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Realistic or Modern Trials of Magecraft


So hey everyone! I'm new to this site here so I might not have gotten things right, but here's my pitch at a RP concept. Huge props to Elegy, who brought me to this website in the first place, and helped me out a ton in creating this RP concept. Well to be honest, a majority of this stuff has been slightly modified and taken from previous role play games I have hosted on other sites, so I am curious to see how it fares here.

The general concept of the story is that magic is present in secretive school like organizations around the world. One day a portal comes up and whatever opened it is telling the mages to send their best people to the portal, where they will face unknown trials to determine possibly the fate of all humanity.

Here's some setting and mechanics stuff( It is quite long so read at your own discretion). Nothing is finished right now and all of this stuff is going to undergo another set of reviewing and revising so just note that. Elegy and I are also going to be heavily working on more plot related stuff and explanations to clear up setting and the like. This'll just be an interest check to see whether this idea gets traction on this site.

Plot OV

In the year 2022, a remote island in the Southern end of the Indian Ocean was engulfed entirely in a azure blue sphere of pulsating, mysterious energy. The island was completely uninhabited and placed within the "blindspot" of global communications where no good satellite imagery of surveillance of the island was instituted. However, the immense amount of supernatural energy that emanated from this event did not go unheeded by the globally established mage schools, who convened in a great council to identify its nature.

A secretive expedition, concealed from the knowledge of regular governments, was sent to investigate the island. When the group reached the island, they found it surrounded by a brilliant blue dome. They could not see within nor could they disturb the barrier no matter the force applied. Underwater investigation simply showed that the barrier extended beneath the ocean in a perfect sphere to enclose the island. The investigation was then recalled and heavy magic based surveillance was placed around the island. No major disturbances arose after, so the event was placed in the back of the mage community's mind as more pressing issues such as relations with human governments were once more focused upon.

However, exactly one year later, the impenetrable blue sphere simply disappeared. There was no longer an island left behind, but a small portal floating mid air where the island had once been. Once again a council was convened and an investigative party sent. They went within the inviting portal and only one came back out. The mage that emerged back from the portal was left severely traumatized and mentally shocked, unable to think or focus reliably. The emotional and mental strain of whatever he had seen had caused his psyche to effectively shut down, turning him into a mute, emotionless and hollow human being.

The mage was sent to the council to report on what he had seen if he could. The response was an unintelligent string of guttural sounds of varying, inhuman tones and pitches followed by the mage's passing. His last words were deciphered and the message goes as recorded below

"The Origin bids humanity, who has for so long drawn from its infinite wealth, to send its best representatives to its domain. The criterion for greatest is left up to humanity to decide and may be deduced from this speech.

The Origin shall receive these representatives, and these beings must not have been significant leaders in their life.

The time has come for creation's source to judge its greatest masterpiece. Should humanity's representatives overcome the ordeals that they would face, then the Origin shall continue its benevolence.

Should the representatives fail however,

The Origin shall sever its link to fall into disappointed slumber.

Choose wisely humans and rejoice, for the time to test your worth has finally dawned."


The Origin


The origin is a mysterious force of unfathomable nature. It has no definite shape or will but usually manifests in the shape of a glowing light of varying color that emanates an incomprehensible power. The Origin is in fact the source of all mana and life, and can be considered as a deity of sorts. It was previously an unknown force and phenomenon until very recently, when it manifested over an uninhabited island, and converted its entirety into fuel for a portal to complete it's challenge for mankind. It speaks of severing a leak, and it is highly suspected that this is the link that supplies mana to all humans and thus a severing would equate to the instant death of all humanity.



Mana is the magical energy that runs through the veins` of all living creatures. Mana is the essence of the mind, and is created from mental activity naturally and passively. The greater and more complex the mental capacity of the creature, the more plentiful and efficient mana reserves become. Naturally, human beings have the greatest amount of mana among regular creatures on the earth, although certain supernatural beings eclipse humans in terms of mana reserve.

