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derek hale deserved better
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Tulsa's RP search

Hiya everyone! I'm Tulsa and some of you may know
that already, but if not hi there for the first time. I'm twenty-three years old and a college student majoring
in theatre who works as a writer part-time. So,
obviously, I love to write lol. A little bit about me,
other than what I just said is that I've been writing
since I was eleven and have been roleplaying since I
was twelve or thirteen, so ten or so years?? I'm not
good at math lmao

Anyways, I usually plot on Discord, but I'm not opposed
to RPN threads or Pms considering I'm a part of a
few groups and am actually on here regularly now. I
just prefer Discord because I get notifications directly to
my phone is all. As for what I'm currently looking
for, these will all be original roleplays.

When it comes to replying, I'm pretty fast and
would like my partners to be too. I understand life gets
in the way, I am a college student after all, so
if something happens let me know. Otherwise
I'd prefer a few responses a day : ). For writing length
I would say I'm anywhere from semi to adv. lit and
can write either or. My starters usually range from
5+ paragraphs while my replies are anywhere from
3-5 paragraphs, sometimes more depending on what
the plot calls for.

I feel like I'm rambling on, so I'll be done talking about
me now so you can move on to the interesting stuff.

  • 001 READ THE AD;; Please don't come
    to me asking me to play something
    either not listed or that I've specifically
    said I won't do. It's very annoying
    and frustrating when people either
    ignore you or don't read your ad.

    002 FORMAT;; Since these are
    characters that we’re playing, I’d prefer
    us both to use third person POV. I get
    very invested in my characters, but find it a bit uncomfortable when I, or my partner,
    is using ‘I’, it makes it too personal for
    me. As for doubling, that’s something I
    don’t do, and I know that’s usually a turn
    off. I just feel it’s easier, and more fun
    to focus on one story/couple. Not to mention, usually when someone wants to
    double they want me to play a male character, which I simply can’t do…. Literally.

    003 PLOTTING;; As long as we’re
    both putting forth effort into the plot,
    I’m down. It’s just hard to come up with
    a plot by yourself, especially
    because you don’t know if the other
    person will like it. Also, if we start a plot
    and you find yourself bored and/or
    would like to try something else, don’t hesitate to ask!

    004 TRIGGERS/LIMITS;; These are
    things we can discuss over Discord and
    or PMS, but I will say I have very few
    and prefer someone else whose able to write about mature topics as well.

    005 AGE;; Perhaps the most important
    rule on here, and yet I forgot it initially, is age. I'm twenty-three so I don't
    feel comfortable doing 1x1's with
    anyone under the age of eighteen. Sorry
    if this seems unfair or harsh, but it's for
    the safety of both of us, I hope
    you understand.


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