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Graded [Tri-Nation Point] War Song


One Thousand Club
Mentions: Holyhalo Holyhalo Ian Temero Ian Temero Solirus Solirus Darkbloom Darkbloom Sepokku Sepokku
OOC: We will be keeping a 3 day post frequency per round. The rp is expected to last a month. Ask any and all questions. At present it is a free for all as far as who posts when so long as it is done within the post period. First round may be stretched a bit as folks sort out what they are doing and how they are coming in. Out of combat, action economy will be ignored, but be mindful to play within character limits otherwise. Some abilities are better for ignoring cooldowns than others. I repeat: ask any and all questions. Multiple posts per round are possible and acceptable when not waiting on something from the world (me). Do not wait on others to post unless you have directly told them you are waiting on them and they have told you they will post. Anyone getting skipped is no one's fault but their own.
Time: Sunset with clear sky painted in oranges and purples
Weather: cool breeze stirs an otherwise warm evening
TLDR: Opening narration. Characters are gathered in a group with the sage at the edge of town. they are told the festival is in danger and they are the ones that can save it by somehow striking out into the wilderness to discern the cause an settle things.
Post Listening:

Tri-Nation Point Outskirts


In the fading light of the setting sun, the characters gathered on the outskirts of the bustling Tri-Nation Point, where the borderlines of Ryke, Fae See, and The Republic blurred into an intricate mosaic of cultures. The aroma of spiced meats from Ryke mingled with the exotic scent of Fae See forest herbs and the sharp tang of polished Republic steel, crafting an ambience of a world where different heritages wove together.

The festival grounds, adorned with colorful banners and torch-lit stalls, were teeming with life. The festivities were yet to commence, yet a sense of anticipation clung to the evening air. The Festival of United Spirits, a beacon of hope and unity in a world once shattered by war, was more than just a local celebration—it was a symbol of peace hard-won and cherished.

Within this atmosphere of merriment, their meeting with the town's revered sage, an old man named Erentil, felt conspicuously solemn. His gaze, weathered by time and filled with the wisdom of ages, bore into each character in turn, as though he was peering into the depths of their souls.

"Half a century has passed since the last blood was shed on our lands," Erentil began, his voice a mere whisper against the evening breeze. "Yet, I fear the scars of war run deeper than we ever imagined."

Erentil recounted his disturbing vision. The festival, he had seen, disrupted by the unrest of the long-dead warriors whose spirits still roamed the forgotten battlegrounds surrounding the town. Their restless souls, trapped in the echoes of a war long past, threatened to cast a shadow over the festival meant to celebrate unity and peace.

"I implore you," he beseeched them, his gaze reflecting the gravity of his words. "Venture into the ancient battlegrounds, find the source of the unrest, and bring solace to those lingering spirits. The harmony of our three town depends on it."

The wind seemed to hold its breath as Erentil's words hung in the air. Behind them, the town continued its revelry, unaware of the spectral turmoil threatening their celebration.

Now it was up to them. Each character carried a part of the three nations within them - the elegance of Ryke, the mystic allure of Fae See, and the indomitable spirit of The Republic. Together, they had a chance to ensure that the peace their forebears had fought so valiantly for would not be disturbed. The echoes of the past called out to them, a chilling reminder of the horrors of war, yet, also, a plea for tranquility.

They stood on the cusp of an unquiet wilderness, tasked with the mission to lay the past to rest, and, in doing so, secure the future. Their path was fraught with uncertainty and spectral echoes, yet, it also held the promise of harmony. The wilderness awaited their decision, and the Festival of United Spirits lingered on the horizon, its destiny interlaced with their resolve.
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Echo frowned at the group that was assembled before her. The town elder had tasked them with something grand, but she was unsure it was a responsibility she wanted. Regardless of her own feelings though, the rest of her party seemed willing to help. Despite her naysaying (or rather naythinking due to her mute nature), Echo had a goofy grin on her face. The two constructs that had the good graces of her company were each peculiar in their own right, their towering bulks standing to either side of her. It made her feel safer while wandering the wilderness, though she'd never admit it. The other member of their little party was a chronomancer named Thomas. She had known magic at some point, at least she seemed to recall she had. Perhaps he would teach her at some point, not that she'd ever ask.

With a bored rolling of her eyes, she brushed stray dirt from her outfit and readjusted her grip on Peleus. Only Naya and her were real fighters, though the shorter of the two constructs was halfway decent with a bow. Worse came to worst, she figured Thomas could speed her up slightly so she could skewer any trouble that crossed their paths. The larger construct would have to be trusted to keep the noncombatants safe. 'Yes,' she nodded with glee, that was a worthy formation. Echo had been hesitant about partying up with someone other than Naya, but it had been working out well so far! They didn't seem to mind her quirks or even the fact that she was prone to tripping over completely flat surfaces.

More out of boredom rather than any real sense of caution, Echo kept scanning the horizon, looking for something, anything, as long as it ended the monotony.

tl;dr - Echo grows accustomed to her new party, boredom prevailing the moment the group is left to their own devices.
Mentions: Novama Novama Holyhalo Holyhalo Ian Temero Ian Temero Darkbloom Darkbloom Solirus Solirus
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Tri-Nation Point was a town that Waen knew very well, as it lay central to the lands he’d placed under his care. It was an odd thought to Waen, that these people put claims on these lands and drew lines on paper to determine which parts of it were theirs and which parts belonged to others. Nature cared little for these sorts of ideas and so his own domain was spread out over the three border-claiming countries around.