Mana is an invisible and intangible substance that is infused within the body fluids of human beings. Those trained in utilizing and shaping mana are able to mentally call out the mana within their body and grant it shape and form. The act of giving form to mana is called Magic, which will be detailed later. Every human being has a different level of mana storage, which separates the gifted and well trained mages from inexperienced lay mages. Mana reserves are replenished as is the regular physical body; through rest and nutrition. Additionally, mana reserves are not simply determined at birth. A human can increase his or her mana reserves by constantly using up their mana and replenishing it to slowly increase their mana capacity in much the same way a runner trains lung capacity. Thus it is possible for less gifted mages to make up their shortcomings, but attempting to artificially increase mana reserves is a long and grueling process.

A human can tell what his or her mana reserve is like by instinct; he or she will have an accurate feeling as to what their current mana storage is and how much more they can use. Draining mana does not physically harm a mage unless in special cases. Normally, the overuse of mana entails severe mental exhaustion which follows with loss of motor function, confusion, and eventual unconsciousness. Since mana is the essence of the mind, using up all of one's mana reserve in an instant is essentially using up all of one's brain which would render one brain dead.

Magical Identity

Magic is essentially the shaping of mana into physical form. However, one cannot just shape their mana into anything and everything. Every mage is restricted by their natural magical affinity, or else called their "Emergence Decree".

An "Emergence Decree" is a naturally inherited trait that causes one's mana to follow the form of the emergence. Emergence Decrees are determined at birth and cannot be changed in any way unless in the most odd and extreme of circumstances. An Emergence Decree is a one letter word that best represents the field of magic the owner of the Emergence can practice. For example, a pyromancer would have the Emergence decree of "Fire". Additionally, although Emergence Decrees limit a mage to a certain magical field, this does not mean that they cannot develop their own unique traits utilizing aspects of their determined magical field just like how each individual develops his or her own unique personality traits. A pyromancer, for example, could specialize in creating combustion explosions instead of creating roaring flames.

If two parents have different Emergence Decrees, then the child will randomly inherit. between a parent. In extremely rare cases, a child is able to inherit both Emergence Decrees and obtain two magical affinities. Such rare children are termed as Duos. Duos are not able to pass on their double magical affinity to their children if they couple with a mage with one or no magical affinity, and in the near impossible case of a Duos coupling with a Duos, the child will obtain the two magical affinities of either one parent. There are presumably no mages alive in the current era that have managed to obtain four magical affinities from a Duos couple.

Since Emergence Decrees are inherited, mages with the same Decrees are usually related to each other in culture and ethnicity, although this is not always the case. This also causes magic schools specializing in certain fields to be centered on geographical locations where their specializations originated from. Those that have Emergence Decrees that are not compatible with the major schools are shunned as Pariahs and considered to be unfit to be mages.


Magic Schools

Magic Schools are institutions that shelter mages and teach them how to best refine their magical aptitude. The schools also teach regular education at a rather high level so that its graduates can become competent in the human world. Each institution focuses on a narrow scope of magical specialties to attract a specific body of students and to create some order. There are some multi-purpose magic schools, mostly centered in America where there is no definite magical affinity that represents the majority of the population, but these schools fall behind the advanced teachings of other more specialized schools. There are extremely few magic schools, but the few that exist are colossal and house thousands of inhabitants. Magic schools offer permanent residence within their facilities and are more than capable of housing large numbers of people. Magic schools are all hidden away from the public eye and basically only mages know of their existence. Public revelation of magic would create large scale panic and conflict which would be best avoided for both regular humans and mages. Magic Schools accept students from the age of seventeen and upwards.

Magic schools are also not just institutions of education. They are powerful political entities with each having its own opinions and stances. Magic schools are each headed by a Imperim, a leader elected by the elite body of mages within each school, that represents the magic school. All Imperim meet every two months in a global scale council called the Adjutis, where laws regarding magic usage and the like are discussed and created. Following laws are also law enforcement systems, and an international group of elite mage hunters called the Descar ruthlessly hunt down mages that violate the laws of the Adjutis. The laws that the Adjutis enforce are clear and to the point, often restricting basic ethical issues such as enslaving people mentally or modifying bodies without consent. The magic schools are also not behind on modern technology and openly embrace it, encouraging the unique environment a synthesis of technology and magic can create.


