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One x One Travelling Soldier (With Lexie)

Amora Aurora

Professional Hippie

Micah Wayne Elwood




Sexual Orientation:



Muse B


Micah stands at a slightly above average 6'2'' and usually weighs in around 160 pounds. Though his great grandmother moved to America from France, America and its traditions are all he's ever known, so while he claims American/Caucasian, it's always a quirky story to add that he's got French in his blood. This, though, is where the fair, pale, more elegantly handsome structure of his looks originated. Though he's never really tried or minded, Micah's pretty certain he can't tan, and he'll be ghostly white for the rest of his life. The boy has never even encountered a sun burn, after all. He keeps his dark brown, curly head of hair ruggedly styled in an unruly manner, though the army will most likely change that very soon. Pale green eyes, a nicely structured face, well placed cheek bones, well-taken care of teeth, and rarely-touched eyebrows tie into a charming but intimidating look, over all. He doesn't like to admit it, though, but Micah's look really all depends on his hair. One wrong haircut and he goes from a rather adorable young man to a goofy-looking, lanky thing with bad eyebrows, a long neck, and a weird chin. He learned the hard way that the style of his hair pretty much decides strangers' opinions of him very quickly. Though he is indeed rather lanky naturally, it doesn't help that he's never really had much money for food or proper nutrition. He's definitely not the guy at the pool taking his shirt off and flaunting in front of the ladies. This is one other thing, though, that he hopes to improve within his time in the military.



Micah was the only child, born to a single mother who had been disowned by her overly religious family. Growing up, his mother was all he knew, and while she isn't winning any parenting awards, he loves her very deeply, no matter what. She was a bit lazy, too emotional, and started leaning on her son for moral support when he was much too young to be capable of taking care of her, but he did so politely and without complaint. Not long after Micah's sixteenth birthday, his mother went on vacation to Italy and never came back. He attempted to contact her many times after she didn't meet him at the airport the day of her supposed return, but the manager of the hotel she'd been staying at informed the boy that she checked out with a man three days early. He assumes she's happy, maybe even married now, but he doesn't know for sure, given that he hasn't heard from her since her departure. Micah's suffered from loneliness ever since. In high school, he was very reserved. He spent too much of his time caring for his mother to make time for friends, and by the time she was gone, he had no one. His rent was mysteriously paid every month, so he simply told no one of his mothers disappearance and stayed in her house until he was old enough to join the war.



Micah's personality is completely contradictory to his charming looks. When it comes to social situations, he's out of his element. Having been alone for his entire life so far, he's simply never really learned how to properly socialize. He's terrible at small talk, and this paired with his looks usually intimidates strangers, making them think he's not anti-social, but just conceited and rude. Micah's too shy for his own good, and it gets him nowhere when it comes to friends.

Overly polite, formal, considerate, and always up for giving out favors, Micah isn't exactly seen as quite a manly man because he's too nice and gentle to everyone. This, though, is another thing he's sure being in the army will improve about his life and character.



+Breakfast Foods


+Sleeping on His Couch Versus His Bed

+Classic Rock Music


+Comedy Movies

+Holding Hands


+Getting to Know Someone

+Card Games


+Camp Fires


-Art/Creating things




-Large Groups


-Finishing a Book



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Harlan Jonah Wentworth



Muse C/New Boyfriend



Sexual Orientation:



June 14


Standing at exactly 6'0'' and weighing 180 pounds of pure muscle, Harlan Wentworth is a force to be reckoned with. A man who takes great pride in his appearance, Harlan is almost always on top of things when it comes to his reflection. Every room in his house contains a mirror, and that's the way he likes it. "You don't look this good all the time by pure luck" he'll most likely tell you. With dirty blond hair he uses a minimal amount of mousse on, just to get it in his perfect, signature style, and ocean blue eyes to die for, it's no wonder the man's dating track record is a country mile long. He was blessed with the bone structure of a God and the DNA of a male model, the rest he's worked his ass off for. A big fan of tattoos, Harlan's got them across his chest, on both biceps, his left forearm, and both wrists. His face holds a broody, rugged, but man model-esque look. Pair that with a sly smirk and the ladies quickly fall head over heels.



