♡ true love café ♡ {closed until further notice} [Inactive]


New Member
Early morning light filtered through the window in the kitchen as Génévieve LeBlanc pulled the last tray of pastries from her oven. She set them on cooling rack before wiping the sweat from her brow; it was the first day of summer, hot already at barely eight in the morning. Today marked the beginning of tourist season in the small, seaside town where she lived, and she was expecting many customers. True Love Café, famous for its supposed ability to bring its visitors together with their soul mate, had always drawn many visitors, especially during the warm months, when the usually sparsely populated town was overrun with vacationers looking for some relaxation by the sea. Her late great-aunt had always welcomed them with a smile.

Génévieve undid her ponytail, letting her long blonde hair fall to her shoulders as she stared out the window at the sea in the distance. Her aunt had been the one who raised her, taught her everything she knew about baking, running the café, and the importance of kindness. Unable to have children of her own, she adopted little Génévieve after a car accident took the lives of her parents, who had met in the café years earlier when her mother came from out of town to visit her aunt for the summer. Her father had a part-time job busing tables. Génévieve remembered how scared she had been after that accident (which thankfully she had not been a part of) so young and suddenly all alone in the world. Her aunt made all those fears vanish the night she arrived on her doorstep with a glass of milk and a warm chocolate chip cookie. From then on, the café was home.

Génévieve was jolted out of this reverie by the sound of the old grandfather clock in the front of the café striking eight. It was time to open the store. She quickly hung up her apron, smoothing out her skirt as she made her way out of the kitchen and into the dining area.

The café had a quiet charm, All the tables were covered in white cloth, which, if looked at closely, were delicately embroidered with small hearts and flowers, and topped with simple vases filled with fresh red carnations. The walls were lined with shelves of various fine china her aunt had collected over the years, seashells, and small, Impressionist-like paintings of the beach. Toward the front, which was lined with windows that looked down the hillside toward the sea below, was the cash register and pastry case where she sat during open hours. Génévieve passed all this and flipped the sign in the window from “closed” to “open” before taking her place behind the register. It would be awhile before anyone showed up, so she settled back in her chair and opened up a book.
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Oh, how silly Trey could be.

Most would think that on a weekend, a person - especially a working young man like himself - would sleep in and relish the time of relaxation the morning would bring. But no, oh no, that wasn't the logical thing to do, not to this person. How silly he would seem to be walking outside at such an early hour - or more like such an early hour to more avid weekend-goers. But to Trey, his steps were each with purpose and logic as he strode down the sidewalk, hands stuck in his pockets, his left limply holding a brown leather wallet within.

Treyton was on his way to a special place that day, a place he had visited more often than any normal person probably would - the True Love Café. It was a quaint little place with a special spot in his heart that he visited almost daily. Most times, he'd be there to purchase something, such as one of the homemade pastries or delicious beverages the shop supplied. But other times, he would visit simply to wind down, let some personal stress rise off of his shoulders and think a little. Either way, he could never get sick of the shop, and most likely never would get sick of it. With both a drive to quell his curiosities and the allure of the treats and sweets the shop had, how could he resist it's beckons? He had no idea how anybody could resist it's beckons - which was the reason he was out and about so close to opening time.

He knew how busy the place could get whenever summer rolled around, and it was even worse when the winter time would come. But for now, warm, muggy weather had befallen the small town. Tourists and residents alike would be bustling to take advantage of their free time, and some, if not many, would want to come to this shop. The rumor of it's odd 'powers' was a popular one, not only in the town, and drew many to it. He was planning on, at some point, asking if he could apply for a job there, since he could definitely use more work and it was always a wonderful thing to be there. He was still gathering himself enough to ask, though.