The Descar is the law enforcement body of the magic schools. It is an international organization that houses mages from every corner of the earth. The Descar also serves as the military power of the magic schools, and are a formidable force. It is comprised of the best and most ruthless mages, with each being trained rigorously in every single known and recorded magical affinity to be prepared against all mages. The Descar has a global presence and a worldwide communication network, which, coupled with its deadly strength, keeps mages around the world in line most of the time. The Descar is regarded with contempt by the regular mage body due to it's nature as an organization that kills fellow mages, and in turn members of the Descar usually regard themselves as being superior to regular mages due to their superb magical strength. The Descar is essentially a militarized gathering of mages trained to assassinate any and all kinds of threats to the mage community. The Descar is also charged with erasing any traces of information the mage community might leave behind to hint at its existence to regular people.


University of Elements


Location: Secluded in the Pyrenees mountains

Houses: Students with elemental affinities or its subsets( Ice, lightning, etc.)

Subsets: Any elemental affinity that is not part of or is a combination between the five established ones. Mud, ice, lava, lightning are examples.

Relative Population: The University is the largest magic school. Most mages have an elemental affinity relating to the elements and thus a large majority of the mage population flock to the University of Elements. In consequence, the University is a powerful body and the most influential in the Adjutis Councils though it has little say in controlling the Descar.

Environment: The University is a radiant and beautiful location formed from the use of the five elements. It is extremely large and massive, as large as a small city. The environment is easy going and liberal, with lax restrictions and emphasis on student creativity than on formal teachings. The University is a cheerful school that emanates an air of levity. The arts flourish here, and a large majority of the population are focused on creating beautiful works with their magic and admiring the natural splendor of their elemental magic. Thus the University advances very slowly in magical teaching and produces few that are fit for the Descar, but its inhabitants are in turn content and free to observe their creative urges.

Current Imperim: Lord Dyrin

School of Alchemy

Location: Underneath Lake Constance in Germany

Houses: Students with Alchemical affinities( anything that changes one substance to another. Creating new substances is also under Alchemy, and Alchemy also deals with abstract substances like pain.)

Relative Population: Modest. The School of Alchemy attracts little followers due to its environment and the general lack of those with Alchemical affinities, though there are enough to establish the school and sustain it.

Subsets: Familiar summoning, transmutation, healing via changing pain and injury into something else, construction of golems, conceptual changing, etc.

Environment: The School of Alchemy focuses on extreme precision and technique. It has a zero tolerance policy for mistakes and harshly deals with even the smallest of infractions. This is largely due to the nature of Alchemy as even the smallest of mistakes can have disastrous effects. The School of Alchemy focuses heavily on immense amounts of text studying and application in huge labs. The teachers are of the most elite few, are rigorous and strict, and are capable of producing the best of mages. Additionally, the School of Alchemy has a high moral code as Alchemy's nature is the most prone to immoral tendencies. Needless to say, this moral code is followed to every letter and strictly enforced. The school is also the most scientific out of the magic schools, often experimenting with technological advancement through magical aid and application. The School of Alchemy produces strong and just Descar with its military environment.

Current Imperim: Eckhardt


Location: Airborne and constantly moving around the world. It is essentially a huge castle like building that floats in the air through telekinetic aid.

Houses: Students with magical affinities that relate to the mind

Subsets: Emotion changing, mind control, precognitive sensing, shapeshifting

Relative Population: Medium. Affinities that relate to the mind are broad in range, and anything from telekinesis to mind control to emotion altering fit in this group.

Environment: Animus has a deeply philosophical environment with most of its students being rather emotionless and extremely preceptive due to the nature of their magical affinities. Animus teaches with a balanced combination of both creative freedom and established text, but is not efficient at producing elite students. Most students suffer from some form of mental strain, and thus most teaching seeks to alleviate the strain. The environment of Animus is a quiet and thoughtful one, with most all the students appearing to be in deep thought or suppressing mental instabilities. Animus produces extremely few Descar, but the few it does produce are fearsome and lethal as they usually possess the fatal combination of ruthless insanity and magical talent.

