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Realistic or Modern Trapped


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[?] - Optional/Revealed later

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Nickname: [?]


Age (16-18):

Personality: [?]

Appearance (Describing/Picture):

(Anime/realistic are okay)

Crush(es): [?]


Additional Information:
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Name: Dena Boyer

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Personality: Dena is outgoing, completely friendly, and definitely fun to be around. She tries to make friends with everyone and tries even harder when they dislike her. Dena's optimistic, always trying to steer clear of depressing thoughts and lighten the mood. She's easily impressed, finding everything pretty or adorable of her interest. Dena loves the concept of art and writing, so much she wants to graduate as an arts major. She's skilled with a camera, carrying it around with her at all times. Dena's brave and has always been willing to take leadership of anything that needs her.

Appearance (Describing/Picture): Her skin is pallid, pale and sickly. Her hair is dark red, long, kept to the middle of her back. It has numerous waves contained, and bangs that slightly cover her eyes. She keeps a black sun hat over her head, for obvious reasons. Her eyes are wide, hazel, and simply gorgeous. Her lips are painted red as well, brighter than her hair. Her outfit is which ever she decides is most comfortable. (Wearing a white crop top, a jean jacket, combat boots, and faded jeans for the trip.)

History/Bio: Dena is the youngest of three. She has two brothers, Thomas and Evan. Evan is twenty-seven while Thomas is a month older than Dena. The siblings grew up with both parents, their mother dying from breast cancer when they were younger. Their father is nearly never home; always working to pay off medical bills and other expenses. So, Dena and Thomas have been the siblings to take care of each other, despite sibling rivalry.

Additional Information: She loves to sing, snap pictures, skateboard, and play her guitar. She's a tomboy so she desires to hang out with males more than females and participate in 'boy' activities. Dena's lesbian, regardless of her tenancies to stray away from females.
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Name: Thomas Boyer

Nickname: Tom, Tommy

Gender: Male

Age (16-18): 17

Personality: Thomas is protective of his sister, but not the annoyingly protective type. He's like his sister in many ways, but the most obvious is his optimistic attitude. He's constantly trying to make people happy and lighten the most darkest situations. He plays basketball and hopes to 'score' a scholarship to pursue his dreams.

Appearance (Describing/Picture): Thomas's facial structure is the same as his sister's, as well as his skin color. Thomas's hair is naturally dark brown, appearing black. His hair is layered shortly, having bangs that grow above his eyes, letting his eyes gleam. His eyes are dark blue and trusting, while his smile is that one characteristic defining his face. He wears basketball jersey's often, along with black skinny jeans and sneakers. (Wearing a Lakers basketball jersey, black skinny jeans and sneakers on the trip.)

History/Bio: Thomas is the middle child of the three. He has a brother and a sister, Dena and Evan. Evan is twenty-seven while Dena is a month younger. The siblings grew up with both parents, their mother dying from breast cancer when they were younger. Their father is nearly never home; always working to pay off medical bills and other expenses. So, Dena and Thomas have been the siblings to take care of each other, despite sibling rivalry.

Additional Information: Thomas is always seen carrying a basketball around, even when there's no court. He loves to goof around on guitar, though he's not very good at it. Thomas skateboards in the summery months and snowboards in the winter.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/bow_bow_in_the_hear_cute_girl_photography.jpg.8b007f357a90becb913e2f3fe85b1255.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94907" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/bow_bow_in_the_hear_cute_girl_photography.jpg.8b007f357a90becb913e2f3fe85b1255.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Grace Hayman








Grace is a pretty calm and collected woman, and she likes to stick it to you straight. She enjoys humor, and hates the acts that teachers put on for their students. For all she cares, she'll swear in front of them like it's what's keeping her alive. She doesn't care about what people think, and loves excitement.

While she may seem like a big ball of sunshine, Grace becomes serious when necessary. If you push her enough, she will become quite angry, and maybe even lash out. She's simply one of those people who you love when they're happy, and run off to another country when angry.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/tumblr_msrc70lOfe1r28isyo2_250.gif.3d12e44f6785b007854b67f3d494fe03.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94908" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/tumblr_msrc70lOfe1r28isyo2_250.gif.3d12e44f6785b007854b67f3d494fe03.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




Not much has really occurred in Grace's life, as it's fairly decent. She was always a huge nerd as a kid, and was obsessed with science. She maintained her grades, getting her into a good college. She studied for four years, and moved on to become a Biology and Environmental Science teacher. Grace eventually got married to a college sweetheart, her wife Cassie, who died in a car crash about a year later.



