I'm the guy you call "forced diversity"
- One on One
- Off-site
1. First things first: Triggers. I cannot deal with suicidal ideations or actions (including cutting, even if it's not intended to end in death), depression, eating disorders or homophobia, transphobia, acephobia... Basically any sort of discrimination against LGBT+. Even if it's just for plot or for a passing moment, please don't. I'd rather go for unrealistic levels of acceptance than have to deal with that - I RP to escape from reality, okay?
2. My starters tend to be much longer than most of the rest of my RP posts, as I'm usually wanting to set up the situation for the RP. Please do not get scared off by a long starter.
3. OOC-chatter isn't a necessity for me, but if you're interested in it let me know because I would prefer it to be in a separate chat.
4. I only intend to RP via PMs - the idea of RPing on a forum that others can see doesn't sit well with me.
5. Please only respond if you're interested in the ships I've listed below - don't ask me if I want to do an OC/Canon RP, or if I want to do a Canon/Canon that isn't listed.
6. Just to prove that you have indeed read every single one of these rules, let me know when you ask to RP with me (either in this thread or via PM) the answer to this question: Which dorm would you want to be put in, if you went to NRC? Optional: Why?
(More stars (*) means I'm more likely to agree to RP it. If it has no stars at all then you'll have to have a good plot in mind to convince me or I simply won't be interested for the time being.)
Jamil/Kalim (********)
Azul/Jade (***)
Leona/Ruggie (******)
Ace/Riddle (****)
Epel/Malleus (****)
Malleus/Sebek (*)
2. My starters tend to be much longer than most of the rest of my RP posts, as I'm usually wanting to set up the situation for the RP. Please do not get scared off by a long starter.
3. OOC-chatter isn't a necessity for me, but if you're interested in it let me know because I would prefer it to be in a separate chat.
4. I only intend to RP via PMs - the idea of RPing on a forum that others can see doesn't sit well with me.
5. Please only respond if you're interested in the ships I've listed below - don't ask me if I want to do an OC/Canon RP, or if I want to do a Canon/Canon that isn't listed.
6. Just to prove that you have indeed read every single one of these rules, let me know when you ask to RP with me (either in this thread or via PM) the answer to this question: Which dorm would you want to be put in, if you went to NRC? Optional: Why?
(More stars (*) means I'm more likely to agree to RP it. If it has no stars at all then you'll have to have a good plot in mind to convince me or I simply won't be interested for the time being.)
Jamil/Kalim (********)
Azul/Jade (***)
Leona/Ruggie (******)
Ace/Riddle (****)
Epel/Malleus (****)
Malleus/Sebek (*)