It had been such a quiet day to help out with the festival organization. Everyone had been running around getting things done for the festivities so that everyone would enjoy their time during the United Spirits festival. It was also a good place to earn some coins by doing little tasks here and there. Panicking stall owners lacking in decorative flowers and plants, industrious bakers with dwindling wood supplies for their fires, overworked servants looking for very specific herbs or items for their masters. All willing to part with a few coins so that he could take these tasks off their hands.

As the day began to fade, a youngster with a message from the local sage had approached him. An invitation to some sort of meeting the sage thought important. It was curious how the man even knew of Waen, but the construct didn’t think too far into it. Most likely some sort of word had gotten out of him helping around town. Waen gathered his bow and backpack, packed with all sorts of survival tools and gear, and adjusted his armor, making sure the leaves and moss on it looked presentable.

He had gathered all his things and quickly found himself in the presence of a handful of other individuals, only one of whom he could really see as being the sage. To his surprise, one of the others gathered here was another construct. Waen introduced himself in common to everyone gathered but gave a direct greeting to the construct in Analog. A quick string of soft clicks and flickering light pulses from the eyes conveyed his message. “Greetings. I am W4-3N, or Waen, a hunter from these parts.”

After the introductions were finished, the sage began to speak, explaining that lingering spirits of those long fallen could disturb the festival. Waen didn’t know anything about the bloody history of the countries that laid claim to these lands but he did vaguely remember seeing these ancient battlegrounds, or what remained of them, within the wilds. As he hadn’t noticed any spirits, malevolent or otherwise, he’d either been lucky back then or these were more recent developments.

It seemed to Waen that he’d been brought in on this venture for his specific set of skills as he was pretty sure the Sage had never heard of his ghost slaying skills before. He had no idea if the people around him were skilled spirit soothers or something similar but he could get them there. “I don’t know about anyone else but I know my way around the area. If you could point me in the right direction, Sage, I could safely guide these people to the battlegrounds you speak of.”

Ian Temero Ian Temero Darkbloom Darkbloom Sepokku Sepokku Novama Novama
Direct Communication: Solirus Solirus
TL; DR: Waen introduced himself to everyone and greets Sant in Analog. He offers to guide everyone to the specific battleground as he knows the area somewhat.
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Through pure coincidence had Sant joined a party to lay spirits to rest. In but week prior had Sant woken up confused and startled, the memories of his past life vibrant and fresh. In those first days of wondering and wandering had he encountered a band of merchants travelling towards a soon to come festival and joined them as a sort of protector in exchange for answering the many questions he held. Several inquires were made and several answers were given, yet at the end the merchants and Sant parted ways as the curiosity of the now construct could not be sated by merchants. Yet just as they had parted had a merchant sought him out for a sage wished for capable individuals to help in a matter of importance, a matter which Sant accepted.

When Sant arrived at the meeting place he took notice of all the other party members he would be accompanying but focused more at the words of the sage. His attention was drawn when Waen communicated with Sant. It was odd and at first he didn't understand what was said, but soon enough he seemed to understand the message. Sant wasn't sure if he could do such a thing himself as it did not seem to come naturally or instinctively as magic mere moments after his awakening. "A pleasure, my name is Sant." Sant spoke in a deep and modulated voice, he sounded more akin to a human than a typical construct. After further pleasantries the group ventured further into the wilderness.

On their travel Sant would not stop looking around in curiosity and amazement, said emotions hidden by his unmoving expression. Waen's remark caught Sant's attention, to him it felt as if their journey was aimless, but perhaps it was merely his own personal problem. "I am ignorant to the paths of the wilderness and where our destination lays. Although, we seek a battlefield, thus perhaps we may discover it's whereabouts should we stand upon higher ground" Sant remarked scanning the area around him to find any good vantage point.

TL; DR: Sant arrives, introduces himself, and suggests we move to a high place to spot the battlefield

Holyhalo Holyhalo Novama Novama Sepokku Sepokku Ian Temero Ian Temero Darkbloom Darkbloom
He arrives late, so late that everyone is already here. Dammit, why am I always LATE? I swear I left with enough time to get here! He internally berates himself for not being better with the time, even though he's a chronomancer. The gods must be crazy! One or more of them must've conspired to make his life a living irony! All Thomas can do is sigh and hold his head in his hands. Whatever. I'll just have to become the best chronomancer anyone has ever seen! Then, NO ONE will make fun of my constant tardiness! But it was not to be.

Thomas came from the region of Ryke. He looks around at the others, having only heard everyone's name in passing. Upon entering this world, Thomas had lost all his memories of his life before and was born to retired adventuring parents. At a young age he discovered his magic, and his parents were overjoyed. Everything he's read up to this day about chronomancy was intricate and confusing. But he won't let that stop him from mastering this type of magic. His eyes light up once he hears "ancient ruins", thinking maybe he can find something related to his magic.

Anything and everything helps, from talking about it with other people to real combat where he has to think about the best way to deal with enemies. He learned an offense and defense spell, enough for now but he hopes to think of more ideas along the way. There are a few constructs around, a woman, and a man. Possibly other faces that haven't made themselves known yet. Well... one thing is for sure, he will need to communicate with everyone during the quest. "Good to be here, everyone. I hope I can offer some small assistance with my limited knowledge. I hope to find more about chronomancy along the way so if you spot anything that looks like a time spell please let me know!"

