

The Female Virgo

- The Leader - @Innerhollow357


- The Expert - @UnknownRunner

- The Flirt -

- The Navigator -

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Jonathan Wayne

-The Leader-


''We all have a task in our lifes, even if completing that needs the elimination of others.''






Aggresive and born to be a leader. He is dense and blunt, down to earth. He's the head of what he does, everyone of his gang fears him, and that's the reason he's on the top of everyone. He is very honest, even tough what he does doesn't require much moral. He has personality you would imagine a serial killer would have.


He was born and raised in horrible streets. He learned to shoot a gun at the age of 13, and that's where the bad stuff went down. His parents were killed by a man, and he later killed him. The fact that he killed someone scarred him for life, and he was never discovered. He lived in a home, alone, at the age of 15. It was horrible. He started to rob liquor stores, tiny stores of the block, and he slowly went descending to the point where he is now.

Criminal Alias:


Build and Height:

Built as a brick wall


210 lbs



Axel Burkhart

~The Escapist~




"The fuck is that supposed ta mean?"


Name: Axel Burkhart

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Personality: He's very possessive about his friends and loved ones and wants them exclusively for himself. If he discovers any shortcomings in them, however, he is unforgiving. When he errs, he won't admit to it, and he has the tendency to become bitter through disappointment. He sees absolutely nothing wrong with his behavior and any attempts to bring him to light will completely fail.

Bio: Axel was born to to parents, Warren and Mary Burkhart, white supremacy, neo-nazies. At a young age, Axel didn't understand the reason of hating someone for the color of skin and his parents sought to 'correct' his behavior in a variety of ways and being 'converted' brought him to a psychotic breaking point. It took time of torture and starvation, but eventually in an act of desperation and dehydration he discovered the experience of bleeding or the taste of blood... exciting, turning to later learning how to open major blood vessels (veins, arteries) in order to drink a steady stream of warm blood more directly. He then began to catch and eat or drink the blood of living creatures such as insects, cats, dogs, or birds. Next came vampirism in its true form— procuring and drinking the blood of living human beings. Though he is not a real, undead vampire, he believes that he is and needs to feed in order to survive.

Criminal Alias: Scarecrow

Build and Height: He stands at 6'5 and weighs in at 230 lbs.

Weapon: He prefers to use his bare hands, but if not that he uses a Beretta 9mm.



Ella Baker

~The Innocent~


"I promise I don't bite....much"

Name:Ella Baker


Gender: Female

Personality: Ella is normally very happy and cheerful. She is compassionate and nurturing, much like a mother. However, that's only one side of her. She can be very spiteful and ruthless, but she does have the guts to ever kill somebody. She is the sharpest knife in the drawer, but she'll have her clever moments. Her cheerfulness has diminished and been replaced with paranoia and worry.

Bio: Ella grew up in a typical suburban neighborhood in a normal family. Ella never faced an struggles or adversity in her life. That was until she began dating her now ex-boyfriend. Her boyfriend was from "the wrong side of the tracks" as her parents would say. Ella thought she could "fix" him. Her boyfriend stopped at a friends house to get something, but he was really dealing drugs. After waiting in the car a while and her boyfriend still hadn't return, Ella went up to the house and that's when her boyfriend was disposing of the bodies. She never actually did anything, but she doesn't want to take the chance of being associated with the crime so she ran.

Criminal Alias: None, She feels she doesn't need one because she's not a criminal

Height and Weight: 5'5, 115lbs (In decent shape from Pilates and kickboxing)

Weapon:She has Mace in her purse, and herself since she is trained in kickboxing.

Mask: None, She's innocent.

Lilly Thomas

The Expert


'' Life is a Adventure. Take Risks. ''

Name: Lilly Thomas

Age: Nineteen

Height: 5'3

Weight: 120lbs

Gender: Female

exuality: Heterosexual


Bio: Lilly was born in a quite wealthy family, but did not grow up to be a snob even though she's stubborn to the bone. Since her family was wealthy she had grown up to be taken on to a lot of places which had made her adventurous.


- athletic

- knowledgeable

- stubborn

- easily distracted

- narrow-minded

Other: Lilly the expert knows the area. She has been hiking

frequently in Tahoe years prior to the trip. She is adventurous,

and quite frankly, she was the one who dragged everyone on

the trip. She knows the area fairly well, but not well enough

that she could navigate it without a map. She is also very

stubborn with the mentality of "it's my way or the highway."

This can make her kind of hard to get along with all the time.



Jace Chambers

-The Caution-

- - - -

"I learned that you can keep going, long after you think you can't."


