito is expert in hand to hand combat, he kicks ass with or with out a weapon. Raito rarely fights for he thinks it would be to unfair to unleash his flames against his opponents.

well that's some op shit
right, you know how if you are in the dessert? Eventually the heats going to get to you and you start to hallucinate also known as a mirage. Basically his flames produces the same effect due to their extreme heat.
no, you can move around fine but the illusions are extremely realistic. the illusions aren't some BS that will shatter your mind and make you insane, its just something to scare off or distract opponents.
sorry, I assumed that the elders would be a bit more powerful. I'm not really used to making balanced strong characters, anything else you folks want me to change on my app?

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