Holyhalo Holyhalo Novama Novama Sepokku Sepokku Ian Temero Ian Temero
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Echo Halflight
Stifling a silent giggle, Echo watched as Thomas walked along the trail. The perpetually late Chronomancer was easily one of the more amusing members of the party, not that the fact was any real accomplishment considering her other choices were two lumps of metal and a cat. Her habitual scanning of the horizon had yielded little of note: a gnarled branch, a few birds, a stray cloud that looked like it could have been a hippopotamus if the snout hadn't been blown into a strato-cumulus monstrosity, but none of the killer honeybees she had heard so many tales about.

Biting the inside of her cheek, she recalled that just a bit north of them was a distributary that flowed down from the Continental Lake. Hopefully they weren't expected to walk that far, her feet were already starting to ache, and their quest had barely begun. It was no small annoyance that the dirt trail they were walking on had been tread so many times before that it was akin to walking on sandstone. With in an inaudible sigh, she wished her parents had made enough money to send her off with a beast to ride.

Sant said something to the other construct, the rapid pacing of his (Her two new construct friends were male, right?) words made the phrase incomprehensible to her, if he had even spoken common. However, she did understand his mention of higher ground. Echo liked high places, vantage points from which to cast down her righteous judgement were always appreciated.

Positioning herself in front of Sant, she quickly signed agreement at him, "Smart!" She followed up by allowing her fingers to clumsily spell out the question, "Can I ride on your shoulders?" She trusted that he understood Sylvan Sign Language, and without waiting for an answer, rude though it might have been, she put a hand on his upper arm and clambered onto his back. Once properly seated, she let her legs swing lazily, the heels of her feet tapping against Sant's chest every so often. Things looked different from eight feet off the ground, she marveled at the way the breeze felt on her face; a second of pure bliss in the Ryke wilderness, then her stomach rumbled and the moment was lost.

Fishing through her knapsack, she grabbed a bag of jerked meat and promptly began to chew on the largest piece she could fit in her mouth. Tapping Sant on the shoulder she leaned forward and offered him a piece of dried rabbit, her gaze wandering to Waen, 'Do these two even eat?'

tl;dr - Eager to combat her growing boredom and fond of high places, Echo heartily agrees with Sant, before attempting climb onto his shoulders. Suddenly feeling peckish, she offers to share rations with the two constructs.
Mentions: Novama Novama Holyhalo Holyhalo Ian Temero Ian Temero Darkbloom Darkbloom Solirus Solirus
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Eris stood in the crowd of people standing on a box, "Hello, would you be interested in learning about the Goddess Holfeel, the goddess of Reincarnation and guide of souls?" She inquired as a few people took the flyers she passed out to them before moving along. "Book of Tylaith verses 1 through 9, out walked Holfeel clad in bright light and out she led us from the darkness. Through her light, the tide of our luck had changed. No longer were we the ones running, but in fact, we were now reclaiming our lives. Blessed are those who walk in the light and know of the goddess," Eris recited from memory as she cleared her throat.

"The book of Lavicus verses 3-9 states, There we stood in complete darkness and as it was about to swallow the world. There was a bright light, a light that pushed back the darkness as it guided out those who followed; a woman met them at the end of their path, and she said, dear children, follow me, for I am always with you. The Goddess Holfeel teaches us that wherever there is darkness, the light will surely follow. We who bask in the light shall return to the cycle. We are all brought to her and then returned in our next life. To which you will be reunited with your loved one." Eris paused as she took a moment to breathe as she saw the town's safe start gathering a crowd of people.

Stepping off the box, she walked over and saw the group of people she had traveled with to get to the village.As the group set out Eris followed, with the mention of spirits she felt that she was qualified to assist the souls that were trapped in this place.
"Eris Granstone, High Priestess of the Goddess Holfeel," Eris introduced herself as the group seemed to be doing introductions. Though even she couldn't help but notice the group did seem a bit new which was the reason she had tagged along with them.

Mentions: Novama Novama Holyhalo Holyhalo Ian Temero Ian Temero Darkbloom Darkbloom Solirus Solirus
Mentions: Holyhalo Holyhalo Ian Temero Ian Temero Solirus Solirus Darkbloom Darkbloom Sepokku Sepokku saxon saxon
OOC: Ian skip 1, good job getting posts in. No one understands sylvan sign language so good luck with that. Make sure you guys have permission before you start doing things to each others characters. Some will find it off putting without advance notice.
Time: Sunset with clear sky painted in oranges and purples
Weather: cool breeze stirs an otherwise warm evening
TLDR: Sage encourages the party to work together and tolerate the quirkiness of its members. He gives them parting well wishes and advice.
Post Listening:

Tri-Nation Point Outskirts


The sun began its descent, casting a warm, golden light across the bustling town, the preparations for the festival still in full swing. The sage stood in the midst of this organized chaos, watching the motley group assembled before him - the mute swordswoman, Echo; the two constructs, Waen and Sant; the chronomancer Thomas, and the high priestess of Holfeel, Eris. It was an unlikely gathering for such a solemn task, yet there was an undercurrent of determination in the air, one that the sage found reassuring.

Echo's actions - the signing, the climb onto Sant's shoulders - caused a ripple of confusion among the group, as none were familiar with her silent language. The sage glanced at the others, nonplussed by her behavior. There was a brief pause, a moment of awkward silence as everyone would need to take time to process Echo's intent, until the sage, experienced and wise, stepped forward.