His shoulders rose and dropped with a deep sigh as his wandering thoughts stole his utmost attention, muscle memory working it's magic rather than his conscious mind as he strolled his way towards the café leisurely. Scruffy old Converse sneakers tapped lightly along the concrete, below a pair of navy blue skinny jeans. The sleeves of his shirt came to about mid-elbow, a simple gray-and-black striped pattern along it's soft, loose texture, though he wasn't wearing his black jacket that day. Keeping the jacket at home was becoming common in this warmer weather. Although, he did wear a black beanie over his messy, milky brown locks, placed loosely atop them. Pale blue eyes kept at a slight angle downwards, his pools of irises peaceful. In fact, his expression as a whole was rather peaceful. He felt nice that day, and felt even better knowing he was getting to the shop so early. he'd be able to get a pastry or two still warm. Those were always the best when they were the freshest.

The corners of his mouth pulled up into a small grin as his head tilted back up. It was only a little ways away now, he could see it from where he was walking. He kept his pace continuous, taking his time. He had left only a little while ago, and was sure that the café was open at this point. He was willing to take a few minutes and wait if it wasn't. He slowed his steps a bit as he came towards the soft pink walls of the outside, tilting himself to the side to take a peek at the glass of the door. Surely enough, a small, white sign with an elegant script reading 'Open' on it was flipped forward, and he felt himself take a content sigh. He seemed to have come at the best time.

He stepped in front of the glass door and removed one of his hands from his pockets, his left loosening it's grip from his wallet entirely. He placed it against the pink wood of the door, feeling rude whenever he placed a hand on the glimmering, clean glass, and pressed forward, hearing the familiar sound of a small bell signaling his arrival. His gaze immediately flickered towards a clock on the wall - 8:26. Well, he wasn't extremely early, but he was pretty close. His gaze then returned to start a sweep of the shop, finding everything to be in it's beautiful shape and feeling the grin return, only wider. His stare landed on a woman, another familiar sight, sitting behind the cash register near the end of the shop.

He straightened himself somewhat and stepped inside, closing the door softly behind him and letting his hand rise in a small wave to who he recognized as Génévieve, or who he liked to call Jenny. Though he wasn't the absolute closest to her, he had a mutual relationship, and calling her Jenny had become somewhat of a habit for him, since Génévieve was a bit too long for him to accustom to saying. He started a small walk towards the counter, saying in a warm, quiet tone edged with his usual energy, "G'morning, Jenny." His gaze was passed from spot to spot as he casually observed all the lovely decor of the shop, his hand returning to his pocket instinctively.

Once he reached the counter, he slipped out his wallet and began filing through a few bills within, saying in a casual tone, "
Hope I'm not intruding with my early arrival here," he took out a five dollar bill and placed it on the counter, continuing, "but it would be a huge pleasure if you could get me one of those cinnamon rolls over there." One finger rose and pointed towards the tray of rolls in a glass case. His gaze turned up and he kept himself nonchalant, saying one more little statement, "Wanted t'get here before everyone else came bursting in, y'know. Those rolls are to die for, I'd be devastated to come any later and find 'em all gone."

[ bebopit ]

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Neal thought that today would be a good day to take a walk. Not a long walk his plan was to go to the Cafe down the street and sit with a cup of hot chocolate and a muffin and sketch for his art class. Neal put everything needed for a day of sketching into his shoulder bag. He had only just been accepted into the art school of his dreams. Well really it had been months ago but it didn't feel real until he started to take classes there. He was taking all the basic art classes that were required of all freshmen, but he planed to major in painting. He headed down the street to the Cafe. He loved this Cafe, it was warm and full of happiness. It was one of the only places in the city that he felt that as a disabled person he could fit perfectly and find the perfect type of people. The types that cam to the Cafe were just the type of people he liked to be around.