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Name: Tatsuki Saya

Nickname: Saya

Gender: F

Age (16-18): 17

Personality: A introverted loner who could only be comfortable in a place she used to and with people she already knew/befriended. Could be very quiet and nervous at first, but as soon as she adapted to her surroundings she could be quite chatty and friendly. Thrill-loving, she always like to challenge an obstacle and try new things to get a new experiment.

Appearance (Describing/Picture):


(Anime/realistic are okay)

Crush(es): None at the moment

History/Bio: Born in Tokyo, Japan. She is raised in a middle-class family, her father is a salary man and her mother is a housewife. Has two older brother, both of them are in college right now with the eldest, Tatsuki Riku, known worldwide as a famous actor. Saya always interested in learning. Not studying, learning. Aside from that, Saya also interested on experiencing new things, meeting new friends and such. Signed up for a student exchange program for a year.

Additional Information: Has not been able to speak a fluent English, she still have limited vocabulary. When she panics or nervous would accidentally slips some Japanese into her sentence and oftenly curses in Japanese
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Name: Riley Dickert

Nickname: Ri, Riles

Gender: Female

Age (16-18): 16

Personality: Riley comes off very strong at first, but once you get to know her, she blossoms into one of the most fun, nice, and caring girls you’ll ever meet. She argues a lot, even if she’s wrong and knows it. She’s mainly all talk, seeing as she doesn’t know how to fight and she’s pretty weak. Riley is optimistic, funny, and is always there to lend a helping hand.



Riley is 5’1, 98 pounds, and has a small, petite frame. She has dimples and icy blue eyes, along with her long brown hair.

Crush(es): None, for now.

History/Bio: Riley is your average middle-class teenaged girl. She grew up in a good home with 3 older brothers and her parents. She was extremely close to her mom, seeing as she was the only other girl in her house. She came to her mom with everything, knowing she'd understand and would give her the best advice. When Riley turned 13, her mom was brutally raped and killed. This took a big toll on her family, especially Riley, but no matter what, she puts her best foot forward and tries to stay positive.

Additional Information: She likes to sing and dance, and loves cats.
Name: Jesse Douglas


Gender: Male

Age: 17

Personality: Friendly, funny, caring, charming, stays classy, and can sometimes get wild during parties.


Crushes: None yet

History: Jesse grew up as an only child. His parents are divorced, but he lives with his mother and his dog. He grew up playing the guitar and many musical instruments. He taught himself how to sing good, and is trying to make a living off of it. He also really likes to party.

Additional Info: He's 6'3.

Name: London Sherm

Nickname: None

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Personality: London is a big sweetheart! He's one of the nicest people you will probably ever meet in your life. With that said, being nice doesn't always get you a lot of friends. He is often the target of bullying because he won't stand up for himself.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.7ddec93f277b87290b1958b8f7184596.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95132" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.7ddec93f277b87290b1958b8f7184596.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Crush: None

History/Bio: Londons home situation was pretty great for a while. He had two loving parents and a little brother. About three years ago his mother and little brother died in a car accident, causing him to become depressed. He was now getting bullied at school and almost stopped going completely. Figures that the one day he shows up, they take a field trip.

Additional Information: None

Name: Roxxane Hall

Nickname: Roxx or Roxy

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Personality: Roxx is a girl that could possibly seem nice and sweet from a distance, but once you get up close its like a tiger let out of captivity. She doesn't play well with others, that is unless you like classic rock and metal bands like Metallica. She is obviously a wild child who goes to parties and gets into trouble.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.a3093e2373a721870d7ae64ebae8ac61.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95133" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.a3093e2373a721870d7ae64ebae8ac61.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Crush: None

History/Bio: Roxx was born to a single mother who already had two other children. Her mother simply could not take care of her so she put her in a foster home. Roxx hated where she lived so most of the time she would wonder the streets, trying to get people to give her money to fuel her alcohol addiction

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Alexander Young


Zander, Zee and rarely Alex. Additionally goes by "Yogi" among his closest group of friends, seeing as that's the man's "skate" alias.