"My friends," he began, his voice filled with warmth, his gaze sweeping across each of them. "I understand that our gathering may seem unusual, and some among us communicate in ways we may not understand. Yet, it is the variety of your abilities, the diversity of your experiences that could make you more formidable. At least, this is what I will choose to believe."

The sage then turned his attention towards Echo, "Miss Echo, it is quite evident that your silent language is something we do not comprehend, yet I believe your intentions are genuine and your courage unquestionable."

Addressing the group once more, he continued, "You are embarking on a journey that requires unity and mutual understanding. Strive to comprehend each other's strengths and weaknesses, for therein lies your strength. May you respect each other's uniqueness and move forward."

His gaze then shifted towards the direction of the old battlegrounds, his voice growing solemn. "The lingering spirits await, their unrest casting a shadow over the festival. It will be your responsibility to guide them to peace."

He glanced at the setting sun, the sky stained with hues of orange and purple. "You must leave now. I trust you have already prepared yourselves this afternoon. May your courage guide you in the face of the unknown."

The sage's words hung in the air, his wisdom casting an encouraging light on their task. As the last light of day dwindled, the town buzzed with activity, the party now ready to embark on their mission under the cover of a darkness.
As the sunset fades away, Thomas pouts. He loves watching sunsets, except for the part where they go away. The colors are so vibrant, it makes him want to take up painting to capture the view. Going back to what Sant mentioned, Thomas agrees. High places are always the best for viewing the target and making plans. "Good idea Sant. We should start walking to that high area. It's getting dark so hurrying would be a good idea." He watches Echo climb on Sant's shoulders and is a little jealous of his height, being only 5' 7" himself.

Next to him is a girl reciting holy texts. It doesn't make a lot of sense to him, but part of being a mage requires him to know many different things. He doesn't want to be a convert, not at all. They are nice sounding words, but he doesn't see a reason to follow anyone like that. "I'm not really interested in joining, but do you have a copy of your holy book with all these words in it? Never know when I might need to refer to it for something else." Or maybe it will be a paper weight.

Holyhalo Holyhalo Ian Temero Ian Temero Solirus Solirus Sepokku Sepokku saxon saxon Novama Novama
Echo attempted to communicate through sign language which he hardly knew anything about, yet her following actions involved climbing up to his shoulder. Had she asked if she could climb up? It didn't matter at this point, however for his stature he was reminded that this body, albeit durable, was not exceeding in the strength departments. Thus Sant was now moving a bit slow than he previously was, although he wasn't traveling quickly anyways.

Sant looked back up to Echo who was now offering him, what appeared to be Jerk beef, "I have no need for sustenance." he explained "But I am most thankful for the offer" . The arrival of the high priestess seemed odd at first, but given the sheer importance of the mission, it seemed like a good call. Given this was a world of magic, it was likely he could observe the priestess in action and learn a thing or two more than simply relying on his innate talent.

Novama Novama saxon saxon Darkbloom Darkbloom Sepokku Sepokku Holyhalo Holyhalo Ian Temero Ian Temero

Eris listened to the town Sage; she pondered upon the words that he said, though she was a little confused by the whole situation and felt uniquely qualified for this task. After all, she was the High Priestess of Holfeel, the Goddess of Rebirth and guider of souls. Eris looked up at the sky as the colors changed, though she knew darkness wouldn't matter when it fell. After all, her robes would emit a glow in the darkness, which would be a curse and a blessing.

She turned to look at one of the party members as Thomas asked her about the scriptures. "Of course, I always come prepared," Eris replied as she fished through her robes for a moment before producing a book with the texts of her Goddess. "Though, pilgrims are always welcome at the Basilica of Holfeel at the See Capital," she explained as she grabbed her quarterstaff and leaned against it. "But, if you have any questions, let me know," Eris concluded with a smile as she turned her attention back to the swordsman with the nonverbal party member on his shoulder.

"Well, hopefully, we can put the souls to rest, though that doesn't mean we should let our guard down. Spirits can be tricky sometimes," Eris stated as she put both here and on her staff and gently tapped the ground twice, closing her eyes. "Book of Lycaran, verses 16-25. "Into the valley of darkness travel, the faithful, for it is in the darkness that light can be found. For we are merely sheep lost without our Sheppard who watches over us. Ask, and you shall receive the Goddess as your Sheppard so that you may walk the path of the light. For it is not lost, the night is long, and the path is dark. Look to the sky for one day soon; the dawn will come," Eris prayed before looking to the rest of the group.

Mentions: Novama Novama Holyhalo Holyhalo Ian Temero Ian Temero Darkbloom Darkbloom Solirus Solirus
Echo frowned and withdrew the rabbit she had offered to Sant, being unable to taste seemed like a nightmare. Though, he had said he didn't require sustenance, not that he couldn't eat it. She nibbled on the meat as she pondered the implications of the construct's words and thanked the Gods she hadn't been reincarnated as a Construct. Perhaps she had ought to pay a proper devotion to the Goddess this holy woman mentioned after everything was said and done.

