Story Tuka Requests Galydir (Prompt)


(Wrote this quickly for a game. Sorry that you don't know the backstory)

"The time is now for Londorian to act."
Passion and the rush of excitement filled Tuka's words with the kind of power they normally didn't possess. But now was different, she was negotiating with the King's emissary about the fate of the World and Londorian's role in it. Moments like these given their important nature somehow had a profound effect on the warrior woman from Jidoor. Tuka continued her speech.

"Zaqar grows more powerful and troublesome as each day passes. I am sure you are aware of the skirmished the Golden Dawn has had with his forces."
She rose from the red velvet chair from which she was seated and paced thoughtfully like an instructor conducting a class.

Tuka pointed a finger upwards as if to emphasize the point.
"If Londorian wishes to remain neutral, even in the face of possible annihilation, then I would like to offer a proposal that would benefit Londorian, myself, and of course the World."
She pivoted elegantly on her heel and faced Elydir, emissary to the King of Londorian.

"Give me but a single man of my choosing to add to my ranks." An incomprehensible seriousness washed across her face.

"A man already familiar with the political workings of this great city. One with renowned skill and experience in the art of black ops. The person of whom I speak is none other than Sir Galydir."

Tuka continued, trying to muster every ounce of charisma that she could possibly squeeze into her words and actions.

"I believe he would be the perfect choice to assist my cause whilst simultaneously allowing Londorian to remain neutral. I ask you to please allow me to take temporary command of Sir Galydir. Upon victory against Zaqar, he would then immediately be returned to the services of the King. So what say you, shall my wish be granted?"

Tuka strode back to the velvet chair and sat across from Elydir. She crossed her legs and kept her back straight as to maintain proper etiquette, and waited patiently for his reply.

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