Travel Questions


How fast can an air ship travel? I don't have access to relevant material, but I need a rough guess of how fast an air ship can travel between say Nexus and Thorns? Would an airship be able to use Yushan gates? (provided all on board have permission) and is there a gate in Thorns & Nexus?
A skywolf makes about 140 miles per hour, a manta about 100 miles per hour, there is one gate near the cities but not in a position that helps travelling between them. Genereally I'd say a skyship like the wolf or manta is too big for a gate.
Safim said:
Genereally I'd say a skyship like the wolf or manta is too big for a gate.
While the dimensions of the gates given in the books are somewhat modest, I kind of like the idea of them being MASSIVE. I mean, these were built by the Primordials, for the Primordials.

Who's to say that the Primordials needed to use the Gates to get from Creation to Yu-Shan, and vice versa?

 While they most certainly made the Gates, they may have made them for their flunkies who were not so blessed.
Who's to say that the Primordials needed to use the Gates to get from Creation to Yu-Shan, and vice versa?
 While they most certainly made the Gates, they may have made them for their flunkies who were not so blessed.
I second that, I doubt the primodials needed to leave the games to act in creation in the first place... i think travelling was for them like shifting the attention elsewhere.
I still like the idea that they made stuff big.... as in R'lyeh big. Maybe I've just read too much Lovecraft.

As far as I can tell, Still, you're totally justified, since the WW writers were clearly influenced by/ borrowing from Lovecraft when they described the Malfeans sleeping in great sepulcher-temples beneath the world.  So, yeah: Primordial-sized gateways?  Why the fuck not?
So' date=' yeah: Primordial-sized gateways?  Why the fuck not?[/quote']
Weren't the Primordials as big(or even bigger) creation itself?

I know that Autochton is, but I haven't read much about the others.
Besides, if you really want someone to travel  fast, Yu Shan isn't neccesarily the way to go. You can't use speed charms in there...  or really do much of anything without getting celestial audit.

I say just let them find a groovy artifact ship that goes friggin fast.
There's a corebook athletics charm that lets you travel fast quite nicely. They have more in the Night caste book. The flying one is contingent on having high dex if you want to get anywhere, but what are you doing on the athletics tree without dex anyway?

The charms that let you bound over mountains are the cheap way to go, but buying that dragon king transport sphere is another easy ticket. It's easily carried and respectably mobile, and has defensive uses. All you need is a hearthstone.

As to the primordials:

They have component souls, at least in creation. I imagine they do so to avoid smishing poor gaia, but maybe they think clearer as a group. Either way, the primordials (Autocthon included) tend to divide into god-sized chunks of still unimaginable power. But if they want to be big, (like, when they want to death-ray a civilisation and make some soulsteel out of them), they can be as big as they please.
Speaking of travel time, something interesting came up in my game tonight. We were trying to determine how far the Lunar PC could reasonably travel in the form of a duck in one spurt.

Having no idea how fast/far ducks can fly, I looked to google. I found a paper (which I now can't find a link to) that claims ducks are capable of covering 400-500 miles in a 10 hour period. That's remarkable enough, but now imagine what an EXALTED duck could accomplish?

My players just skipped what would have been weeks of travel, through hostile territory, in a day. I'm not complaining, just surprised.  :shock:

i tried to make a terrestrial style based of the mandarin duck but i decided it would look to silly to actually see it done.

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