Putting her chin on a balled-up fist and squinting her eyes, she examined the priestess before her; Thomas had expressed interest in the religion and she replied with what Echo assumed were readings from a holy book. She was certain she had never met this person, and yet... Why did their proselytization sound so... familiar. 'Holfeel, Holfeel...' Wracking her brain, she tried to put a face to the name. For some reason, the name brought karaoke and brandy to mind. Had she gone on a bender with this woman? No, as a woman of the cloth, she didn't seem like the fun type. 'Gah!' She scratched at the back of her head, this would bug her all day if she didn't figure it out; it had been in the back of her mind since their trip into town together, and now that she was back..! The priestess didn't seem to recognize her at least, so it couldn't have been that important.

"...the night is long, and the path is dark. Look to the sky..."

Echo stopped and blinked twice, that bit did seem awfully familiar. She felt like she could almost place it, in fact, she could place it. The holy man she had left the Fae See with had said that exact phrase before. Didn't that man and her get thrown out of a temple after a night of binge drinking? 'Now, what the hell else did he use to say? Something about light beer? No...' Echo pondered it for a moment. It was on the tip of her tongue, they were sitting in a tavern having a debate about the afterlife, and the man said... What had he said? Echo's head tilted slightly while she scrutinized the priestess.

'Those who see the light at the end of their life shall be reborn again!' The words suddenly came into mind, the man gushing over her story about another world; she briefly pondered what had happened to him after they had been thrown out of that church. Entertaining the thought no longer, Echo grabbed a notebook and a piece of charcoal from her pocket. Hastily, she leaned forward, using Sant's chest as a writing surface to scrawl the words onto her notebook, then flipped the page and wrote another phrase. Reading it over once to make sure she got it right, Echo kicked her feet backward, hoping to do a backflip and land on her feet. Instead, her foot caught on her spear and she fell in an unceremonious heap to the ground.

Scrabbling back to the standing position, she brushed herself off before presenting her notebook to the priestess. The first page was simply the passage from the Book of Icarus, then she flipped to the next page that read, "Let's show them the light!" A childish smiling face was drawn in the corner of the page, her face practically mimicking it as she couldn't help but be amused with her own wordplay.

tl;dr - Echo recalls meeting another member of Eris's faith. Borrowing a phrase from their books, she attempts to make a joke, hoping to lighten the party's spirits as they set off
Mentions: Novama Novama Holyhalo Holyhalo Ian Temero Ian Temero Darkbloom Darkbloom Solirus Solirus
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Time was beginning to be a problem as the final members of the group joined with the rest of them. The sun was beginning to lower on the horizon while the sage imparted some final words of wisdom on the group. In his enigmatic ways, the sage also answered Waen’s question, providing him with a direction to go in once the group was settled. He knew of the one the sage was talking about but had never walked the grounds himself. Adding to that Sant’s question of higher ground, he began to wrack his brain, looking for the answer.

As his mind combed through the information he had, Waen began a quick scan of his belongings, making sure he had everything in place. Bow in hand, backpack stuffed with supplies for the wilds, pouches with herbs dangling from the sides and bottom of it, within reach in case he needed them in a pinch. A quiver of arrows on his right hip, the top covered so they wouldn’t get thrown out along the road. A sleeping bag with little use, fire starting equipment and a handful of other useful tidbits of gear. All there and ready for use, if necessary.

With a nod of his head, Waen stood up and adjusted the straps of his backpack, rolling his shoulders to make sure everything felt properly in place. “Is everyone set to go? It will take some time for us to get to where we are going and it is getting late.” Two soft lights hidden within his helmet of a head moved over the gathered group, trying to ascertain their physical capabilities. “We’ll set off on a slower pace so everyone can keep up. If you fall behind or need a break, make yourself heard. Try not to climb your allies if you get tired, you’ll only tire them out quicker by doing so.” His last remark was made directly at a certain member of the group, even though he didn’t look specifically at them.

“Traveling in the forest is always dangerous. Doing so in darkness only makes it more so. If you don’t have a light source of your own, pick up a lantern or two from the festival on the way out as we will be needing them.” Taking his own advice to heart, Waen walked up to the nearest lantern decoration, taking it off the hook and holding it out in front of him and taking a second one, blowing out the light to use for later. It would work well enough for their purpose. He put a few coins on the counter of stall as payment. As he was doing so, he did wonder why the sage had decided to gather them here and now for this, as darkness only made this all more difficult.

“Whichever one of you decides to walk last in the group, you should do so together with someone else. Losing sight of the group will likely mean you’ll get lost and we might not notice for a while that you’re gone." Looking his group over a second time here, the construct changed his mind and shook his head. "Actually, no. Everyone should walk in pairs just to keep things simple. Safety first and foremost. We can decide on spirit-slaying strategies once we get closer to the battlegrounds.”

Novama Novama Sepokku Sepokku saxon saxon Solirus Solirus Darkbloom Darkbloom
TL; DR: Waen wonders if he knows of a high ground near their destination and advises the party to bring light sources for the road and that everyone should walk in pairs.
Mentions: Holyhalo Holyhalo Ian Temero Ian Temero Solirus Solirus Darkbloom Darkbloom Sepokku Sepokku saxon saxon
OOC: Good job posting. I assume no multiple posts for the round means you are ready to move on. Surprised no one asked when the next round was coming. In case it wasn't clear, you guys can post multiple times in a round unless its combat. Next post going to be a more timely 3 days from now. This last round stretched longer than it should have.
Time: evening clear sky
Weather: cool breeze stirs an otherwise warm evening
TLDR: party is lead into the dark wilderness and sees the remains of the old battle field. currently searching for clues as to what may be cause the sage's foreseen disaster for the town.
Post Listening:

Tri-Nation Point Surrounding Fields


The revelry of the festival continued behind them, the sound of music and mirth fading into a quiet hum as the party moved away. Ahead of them lay the fields, now shrouded in the soft glow of lantern and torchlight, casting a serene yet eerie atmosphere over the land. They were stepping into a world where history and the present intertwined, a place marked by battles long fought and won.

