[Twisted Inc. : Now Hiring] Joss Martain


New Member
Name: Joss Martian

Alias: The Broken Prince

Age: He looks 18 but he's actually 22; more in the history

Gender: Male

Personality: Joss is a really sweet guy with brains and braun; kind of like Captain America


Not My photo

Heroic Appearance: His eyes turn a really really light blue and he wears armour kind of like captain america's

Power: His only real 'power' is that he can move things with his mind but he has been trained in martial arts since he was 3

Weapon:He prefers his mind but if he has too; an automatic pistol

Limitation: He has some self-hatred & self-esteem issues

Ideals: What???

Slight info on his past and how he became a super hero: Parents didn't care. Bullied. Drugs. Suicidal. Couldn't take it anymore. Overdosed; alot. Somehow survived. Better looks; powers. Invented a little potion to make him live forever. But hurts twice as bad when hurt. He was a villain first. Then he met someone special. A villain killed her. In front of him. He switched to the good side; cause Kate would have wanted that. He's still a bit messed up.

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