He slipped into the Cafe through the front doors, he caught one just as is was closing with the end of his crutch. He slipped in and smiled at Jenny. There was a man at the counter asking about Cinnamon buns so he situated himself at a table pulling out his sketch pad and a few pencils. He lightly skimmed his pencil over the paper. He rolled up the sleeve of his hoodie and looked toward the front. Not wanting to stand but desperately needing the chocolate for motive.
Riley Shepard was currently riding her bike on the boardwalk of the seaside town she called home. One could say she was up pretty early, but in all actuality she was just staying up really really late. It was nearing summer and she had a final for one of the classes and had pulled an all nighter trying to study and get her final project done. Luckily, she finished all her work.

Unfortunately, she was practically falling asleep on her bike. That wasn't her fault though, she defended. After all, the Starbucks a block from her apartment had forgotten her coffee order and the barista gave her some serious beef because apparently Caramel Mochas did not come in the size Hella Grande, please thanks. So, the poor unfortunate soul that she was was forced to go without her coffee. And Riley was proud of herself for taking a final without her coffee. That's like the biggest accomplishment she's made all week, thank you very much.

So here she was, biking back to her apartment and ready to freaking pass out, when she passed a small cafe that had the smell of sweets coming out of it. It took her a second, but she quickly realized which cafe it was she was looking at. After all, it had quite the reputation in this town. Slowing down on her bike, Riley thought Why the heck not? and shrugged before finding a good spot to chain her bike up and heading inside.

Her oversized pull-over sweater was becoming stifling in the heat, and she regretted wearing the damn thing now, but the morning had been cold so she had dressed warmer than the weather really required. Either way, the cool air coming from inside the cafe was a nice refresher and Riley noticed a few people already there so early in the morning. She took a deep inhale at the smell of cinnamon rolls and for a second was convinced that she really had met her true love at the cafe as she stared at that beautiful beautiful warm bun in the display case (who cares if it's not a real object, it's real enough and Riley knows she and that cinnamon roll were just meant to be). There was someone in front of her though so she waited patiently in line with her backpack slung on one shoulder and stared at the pastries longingly.
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Génévieve looked up as she heard the door open and smiled. Trey was one of her regular – and favorite – customers. Although she would never admit it, no matter how tired or busy she may be, her mood always lifted when she saw his tall frame at her door.

“Trey!” Génévieve marked her place in the book and set it on the counter. “You’re here awfully early…”

“Of course. I should’ve known that’s what you came for… you really ought to try something else one of these days. I’ve got three more trays of these in the back I made this morning, no need to worry about them disappearing any time soon.” she teased, opening up the glass case and reaching for a roll. “One cinnamon roll coming right up…”

She placed the cinnamon roll on one of the small decorated plates she kept behind the counter and handed it to him before picking up the money.

“Would you like some coffee with that?” she asked. “You must be tired coming here so early after working all week…”

It was then that another customer came in: another regular, Neal. A sweet boy, he was always polite and smiled at Génévieve when he came in. She enjoyed his visits almost, if not equally, as much as Trey’s.

“Hello Neal,” she called from the counter. “Sorry for the wait. Would you like your usual today?”

At that moment another customer entered the café. This one she had never seen before: a redhead looking quite hot (literally) in her oversized sweater, an unusual choice of clothing considering it was already seventy degrees and not even noon yet.

“And you, what would you like?
Trey always felt his heart swell a tad in whenever he saw that little sparkle come to her eyes, whenever she looked at him with that sweet expression. He would be lying if he said she wasn't a heart-warming person to hang around. He listened to her light tone, and felt his lips become a very crooked smile with her observation, allowing himself to chuckle bemusedly. With a small shrug, the young man responded in a wistful voice, "Perhaps someday I'll try one of those brownies you have. They've always looked pretty good, but then again - everything in this place does." His tone had melted into one of conspicuousness, as if everybody knew that {which was probably true} as both a tease and a compliment. He patiently watched her take out one of the rolls and place it on a small plate before handing it to him, in which he automatically responded with an honest, "Thank you."