Independent, Adventurous, Open-minded - Cocky, Cheeky, Reckless

Zee is your average free-spirited pseudo-hippie with an actual sincere love for nature, combine with danger. He is pretty much a daredevil, the downside of which is the fact that he often drags other innocent people into his stunts without their consent, after which he shamelessly brags about the whole ordeal. Being reckless is his trademark and the man is very inventive when it comes down to planning and thinking up something stupidly adventurous, then putting it into action. Thus, it comes as a surprise to know that Zee is, on the other hand, a very self-dependant individual, never relying on outsiders due to being able to take care of himself in tough situations. This allows him the opportunity to aid others who are not as strong-willed as him. On a whole, Alexander is a nice guy, albeit a bit too cheeky.



Standing at 6'2 and sporting a rather well-build frame, Zee takes on the outlook of what some may assume to be a classical jock or prep, if labels are to be used. And, truly, he kind of is, being posh, thus straying from the usual skater stereotype. The man very much has a high-and-mighty feel to himself, possessing soft styled hair of a chocolaty colour, combined with dark, almost black eyes, which are accentuated by thick eyebrows. His clothing choice doesn't help break the whole "rich-boy" vibe, as he favours dressing up in polo shirts, plain jeans, wax jackets and boat shoes. As an accessory, Zee can often be spotted with sunglasses on his person.




Alexander was lucky enough to be born the only child of a very well-off family, though they weren't that lucky to land a child such as him. From a very early age he became seemingly obsessed with defying his parents, taking zero interest in anything they taught him or the various clubs they attempted to get him into. Zee was simply a hopeless menace, though the boy settled down a little after finding his one true passion - skateboarding. Ever since the age of 10, he has been practising profusely and is hoping to transform this hobby into a career in the near future, once more not fulfilling his family's wishes, which are for him to go onto one of the Ivy League universities. The man would much rather live a simple existence...

Additional Information

Zee is absolutely terrified of corpses, due to a particular unfortunate event that took place while he was 8. He decided to go exploring an abandoned building on his own just in order to spite his parents, which was a brash and dangerous choice in on itself. Things escalated quickly, however, when he stumbled upon a dead body in one of the rooms. Ever since then Alexander has had a phobia of death, the mere thought of which makes the man go into a paralysed-like state, rendering him helpless.​
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Name: Faxon Locke

Nickname: Flick / Fax

Gender: Male

Age (16-18): 17

Personality: Faxon can be rather impulsive, not contemplating his actions before actually acting upon them. He is often times, driven by his emotions, always having been a strong believer in ‘following your heart’. He can be sensitive, taking to heart what others say about him. He is a compassionate person, he is kind and rarely ever rude unless under special circumstances.

Faxon tries desperately to cheer others up if they're feeling down but usually ends up having the opposite effect as he is not known to be good with words. He can be angered easily, his emotions getting the better of him if something is said or done not to his liking or according to his morals. Due to his personality, Faxon is frequently ‘used’ by others who take advantage of his generosity. It is one of Faxon's greatest flaws as he allows for it to happen. He is a hopeless romantic.

Appearance (Describing/Picture):

Crush(es): TBD

History/Bio: Faxon is under the care of his father for at a young age he lost his mother after she had given birth to his younger brother Tristan. His father struggled to maintain the two males but managed nonetheless. Faxon always obeyed his father, not wishing to burden the old man more with rebellious acts, after all, the boy had always seen how hard he worked for him and his sibling, he had no reason to go against him. Faxon took charge of his sibling when his father wasn't home due to work, he also kept his grades high and learned how to do the necessary household activities. Cooking, cleaning, you name it. His dad saw how hard the boy worked and allowed for him to go on the trip, hoping it would help his son loosen up a bit, it wasn't necessary for him to have so much weight on his shoulders at his age. Faxon wishes he had stayed home though.

Additional Information: Faxon is gay, nobody knows of this fact.
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