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Fantasy Tribal Warfare RP


In a time when humans had developed the skill of communication, but were yet to form working civilisations, there was tribes; small and primitive, each lead by a war chief, fighting against nature for the right to survive day in day out. Each tribe had their own areas and resources they controlled. However, as the tribes expanded and grew they started needing more resources, resources other tribes had. And so fighting erupted between the tribes. The question is, who will survive, and who will go extinct?

This RP will focus on very primitive people, and because of this certain things will be limited. For example, most tribes will still be in the Stone Age, using stone tools, while maybe one would be in the Bronze Age. Bronze would be that tribe's resource. Also there will be magic, albeit very crude and very limited. The villages will be small too, made of wood or stone.

The first three people to show interest will become War Chiefs (as well as me) and will be able to create one of the four tribes, choosing location and their speciality resource.

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