As she took the five, she asked if he wanted some coffee to go along with it, and he felt his expression become one of indecisiveness for a very brief moment. Well, he might as well have gotten one, right? Now that his mind was away from focusing completely on the roll, coffee actually sounded pretty good. After a couple of seconds, he murmured in a softer tone, "That actually sounds good right now . . . " His gaze flickered back up to Jenny, and he grinned as he said, "A vanilla cappuccino would be fantastic, if it isn't too much trouble." When he saw her gaze flicker behind him, he moved a tad out of the way, slipping out an extra dollar from his wallet and placing it on the counter quietly with a discreet grin. He knew that the roll would be more than two dollars, and the drink was a bit more than three, so he'd need six rather than just five for it.

He allowed himself to fall silent as she began serving others besides him, being fairly sure she had gotten the tacked-on order of his, along with the extra dollar, and whispering a small "Keep the change" to her before he went off to get a couple of napkins and then reserve a table. He took a two-person table by one of the windows of the shop, a regular spot for him to go to, weaving his way over to it and setting down his cinnamon roll on the embroidered fabric. He pulled out one of the cushioned chairs and sat himself down, settling into it and setting the napkins next to the plate and deciding he might as well start on the pastry while waiting for his drink.

Trey's way of eating the pastry had always been an odd, yet probably common approach; he'd take the outermost end and start unraveling it, just taking small pieces as he went. Surely enough, it was still toasty warm, which made it even better. He tried to enjoy everything in life, but these simple little rolls were things he took his sweet-ass time on. He felt like he could never get sick of them.

He let his gaze wander to the window, with the lacy curtains tied to the sides and with the early sunlight of the day getting a full entryway into the shop. He had always enjoyed sitting near to the windows of the shop, felt he could let his mind wander more freely, as strange as that might sound. He listened closely to the things around him as he let his thought traipse about his conscious freely, occasionally glancing down at his roll to take another sweet little piece from it.

[ bebopit ]


"No, no thanks. Nope, nope, nope." Celestia mumbled the same statements at every phone call she picked up. About six cell phones and two telephones were all lined up on a table, and her parents actually expected her to at least accept one agency or company. They all want to hire you, Her mother's voice rang in her head, causing her to end all connections, a little frustrated. They'd even trace the maids' numbers and call just for you. How sweet. Sometimes, she'd wonder if she inherited her occasional cluelessness from her mother. That was most likely the case.

Poor agencies. The blonde didn't even take the time to listen to majority. Well, if she did listen, all she heard was a word or something as short.

She was used to waking up early. She always did that, but only for the sake of searching through the internet once again, digging through blogs and interacting a lot. Her internet friends were almost as many as her real-life ones, and rarely, there were real-life friends who were internet friends at the same time. But, even if they were separated from both sides, they were countless. But the fact that she had to be dragged in the living room by the maids at about 6 o'clock a.m. without even taking a bath yet, just to answer several phone calls that didn't get to her hearing last night, was just a little annoying. She had recently graduated, and she was free, supposedly.

"Neup, neup, neup." She said in a silly and childish way, sprinting back to her bedroom and locking the door to avoid any more house people who would kidnap her to another room, by orders of her parents. It was a good thing they went away at this time. Nobody would have to force her to do stuff once more. That is, until her parents would come and hear the results of what happened earlier.

She dove into her fluffy, comfortable bed, and checked her phone for any new messages, blog updates, and more. Over the past thirty minutes, at least fifty were there for her to read. Emerald-green eyes gleamed as she read one of the topics that was famous around this town;
True Love Café! Ermahgerd! This time, like everytime she read something in the internet, she was interested and curious. One of the real reasons was because she read the words 'true love', and she just realized that she hasn't even thought about that since... yesterday? That was long enough for her. Swiftly but surely, she took off her pajamas and took a nice bath. When she got out, she was surprised to see that it was already 8:15. It took her that much time to read and research about that specific café, and even take a bath.