Jace Chambers













Jace Chambers, born to Henry and Lillian Chambers in a small town north of California, was raised in an average American household with his parents, a twin brother, and a younger sister. At an young age, he showed no interest in any sort of hobby. He generally spent his childhood either in doors curled with a book, watching movies, or simply sleeping. He had been a bit of an odd child out, always invisible--but he never minded. Preferred it, even. Jace went through high school quickly, went through a few dysfunctional relationships, and graduated with above average grades, but nothing significant enough to earn scholarships. Shortly after graduating, he kept in contact with his friends, and tried to figure out what to do with the rest of his life since he had no funds to go to college. For a while, he involved himself in a bakery for a part-time job, but eventually quit. Now, he takes everything on a day-to-day basis, and tries not to worry about it.


- sweet

- fast runner

- short tempered

- sarcastic


- Some refer to him by his last name, Chambers.

- He tries his best to keep the group together.

- Has an identical twin named Chase.

- Grew up in a small town.

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Lauren Anderson

-The Navigator-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/hgh.jpg.75370303f5107aa4d7b87fdd17d305ba.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38316" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/hgh.jpg.75370303f5107aa4d7b87fdd17d305ba.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.”

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Height: 5'9

Weight: 149lbs


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c12e2af05_barbarapalvin2.jpg.9005eaec16eb73df973f0a46b19d218a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38318" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c12e2af05_barbarapalvin2.jpg.9005eaec16eb73df973f0a46b19d218a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Biography: Lauren had been raised on a ranch, in the middle of Arkansas her whole life, but then moved into the city. She got an apartment and made friends with everyone in town. She learned how to hide her accent quickly but when she is nervous her southern accent surfaces.

Personality: Lauren is a perky, down to earth girl who can draw you in easily, though she has no interest in being somebodies cast away after they are done toying with her delicate emotions. She can joke around as one of the guys and be a total ball of light, but is easily scared into a shell. When she is anxious or nervous her accent becomes more noticeable, then frustrating her and upsetting her, and making it even worse.


+ Finds ways out of situations. Be it spilled milk or serial killers

+ Good Comedic Timing

+ Sweet

+ Sarcastic and has Backbone

+ Sees the Good in People

- Relies on Others to Keep her Calm

- Anxious

- Her Accent (she doesn't like it)​



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McKenna Baites

~The Bossy~


"I promise anyone who meets me, they will be amazed. By what, I can't say..."

Name: McKenna Baites


Gender: Female

Personality: McKenna is known to be a bit bossy. She is very uptight sometimes, but won't admit to being bossy. If you meet her upclose, you see she is charming and funny. McKenna is always in a joyous mood. She is what you would call the joy of the party. Her funny ways bring light to the dark areas of people's life.

Bio: McKenna grew up in a nice and clean home. Her parents taught her well and kept her clean and heathy. But all else ended when one day she came home from school and found blood everywhere. Her parents and 3 siblings had been murdered. Police investigated the scene, but said they had a different case to do. They said that they couldn't worry about this now. This made her mad. She needed to know who killed her family. She needed revenge on the masked murderer. They of course, wouldn't let her go out and look for the killer. The police kept one right hand soldier with her at all times to protect and keep from going out and finding the murder. But she escaped and is still looking for the murderer. Killing everyone in her way or that has anything to do with it.

Criminal Alias: masked killer ( she uses her beauty on most her victims (hint masked))

Height and Weight: 5' 115lbs

Weapon: beauty, acrobatic ability, doesn't use much but always carries a .22 mag in her back poc

Mask: None.
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[QUOTE="Amanda Cromwell]I will like to take one of those Spots if that is okay

Thats fine by me,

Penelope Marks

-The Flirt-







A flirtatious girl with a million things to talk about, she enjoys the company of others and is rarely solitary. While she is talkative and ready to find a boyfriend, she is far from dull or blond. She is smart enough to get good grades and do well on exams, able to navigate life without being called an idiot or fool. Though she is not the all A student, she enjoys sports and gymnastics, along with the occasional tennis outings. She has many personal secretes she does keep to herself and can keep her mouth shut, though many times she simply chooses not to.

She can do well in stressful decisions, but has an undying fear of death and being controlled. Though injuries and blood are a normal day thing for Penelope, a many times clumsily active athlete.


She enjoys the summer months and warm weather, she enjoys swimming and sports. She also has a passion for the outdoors. Favorite foods are sweets, her favorite colors light pastels.


She does not like liars and those who start rumors, she also distastes the dark.




She lives a relatively normal life with her adoptive, single mother and older brother. She is not payed quite as much attention as needed giving her a passion to talk and spend times with other when ever necessary. She has never meet her biological mother or father. She has moved several times in her life with her step mom, and has never been religious. She has a good upbringing but understands how life is lived when money is tight.


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