The landscape, seemingly peaceful and undisturbed, was punctuated by an unsettling sense of lingering unrest. The flickering light played tricks on their eyes, the dancing shadows shaping into phantoms of long-dead soldiers. The stark reality of their mission became eerily tangible as the torchlight glinted off worn stones, remnants of a fortress that once stood proud and unyielding. The traces of old trenches, now softened by years of growth and weather, still cut through the fields like old scars.

Waen, being more local to those parts, carried with him a mental map of the region, one that had been etched into his memory through some time exploring. He remembered the stories told to him or spoken within his hearing about the great war that was fought here. The old battlegrounds were dotted with hilly terrains and crumbling battlements, a constant reminder of the lives lost and the violence witnessed. Among the locals, it was an open secret that these fields bore the weight of unquiet spirits, a fact that was now their prime concern. Waen would know the terrains ahead were treacherous, especially at night, due to uneven ground and poor lighting.

Waen would be able to point out a stretch of land where the grass seemed to grow in strange, irregular patterns. He would know that area was once a front line. It's said that the ghosts of fallen soldiers are more common in that area at night. Some suspect may be it was from a battle lost or one not yet finished.

As they continued to venture deeper, the aura of the place intensified. Even the air seemed heavy with the taste of past battles, the smell of iron, and old fire. Yet, beneath it all, there was an undercurrent of resilience and silent reverence, a testament to the history that had unfolded on this very ground. Despite the growing foreboding, the party had yet to see any actual spirits or other entities lurking in the night. At least any they could confirm was real...
Nodding along as Waen instructed the party, Echo grabbed a lantern and followed after him. Unfortunately, she tripped not very far afterwards, dropping the lantern and spilling the oil that kept it lit all over the dirt path. With an annoyed sigh she trudged along in silence behind Waen, using the light of his lantern to light the path in front of her. Thankfully the priestess lit the path besides her, and the walk proved to be less troublesome than she would have expected, as she tripped only a handful of times.

Walking through the old trenches proved easiest, the haft of her spear doubling as a walking stick. Despite accepting the quest, Echo knew precious little about quelling spirits. She turned towards the holy woman with a quizzical look.

tl;dr - Echo follows closely behind Waen, leaving the priestess to take the spiritual lead
Mentions: Novama Novama Holyhalo Holyhalo Ian Temero Ian Temero Darkbloom Darkbloom Solirus Solirus
Time magic isn't a big help when searching for something in the waning light of the day. The breeze is pleasant at first but as it continuously blows it gets much colder, making Thomas wish he had worn something that could deal with colder weather. His mind was occupied with something else so he forgot to grab a lantern from the festival to have light, and noticed when Echo had stumbled and dropped the light she was holding. It looked like a particularly nasty fall, and he thinks maybe learning some form of first aid would be beneficial, if he couldn't learn a healing spell. Thomas sped up his pace and walked next to Echo, considering how to start talking. Thomas isn't great with words, but he found a suitable start and tapped Echo's shoulder lightly. "That looked like a bad fall. How are you holding up?" It was as good a start as any in his opinion.

Novama Novama Holyhalo Holyhalo Ian Temero Ian Temero Sepokku Sepokku Solirus Solirus

Taking the lead for the group, Waen guided his party towards the battlefield. He was still unsure of how real the Sage’s foreseen threats were but he would check it out, even if it was just to help settle the matter. In the darkness, he could hear the others behind him struggling with the unfamiliar terrain, the darkness and the possibility of spirits. He held out his lantern ahead of him, taking his time to make sure nothing treacherous lay ahead, insofar nature was concerned. If there were any spirits here, he wouldn’t even know how to spot or track them.

Keeping San’ts request in mind, Waen detoured slightly as they began approaching the battlefield. It would have been a very historical sight for those in the group who had never been here before, had it not been for the dead of night obscuring anything beyond the meager light of their lanterns. He guided the group up the back of a small hill, pointing out the pitfalls and dangers as he spotted them. Despite his best intentions, however, he couldn’t spot them all, nor could he prevent the others from straying too far to the side, outside of what he’d scouted, and so some tripped, stumbled or fell.

From the hilltop, the battlefield lay in darkness, with only a little bit of star and moonlight to guide them. “That’s it, over there.” He pointed into the darkness, just in case one of them could see it. It would become much clearer once they went down into it but for now this was it. “Be careful on the way down as there are plenty of trenches and irregular terrain remaining from the battle.” With that, Waen began the walk down to the battlefield, moving slower than before and scanning the terrain ahead, snaking his way down the side of the hill.

It only took a short walk from the bottom of the hill to reach the scars the battle had left on nature. Strange growths of grass began marking the center of the field. Here, Waen began to hesitate. What if? Just a possibility but what if… “This is it. From here on out, it’s the battlefield. Be careful where you step, there might be anything from an old skull to the tip of a rusty spear sticking out.” He held his lantern out as far forward and as high as he could, shining what meager light he had onto the ground ahead of him. He took a step to the side, inviting others in the group to step forward. His part of the job was done. Now it was up to the spirit people to step up and do theirs.