She didn't take too much time to pick her clothing. Anything really worked out for her. She just chose a sweater made of pastel peach fabric, embroidered with vertical lines and small flowers. After putting on a thin, brown belt that was perfectly placed on her gray skinny jeans, she slipped her feet in white and black sneakers, and placed her cellphone, wallet, and lots of candy, in her back pack.
"Never forget the candy," She reminded herself delightfully as she pulled out her phone before and strapped her bag behind her before sneaking out of their home. She was almost a professional at that.

She didn't take too much time. All she did was read the directions and descriptions that weren't so easy to read because of the fangirl language, but she just discovered that it was only a block away. Happily, she hummed and skipped towards the place, and successfully jumped over a bicycle that was chained there, before stumbling on it. "Sorry," she apologized to the bicycle and patted it gently, just like she would do to a cat. She peeked in first, unsure of what to do once she figured out what true love really was. But, soon enough, with no hesitations, she opened and slid through one open door. She inhaled the scent of newly-baked food, and walked towards the array of pastries, watching each intently. "So this, is true love! I've been too ignorant to not realize this." She mumbled with a gleam in her eyes, probably fantasizing about food again.

Just like she did at least five times a day.
Neal smiled at Jenny "Hot chocolate and the chocolateyist muffin you have, please." He said smiling at her. The Cafe was filling up fast. He came here often and knew most of the regulars pretty well, if not by name than by face. He watched as two girls entered and smiled at them. One was bouncy and seemed dazed by everything. The other one just seemed to really need coffee. He began to sketch a tree he could see through the Cafe's large windows. Neal leaned his elbow on the table and shifted his place in his chair. His elbow shifted over the edge of the table and knocked his crutches off. on to the ground. He looked around embarrassed, wondering who had seen him do that. He used the crutches out of necessity and tried not to draw attention to himself and by extension himself. He reached out as discretely as he could to try and grab them.
As the man in front of her got his order, Riley point with a finger to the huge cinnamon rolls in the display case. "I'll take three of those," she said, "And one of those." Her finger moved to one of the blueberry muffins that was also on display. It may seem like a lot of food but Riley's powers of stuffing her face with food -- especially after pulling an all-nighter -- were not to be underestimated. "And a large espresso with cream and two extra shots," she added blinking blearily at menu. The words were blurring together in front of her eyes in what she liked to call her 'coffee relapse' (which is totally a thing, she swears).

Riley pulled out her money from her bag and then proceeded to push her glasses higher up on her nose and looked around the shop. The cafe seemed to have a lot of regulars, at least that's what the college student had deduced by the familiar way the shop's owner and the customers had addressed each other, and the shop had quite the reputation so she couldn't help but be excited to try the food and coffee here. The one man who was in front of her in line was seated at the window and another man with crutches was there as well. She winced slightly and as her order was being prepared went to go help the guy.

Reaching down, she picked up the crutches and leaned them against the table. "Here you go," she said simply, not really having much else to say when her mind was working as slow as it was.
“All righty then,” Génévieve. She couldn’t help but feel her heart beat a little faster when he teased her or whispered to her like he just did. “I’ll go make it once I’m finished with the other customers.”

“All right, Neal,” she said, flashing another smile. She retrieved another of the small pastry plates, placing on it the biggest chocolate muffin in the case. She knew he didn’t like to draw attention to his crutches, so she got up and walked the plate over to him instead of having him come over to the counter. “Here you go… I’ll be back with your hot chocolate.”

Génévieve was surprised by the next customer’s order. “Th-three cinnamon rolls? And a muffin… will this be for here or to go?”

She left Neal’s table to get out a larger plate from the cabinet, placing the baked goods on it before handing it to her. “I can get you a box if you’d like…”

Génévieve looked over to the pretty blonde girl who had just walked in. So busy… and she had only just opened! Today was going to be a long one.

