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Fantasy G O D L I K E ( an epic-high fantasy )


The Worldwalker, The Heretic, The Pyrokene
I N T R O D U C T I O N : Godlike is going to be different from other combat RPs. I will allow all of our characters to become extremely OP. All of us are required to be OP in the RP to make fights and battles more longer and dramatic and awesome!!!! Despite, our increased strengths, we will still in a way, lose a fight or even die... SO, WHO'S INTERESTED?


Title: Godlike

Genre: Epic-high Fantasy


World: Godlike is set in a fantasy world called “Thandos” that is similar to our own world, Earth. Firstly, Thandos only has 4 continents around its globe. These 4 continents are Averak, Ethas, Fideni, and Danthruil. All 4 Continents are equally divided in their shape, no continent is bigger than the other. Because of the peace, these 4 continents support each other fully.

The continent Averak is on the north section of Thandos’ globe, it is covered with snow and steep mountains. Despite the cold weather, the inhabitants of Averak still have a stable life.

The continent Ethas is on the middle section of Thandos’ globe, it is covered with deserts and canyons. Despite the hot weather, the inhabitants of Ethas still have a stable life and surprisingly still have white skin.

The continent Fideni is on the right section of Thandos’ globe, it is covered with rainforests and woods. The balanced weather is perfect for the inhabitants of Fideni.

The continent Danthruil is on the left section of Thandos’ globe, it is covered with green hills and fields. The balanced weather is perfect for the inhabitants of Danthruil.

The people of Thandos travel around the continents using ships.

Time: Godlike is set on a time similar to the Middle Ages Era – there were no guns, no machines, and no steampunk stuff or whatsoever. All in all, technological advances were very low. When there were terrorists in a continent, soldiers would use weapons like shields, swords, bows, and crossbows. However, their weapon and armor design was different from the weapon and armor designs during the real Middle Ages Era.

Religion: Religion has never existed in Godlike. Gods are present in Godlike, yes, but they are not known to any man at all. Still, even if Thandos has no god to praise, they are very prosperous and independent.

Other: Here are some pictures of what the 4 continents look like:









Now, here are some of the unique armor designs in Thandos. ( You can still find or create your own armors and weapons for your characters ):





First event: Divine beings called the Achael started to exist in a divine dimension called Deos. These Achaels possess massive and incredible power but their hearts and minds were filled with greed, anger, and hatred.

Second event: Because of their greed, anger, and hatred, the Achaels declared war upon their own kind. They formed groups and chose sides, and they prepared for the battle to come.

Third event: The battle has started, and they called it “The Divine War”. Achaels fought for a millennium, Deos was in ruin.

Forth event: The Achaels have discovered that it was impossible to kill their own kind. Once an Achael dies, it would still be resurrected in a short period of time.

Fifth event: Achaels created a large sphere called Thandos to trap and incapacitate all their enemies, but not kill them.

Sixth event: Achaels trap their enemies using the Thandos and banish them away from Deos, putting them in an isolated dimension of total nothingness.

Seventh event: The remaining Achaels that survived The Divine War then began to rebuild Deos after the long battle.

Eighth event: The Achaels inside the Thandos suffered for a millennium. The power of Thandos increasingly grew and now it was capable of not just trapping the Achaels for eternity, the Thandos was capable of killing them permanently.

Ninth event: The Achaels trapped inside the Thandos thought of a plan to kill and sacrifice themselves by releasing all their life power source to Thandos until it would infect and corrupt the whole layer inside the Thandos. With luck, their life essence would soon corrupt the inner layer of Thandos until it would create a core inside the sphere. The core would be capable of releasing an essence that could transform Thandos into the very first planet. The planet would eventually give birth to a new species... called Humans. Because the humans live in a sphere containing the mix of Thandos’ power and the Achaels’ power, there would be chosen humans that will soon hold massive power that would be able to destroy and permanently kill the Achaels. Time will come until the Achaels and the Humans would meet, a battle of Divines and Humans would be created, a battle against gods and men.

Tenth event: The trapped Achaels begin their sacrifice, transferring their whole life source to their core. Until, all of them died, with the fortunate completion of the core.

Eleventh event: The core begins its task, releasing an essence that soon covered the outer layer of Thandos.

Twelfth event: Thus, the Humans were born, along with trees, animals and a sun, and a moon and such. Evolution came and the Humans became more intelligent every year. They soon called their planet “Thandos”. The Humans prospered, many centuries came and the Humans had never encountered the Achaels at all.

Thirteenth event: ( This is the start of the roleplay ) The Achaels soon discover about the Humans. Afraid of their power, the Achaels threaten to and prepare to send a few Achaels in Thandos to kill the Humans. Some humans ( that’s our characters ) find hidden objects that when wielded, allows the wielder to hold massive power capable of killing the Achaels. These hidden objects are the artifacts left by the Achaels that created them, they contain amazing various power. These hidden objects stay in places very hard to reach. If the Humans want to survive the great genocide that’s about to happen by the Achaels, they must find these objects and battle these divine gods.


Achaels are faceless divine beings that differ in shapes, color, and power:


Lol thanks for the interest guys! xD But I should remind you, even if we all are OP, please be considerate and give in to some attacks :P I mean, if we don't, then fights would become endless!! xD
xD I'll be making the official RP soon, guys. Just keep watching the thread for more updates! :D Thanks for the interest!
^^ Once I have my free time, I'll be releasing the RP officially :D

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