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Fandom TVD Roleplay


One Time Luck
Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the holidays ^.^

I am currently interested in doing a Vampire Diaries roleplay. I’m looking for someone to play Tyler (and maybe Kol as well). I do like to double, so with that being said... I can pretty much play any character on TVD. I haven’t ever played Matt or Jeremy but I’d be willing to try if that’s who you’d like me to play for you. I do also like to play several different characters, but I don’t expect the same from you. Unless of course you also enjoy playing several characters!

What I’m looking for in a roleplay partner:
I don’t care about gender. Whether your male, female, or non binary... I’ll roleplay with you. Just as long as you’re over the age of 18. I myself am in my twenties and don’t feel comfortable roleplaying with minors. I also prefer darker/mature themes. I also ask that you’re literate and will be able to give me decent sized replies. I’m not talking about a whole essay, but at least 2-3 paragraphs. I myself like to write lengthy replies. Chatting OOC isn’t a must, but I like to get to know the person I’m roleplaying with and make friends!!

If anyone is interested in a TVD roleplay, please comment below or feel free to message me. Thanks!!
I'd be totally up for a TVD RP - I am looking for one with the option to double myself! Are you still looking for that by any chance?

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