“Sorry for the wait,” she said. “What will you be having today? I made fresh croissants this morning, along with some raspberry macarons… And cinnamon rolls, of course. They seem to be quite popular today. Or you can have any of the other pastries I have displayed in the case. I’ll be in the back making the coffees if you need time deciding.”

With that, she disappeared through the door to the kitchen.
Mandy had planned to sleep in today, but three missed calls and a voice mail from her sister had dashed that plan. She had moved to the flat a few months ago with the express intention of cutting herself off from her siblings. However, her siblings seemed to have other ideas. Although she had never been too involved with her family her siblings seemed to deem her important to the family stability. Which unfortunately meant that she was called upon whenever any sort of drama was present. It often was. She had convinced her parents to let her stay in a flat in a seaside town near her school in an attempt to escape her family. So far it seemed to be working pretty well. Besides she was perfectly satisfied to live on her own, so long as her parents kept funding her.

The chime of the bells as she opened the door to the cafe was a familiar comfort. Even though she was early it seemed that the cafe was already filling up. She identified the regulars straight away, and some new customers as well. Stifling a yawn she joined the line and waited patiently Génévieve to fill out everyone's orders. "A large mocha please," she always started out with coffee,"and a blueberry muffin." She added after a little debate. She glanced over her favourite seat to make sure it was still available as she paid. It was a two person table nestled into the corner of the cafe, and from it one could easily see everything that went on. She was glad to see that it was still indeed open, and placed her bag on the chair as she waited for her order to be finished.
Making her way back to the counter to retrieve her food and coffee, Riley pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose, their thick rims bumping against her brow as she did so. "Definitely for here," she said around a yawn that she half-heartedly tried to cover up. She stared at the plate of food greedily.

"No need for a box," she insisted, "I'm going to most of this in the next five minutes either way." She spoke the lines as if this were an accomplishment she were proud of, and indeed, Riley was quite proud of her ability to stuff food into her mouth. It was quite the skill, she's seen the looks of awe and disgust people send her way when she's going out to eat.
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Hadley woke up early. Unusually early for everyone else on the campus. She hated sleeping in. She got ready as quietly as she could, not wanting to wake her roommate. She wore a black skirt that came to just above her knees and had a flow-y feel to them. She wore a light blue tank-top with a crocheted shall in black on her shoulders. Most people didn't know it, but she made the entire outfit herself. She hadn't picked a favorite medium to make clothes in yet, so she did it all. When she felt like her outfit was good, she tied her hair up in a ponytail that went off to the side. She then walked to her favorite place, "True Love." She had found it by accident one day and kept coming back.

Gathering her sketchbook, a skein of blue-sparkly yarn, and her crochet hook. She also carried her various drawing pencils in case she saw something that inspired her. That was one of the things that made her keep coming back to True Love. She always seemed to get ideas there. When she made it, she opened up the door, seeing how busy it already was. She could tell most of the other regulars, but couldn't tell you their name. She was bad with names that way. There was a slight line when she got there, so she just waited her turn patiently. She wasn't even sure what she wanted exactly.

Looking around she picked out just a few of the regulars already there. The one, she was almost certain his name started with an N, stood out just a bit more than all the others. Most people would think it was because of the crutches. She just noticed that he always had a sketchbook of his own and was always drawing. She was fairly certain that it wasn't full of clothing designs like hers was, but that didn't stop her curiosity. Of course she never could say anything to him. She was always on the verge of asking a bunch of questions though.
Connor groaned when his alarm clock woke him. He couldn't even remember setting it but shrugged off his grogginess and eventually dragged himself out of bed. Lumbering into his small and shabby bathroom, he leaned against the sink and surveyed himself in the mirror. His straight brown hair was all over his head making his appearance quite comical, and his eyes were a bit red. Cocking his head at his own reflection, Connor appeared almost confused by his rugged appearance. He shook his head from left to right, much like a dog, then backed himself out of bathroom and back into his bedroom.

