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Twilight Princess Tabletop RPG?


One Thousand Club
Hey, guys! I was wondering if any of you might be interested in doing an RP that'll basically be the story of Twilight Princess converted into a Tabletop Campaign. We'll start in Ordon along with Link, and once Ordon's attacked a few of us will get dragged into the Twilight Zone, and from there things get real.

I'm going to use this sourcebook:

Zelda D20 Sourcebook

Before we start, we'd need someone willing to play Link, and Midna too.

Anyone interested?
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It sounds intresting but I don't know much of the plot to twilight princess , but I will be in tested in it if that is ok
Need a Link? I could probably play either him or Midna. Granted, I can't read through the rulebook without buying it, so not sure how well I'll be able to do in that regard...
KageYuuki said:
Need a Link? I could probably play either him or Midna. Granted, I can't read through the rulebook without buying it, so not sure how well I'll be able to do in that regard...
The D20 rulebook? I do believe I can email it to you if you like.

As for Link and Midna, either one works for me.
Are you on the discord chat? Can find me through there. You can send files through it
I might be interested, but I'm unfamiliar with dice systems. I've been looking to get into it so if you didn't mind me learning as we go then everything would be all good.

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