Triumphant Sober Attitude


Hit Me!
Cost: -

Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 5

Type: Permanent

Duration: Permanent

Keywords: None

Prerequisites: Sinuous Harmonic Trance, Joyous Falling Strike

Follow-ups: None

The true master of Drunken Fist has complete control over every one of her muscles and is able to make her body react faster than her own thoughts. Without the restrictions imposed by the mind, the body becomes able to stretch and bend in impossible ways and can reach true lightning speed.

This Charm supplements the Drunken Fist Form permanently. For each dose of ale the Exalted has taken while the form is active, she may eliminate 1 flurry penalty point from a single roll inside a flurry. Additionally, in any successful attack, the Exalted may choose to reflexively spend 2 motes to make the attack piercing.

In any rolls involving Dexterity, Wits or Perception, the martial artist can reflexively spend 1 temporary dot of Willpower to add her Essence rating to the roll as automatic successes. These successes don’t count towards Excellency limits.

Style: Drunken Fist
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