Mentions: Novama Novama Sepokku Sepokku Darkbloom Darkbloom saxon saxon Solirus Solirus
TL; DR: Waen leads the group to a hill overlooking the battlefield and guides them to the edge of it, where he steps aside for others to take charge.

Eris felt the tapping on her shoulder and saw Echo holding some paper up with writing on it. Squinting her eyes slightly as she read. "That seems like my specialty; the path is always shown in the light," Eris replied, following the group as they were led to the battlefield. I wonder what we will find here; this was a battlefield, so no doubt there will be some wondering, but are they all friendly? That is the question. Eris thought to herself as she kept on walking.

As the group arrived at the battlefield, Eris could feel the change in the atmosphere and the air's heaviness. Few places felt like this, "I'd recommend that we all stay close; the air here is different," Eris stated as she followed after the group as they made their way down the terrain. Using the light of her robes, she stepped further into the battlefield carefully, ensuring she was about to step on anything sharp or any bones. She didn't know much about the history of the battle or who fought here, which made things much harder.

"Do we know where the two armies made their camps on the field? I would say we should start there, but the air...The air is heavier here. I can smell smoke and iron," Eris stated as her usual energetic nature and childish gleam replaced her more severe expression. She tightened her grip on her staff as she looked out into the darkness and hadn't seen any spirits yet. She knew that was far from saying they were not there.

"Goddess, I beseech you to cast your guiding light upon this field," Eris prayed as she stepped further into the battlefield and looked for any signs around her. There was much to do, and she would need a starting point; the camp sites would have had dying and wounded carried back to them, which made it seem like a logical place to start if they could find the camps.

Mentions: Novama Novama Holyhalo Holyhalo Ian Temero Ian Temero Darkbloom Darkbloom Solirus Solirus
Sant held gratitude for Waen as they moved to high ground, yet it was unfortunate that such a view was shrouded with the coming night. Sant could still make out an image of the battlefield as it contracted with the surrounding landscape.

Before following the rest of the group, Sant channeled magic from his body into his catalyst, creating a small aquamarine glow at the tip of it, then with a slight turning motion of his hand he froze the source of the glow to remain at the tip. The light itself was not impressive, but it was serviceable as it showed the ground he stepped on even should he fall behind. To which he quickly realized that the group had moved up ahead carefully making his way to catch up and mimicking Echo's use of her spear as a walking stick with his own staff.

Finally arriving at the battlefield the atmosphere had changed, no longer where they at an optimistic festival or the peaceful forest. Instead now they stood on an eerie land born of death and destruction.

The Priestess spoke first recommending for the group to stay close which Sant agreed with, if such a place housed the restless spirits of slain warriors then it would be best to encounter them together than alone, especially on the dead of night. Sant however was initially confused at the proposition to head to the camps, if the war was over wouldn't they have recovered all their remaining assets, how would we discern the location? Perhaps the locations of these camps are known, but through a war it is likely many camps were formed and taken down as the battle progressed, yet travelling to a camp is sound, that is where either several died to their wounds, or where many found safety and comfort while far from their homes... "I concur, remaining idle might do us not but endanger our mission, but do we seek the camps to find the most of these spirits? If so perhaps we could investigate the center of the battlefield where many would've lost their lives." Sant proposed but quickly responded to his own proposition, "I am not saying to split up, doing so would be unwise, but we could travel there after we investigate the camp thoroughly."

saxon saxon Novama Novama Holyhalo Holyhalo Darkbloom Darkbloom Sepokku Sepokku
Mentions: Holyhalo Holyhalo Solirus Solirus Darkbloom Darkbloom Sepokku Sepokku saxon saxon
OOC: Good job posting. gonna move the round a bit faster this time since everyone pasted and we can make up for some lost ground that way.
Time: evening clear sky
Weather: cool breeze stirs an otherwise warm evening
TLDR: from the hilltop, the can see the sources of their troubles as well as a couple other curious sights.
Post Listening:

Tri-Nation Point - Old Battlefield


As the ragtag group of adventurers took their position atop the hill, the vista of the ancient battlefield stretched out before them, offering a sobering reminder of the conflicts past. Waen, a lantern held aloft, allowed the light to spill forth and dance upon the shapes of long-forgotten trenches and markers of strife.

From this vantage point, the congregation of spirits and mana was unmistakable, an ethereal dance of light and shadow cast in the very heart of the battleground. The spectacle was as eerie as it was awe-inspiring, a spectral testimony to the souls who had fallen in the fields of valor below. They could feel the mana's potent pulse, an almost tangible, electrifying sensation that prickled at their skin and resonated deep within their own wells of power. To see and feel such a concentration of spiritual energy was unsettling.

Not far from their perch, a hillside cave caught their attention, adorned with an array of war memorabilia that gleamed under the celestial dome. Despite the grim surroundings, there was an unexpected beauty in the shimmering objects, the moonlight reflecting off the polished bronze and iron, creating a spectacle of dim light that danced across the worn symbols of old conflict. A tendril of smoke and flicker of light from within the cave suggesting someone or something was squatting there.

Among the ironclad tokens of warfare, they noticed a shield bearing a faded crest, spears with their points dulled by time, and a tattered banner that fluttered with every gust of wind. This solemn memorial of forgotten heroes seemed to hum with old tales of courage and honor, whispering stories of warriors who fought for their people and their land.