Current Imperim: Lewis Barzell

Fordring's Academy of Magecraft

Location: North America, hidden in the Appalachian mountains.

Houses: Students with all sorts of magical affinities, but mostly the ones mentioned above.

Subsets: N/A, anything goes.

Relative Population: Extremely large. The academy accepts practically all that have magical affinities and those with affinities that match other schools can still choose to attend this academy if they reside in America and cannot travel to other places by any means.

Environment: Fordring's Academy is a diverse lot of mages of all different specialties and personalities. It exudes a chaotic but fun atmosphere. The teaching is rather lax and the texts are mostly outdated but this is simply because it is practically impossible to attend to the needs of all those with different affinities. The Academy is also open minded and accepts those with odd affinities without hesitation, giving the Academy a welcoming aura to it. The Academy thus does not attempt to teach specifically for every magic group, and instead it teaches real world applications and ethical issues. Little to no Descrar come from the Academy largely due to the rather peaceful environment of Fordring.

Current Imperim: Tychus Nowell


Location: Underground and constantly moving around, no definite location.

Relative Population: Extremely small, those with taboo affinities and unstable mentalities flock here.

Environment: Unknown. It is rumored that Nillis is a place of terror, more akin to a jail than a school. Retired Descar, often those too cruel to stay in the organization, teach at Nillis and their methods are brutal and cruel, but effective. It is unknown as to how the teachers teach, but it is highly suspected that considerable mental and physical abuse is inflicted to form the best students. It is not uncommon to have students die as the Descar consider the rejected students to be less than human and fling abuse at them. Due to the school's administrative system being run by former Descar, the school's environment is despair infused environment and laced with vengeful despair. Unsurprisingly, almost all graduates, at least those that survive, of Nillis become Descar, and these graduates often are the most ruthless and feared of all.

Current Imperim: Darius Cyrin


Yeah I know, I did most of this work up there and it drained my life and energy lol. I'll probably need to add in several pages worth of more information on Proxy's request though. Glad your interested either way
TurtleGod said:
That was quite a lot to read, but it sounds awesome!
Thank you! This RP is still under developed, so its just an interest check for now. Thanks for being interested in it!
Pretty sure I will join so save me a spot please. I will go back and read everything tomorrow. I am a bit of a magic junky
[QUOTE="Johnny R McAvery]Pretty sure I will join so save me a spot please. I will go back and read everything tomorrow. I am a bit of a magic junky

Of course, take your time, no need to feel rushed. It's wonderful to see you interested though and I will most definitely reserve a spot for you.
[QUOTE="Johnny R McAvery]Thank you. I literally have a dozen mages to choose from. And two wizards.

Ah that's wonderful! I hope one of them will fit to your fancy and get along nicely in this RP.
I'm going to be very lenient and flexible on what magic your mage can have, as long as it's limited versatility with the mechanics put up.
That sounds good! The entire RP will be up by tomorrow's end, although there currently aren't enough people for it to start.
I see, the minimum to start the RP has been acquired now, but i'll wait longer to see if more people join.

Also I'm sort of looking for a third GM of sorts to oversee this RP if possible, so if any of you are up for it then feel free.
Nice to see your interested! I'll be done with this RP's construction tomorrow since I have to go into more details about stuff like magical artifacts, NPCs, general setting, etc.
Of course, I'm accepting as much people as possible as of right now( the RP will be up tomorrow). There will be cuts judged by sign up sheet quality though but no need to worry about that now.
I'm getting home super late so I'll probably get the cs and thread up late night today sadly :(
Proxy said:
I'm getting home super late so I'll probably get the cs and thread up late night today sadly :(
No it's all right, take as much time as you want! No rush! Sorry if it sounded like i was rushing you, i was just wandering if you knew when it was going to be out, sorry again ^.^

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