Devilish looks aren't the only thing this lad's got going for him. Donna and Arthur Wentworth own seventy hotels across America, and twenty in England. Harlan and his younger brother were born into filthy rich money, and they've been spoiled since exiting the womb. Though his parents are too lenient and didn't pay much attention to their children, the boys were raised fairly well. They got to travel often, seeing more parts of the world in their short years than most people see in their entire lives. The family moved a lot, but that was nothing to complain about either, it just meant meeting new people very often and getting to brag about this life to an entire new group of friends. In high school, as most attractive young boys do, Harlan when through a rebellious phase. He began partying, drinking, sleeping with any and every hot girl he laid eyes on, and getting into a ton of legal trouble that his parents always bought his way out of. His entire four years of high school were one big non-stop party, and his parents were so proud that their boy was so popular. When it came time to enter college, Harlan found the strength to calm down a bit, and with good reason. He received a full ride scholarship (though his parents could have paid his way in anyway) for sports, and he's well on his way to becoming a professional athlete, playing football for his University, and being first draft every season, but always turning it down in hopes to get his degree before joining the NFL. Along with settling his professional life down, though, Harlan also made an effort to settle down his love life. Once he met a girl worth settling down for, it was all over. Winning over [Muse A's] heart wasn't an easy task, given that some dude before him had already destroyed her and Harlan didn't exactly have the purest reputation, but now that he's got her, it's over. He's out of the game for good, and although he's occasionally a bit worried he's more invested in the relationship than he is, he's pretty sure he's going to spend the rest of his life with this girl.



Harlan prides himself on being pretty manly and powerful because that's the way he was raised. He's quick to start a brawl with any guy looking at his girlfriend the wrong way, buys unnecessary things just to say he has them, and gets a kick out of making others feel inferior. He's not exactly a bad guy, he's just a product of his parents. The man used to be a lot worse, but falling in love made a huge impact on him and his life. He still enjoys being a dick, he just refrains more often in order to be worthy of her love.

Competitive, Proud, Possessive, Firm, and still a pretty regular party animal, Harlan barely has any flaws in his appearance because they're all hidden away in his personality.








+Axe Body Spray





-Authority Figures


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Phoenix Skye Anderson




Sexual Orientation:



Muse A


If most people could describe Phoenix’s looks in one word, it would most likely be “perfect.” She has a rather petite build, standing only at 5’4”, but she makes up for height with personality. She has no problem rocking a bikini around the beach or a pool. Being a rather big fan of tattoos, she got one on her right hip of the same bird she was named after. There is a small, natural smile on her lips, making her look innocent all the time, and when she actually smiles – which is often – her perfectly straight teeth only exaggerate the look. Her naturally chocolate brown hair falls in waves over her shoulders, ending just above her waist, but when the sun hits it, her hair tends to look lighter than it really is. She has flawless pale skin, which contrasts her hair extremely well, but when asked, anyone would say that her main attraction are her eyes. Those eyes. Bright and extremely noticeable, Phoenix’s eyes take on a pale blue-green color, depending on the light. In darker areas, they appear a pale baby blue color, whereas in lighter areas, they can come off as a bright green hue. She would have to say that she wouldn’t be nearly as confident in her appearance if it weren’t for her eyes or her soft, wavy hair.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/eyes.jpg.6c3ee831031963ab680b264c52a502ba.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66135" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/eyes.jpg.6c3ee831031963ab680b264c52a502ba.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Phoenix was born to a decent family, thought it wasn’t all smiles and laughs. For the first five years of her life, everything was great, but the day she turned six, her father left her mother, her older brother, and herself to live with the woman he had been cheating on her mother with. Ever since that day, nothing was ever the same, her mother being single and having to take care of two young children with no child support and two jobs. Her mother was never really there, even though she tried her best to be so Phoenix and her brother, Jake, practically raised themselves. When Jake was old enough, he immediately took up a job to help out their mother, and only two years after that, Phoenix did the same thing, obtaining her waitressing job when she was sixteen years old. Ever since then, her mother was able to quit one job, and with the help of her two children, she began to relax some and has been more involved in their lives, especially her baby girl’s. Phoenix blames her father for everything they had to go through and despite the child support that recently stopped, she hasn’t seen or heard from her father since the day he walked out on them. Even though her mother wasn’t always around, she still loves her to death.



Happy and bubbly, Phoenix always loves to smile and always loves to make people smile. She is always laughing and having a good time, enjoying every second of company she can get no matter who it is from. She absolutely cannot stand when others around her feel bad so she tries her best to make them feel better, no matter how the act may make her feel. She has no problem making friends since her happy-go-lucky aura tends to lure people in. Despite her happy attitude, she is definitely a shy one. She will blush at any compliment she gets and finds it hard to make eye contact when she is blushing.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/mmm.jpg.c43ab354c0d643877abb32b4264ca9ae.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66140" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/mmm.jpg.c43ab354c0d643877abb32b4264ca9ae.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>









+All kinds of rock

+Comedy movies


+Holding hands

+Children (LOVES)








-Working out

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/YEA.jpg.532e1e24d55a3939d2b93b9e346de3ef.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66146" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/YEA.jpg.532e1e24d55a3939d2b93b9e346de3ef.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/phoenix.jpg.d0ec41f02e00d7daa86367466ad46065.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66148" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/phoenix.jpg.d0ec41f02e00d7daa86367466ad46065.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​



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