After pulling on some clean clothing and attempting to sort out his disheveled appearance, but to no avail, Connor made his way into his tiny Kitchen with one thought on his mind. Coffee. He walked over to his counter top that usually held his coffee beans and had to suppress himself from letting out a shriek of dismay. He had NO coffee left. He wasn't even sure how something this terrible could be possible. Looking around desperately, he managed to find a single pack of instant coffee.. to bad it was the one flavor he happened to be allergic to. Shaking his head, Connor grabbed his glasses, a light jacket, and his keys, and left his apartment building.

Connor walked down the not quite busy sidewalk searching for the first store that would have coffee. He quietly surveyed each building he passed. The sign hanging on one of them caught his attention and made him smile a bit. True Love Cafe? How peculiar. He thought. Without hesitation, Connor pushed open the door and stepped into the cafe. But, once he looked at all the people there he felt like he had made a terrible mistake. The introverted part of him wanted to turn around and exit the way he had come, but he figured that it'd either make him look really weird or really rude. So instead, he slipped into a booth and laid his head on the table in front of him.
Jim's alarm startled him so much he fell off the bed. Ugh, and he was just about to fall asleep. Groggily picking himself up off the floor of his crappy apartment, he stepped into the small bathroom to brush his teeth and get ready for the day. He didn't have work that day, so he figured he would look around the town and see what there was to do in this place. He just moved in and he didnt really get a chance to explore.

He walked around for a while, visiting little parks and rec centers, beaches and little convinience stores, but with each place he visited his stomach rumbled a little louder. He was definitley hungry. Walking around a bit more, a little cafe caught his eye, "True Love Cafe" , and he was instantly drawn towards the place. Not only did he have a sweet tooth, but he was a helpless romantic, shoujo manga stocked on his shelves at home, and the name of the place is what really got him hooked. He was excited. Any place called the True Love cafe had to be amazing.

He pushed open the door, and his breath was taken away. The place was beautiful, and it smelled amazing too.One thing he wasn't exactly thrilled about was the amount of people, but he wasnt gonna turn back now, he came here to try and be brave. He cautiously stepped in, avoiding eye contact with anyone, and shuffled to the back of the line formed in front of the counter. Wow. Everything looked so good, he couldnt decide what to get... He wondered if they had cookies. Glancing around at the other customers, he fidgeted and wrung his hands in the bottom of his shirt, looking at the ground. There were so many people here. It was getting crowded and he felt a little claustophobic, but he didn't want to leave just yet, this place was so cool! He cursed himself for not coming later, of course it would be busy now, its breakfast/brunch! looking up, he noticed that the line had moved up so that there were two empty spaces that he scrambled to fill. He must have zoned out. He should probably start thinking about his order, he didnt want to sound like an idiot or hold up the line.
Génévieve returned from the kitchen with Neal's hot chocolate, Trey's cappuccino, and Riley's espresso on a tray to find even more people crowding in front of the register.

"Oh dear," she said. "Sorry to keep you waiting! I've got my hands full today..."

She hurried around the café, setting each drink in front of the person who ordered it before rushing back over to the register. "Again, sorry! A blueberry muffin for you... and a mocha..."

Génévieve pulled a muffin out of the case and placed it on a plate, handing it over the counter to Mandy. "And you, behind her? What would you like?"

She noticed another customer, who had not yet ordered anything, resting his head on a table. "Um... excuse me... I don't mind if you take a nap here, but you have to order something first..."
Hadley smiled a little when Genevieve came back out. When Genevieve asked what she wanted, she stepped closer to the counter. "Just a hot chocolate with extra whipped cream, please." She said softly. Sometimes she felt really bad for Genevieve for being so busy and working all alone. She often thought about asking if she was looking for help, but something always stopped her.

She knew exactly how much her order would come to and had the money out of her purse. She'd ordered it enough to remember it. Just about every day during the semester. At least once anyway. Sometimes more.
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