Just then, an unexpected presence entered their periphery. A fae spirit, delicate and translucent, floated close by. Its glow was soft, a gentle beacon amidst the chaos of spectral energy that veiled the battlefield. The small creature had an unmistakable look of worry etched on its features as its eyes flicked towards the center of the battlefield.

The tiny spirit seemed out of place, a creature of beauty and peace surrounded by echoes of war. They couldn't help but feel drawn to it, the innocent anxiety of the fae being a stark contrast to the tumultuous energies converging in the battlefield's heart.

Thomas is awestruck by the sight of the battleground and the concentration of mana coming from it. Is this what it feels like to have insurmountable magic? It's exciting and terrifying at the same time, to know he could be strong someday in the far future when he has more of a handle on his magic. Maybe going to an adventuring college would benefit him.

And then it appeared. A member of the fae species, a spirit, looking at the battlefield with a worried expression. He wants so badly to go talk to the spirit, to tell her everything would be fine. But he didn't yet know this. One thing he did know, was how it would be very unwise to walk on the battlefield by himself. He turns to everyone else to speak, having forgotten completely about Echo's injury. "Well, everyone? Shall we go ahead and take care of business?"

Holyhalo Holyhalo Solirus Solirus Novama Novama Sepokku Sepokku saxon saxon Ian Temero Ian Temero
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Trudging along with a frown on her face, Echo perked up slightly when Thomas approached her. Surprisingly enough, he seemed worried about her. Using her free hand to dust herself off, she tried to wave her hand nonchalantly, as if it had been nothing. Not too long thereafter they found the site of the battlefield, Waen leading them up to some sort of outcropping that overlooked the ancient site. There was an odd vibe about it, nothing she couldn't handle though. That is to say, until she saw the tiny fairy creature appear. It made her want to scream, or worse even, it made that dark part of her mind come to the forefront. When you see something cute and for some reason want to hit it, whatever that feeling was called.

Instead of doing what she immediately wanted to do, she crept up quietly behind Thomas and waited for someone to try and communicate with the creature. If only her parents had taught her Sylvan.

tl;dr - Echo laments not knowing Sylvan
Mentions: Novama Novama Holyhalo Holyhalo Ian Temero Ian Temero Darkbloom Darkbloom Solirus Solirus

Eris looked back at the group to see if anyone had any answers to the question. "Well then, I suppose we had better get searching, though this place does seem quite large," Eris stated as she looked out into the night. She noticed the lights from the cave, and she looked confused when the new creatures appeared. There was something strange about the whole situation though even she couldn't put her fingers upon it.

Now what would creatures such as these be here on this battlefield? She thought to herself as she let out a small sigh as one of the group suggested that they get a move on. "I think it would be best if we go talk to the new arrivals; maybe they will have more information than we do," Eris suggested as a smile appeared on her face. Turning away from the group she started to make her way to the new arrivals.

"Hello, we are looking to guide the spirits that linger here to a peaceful rest. Would you know what the cause or where these spirits happen to be?" Eris inquired, keeping her distance as to note scare them as she stopped a few feet from them.

Mentions: Novama Novama Holyhalo Holyhalo Ian Temero Ian Temero Darkbloom Darkbloom Solirus Solirus

When the reflecting moonlight first hit his eye, Waen thought that perhaps he had found the spirits they were looking for. With a practiced motion, his hand undid the top of his quiver, freeing the arrows for combat, and drew one of them, placing it softly on his bow, ready to be shot. When he realized that the spirit was just reflecting moonlight, he eased up a little, for just a moment, only to notice the smoke and light coming from within the small cave.

Keeping the arrow in place, not drawn, but ready to be fired, he went to motion to the others only to see most of them had their attention elsewhere. Following their eyes, he saw the little glowing figure floating around. Again, he tensed, fingers on the string, ready to draw and fire at a moment’s notice. Was this one of the spirits they had come to lay to rest? Or some lost, living person? Maybe another party assigned the same task, in case they didn’t make it? Despite his group’s seeming nonchalance towards the floating figure, Waen didn’t trust it. But the priestly woman seemed to know what she was doing as she simply walked up to the glowing little stranger and began speaking. So much for stealth and advantage.

Waen kept an ear on the conversation between the priest and the little fae but his eyes darted around, searching for other glowing figures floating around and checking the cave entrance several times to see if anyone, or anything, would react to the noise outside and come out. There was a possibility that whoever lived inside was out here glowing and floating and his alertness was a waste of effort. But then again, there was a possibility some sort of spiritual former warlord was about to pop out of there and spiritually slay them all. So he kept an eye out while the priest spoke with the little glowing fae.

Mentions: Novama Novama saxon saxon Sepokku Sepokku Darkbloom Darkbloom Solirus Solirus
TL; DR: Waen distrusts the little pixie and keeps an eye on the surroundings, especially the cave, while others talk.
Sant's attention immediately caught the arrival of a most unfitting being due to the lands they all stood on. He said nothing but carefully maneuvered himself to hopefully have as many party members in his range. He wasn't aware of much else in his surroundings and he tunneled in even more as the priestess approached the being. Is this pixie like being safe to approach? Sant pondered, maintaining a close eye and ear on the conversation, ready at any moment to summon shield any within range should things escalate poorly.

Novama Novama saxon saxon Sepokku Sepokku Darkbloom Darkbloom Holyhalo Holyhalo

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