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Fandom Towers & Tokens OOC


One Thousand Club
For all plot discussions, character ideas, and just plain whatever goes here

Main thread
dont mind me using "text" to show when my character is talking, i usually have a hard time seeing when someone talks when its just " " since people tend to also put other stuff in that.
For your stats they can be ten or below. Only one ten is allowed at level one

Strength is how strong you are.

Intelegence as stated is for magic. The base is a hundred. Every point Increases your mp by 10 unless your at one. The higher the number the faster it restores.

Constitution is your health. Each point is the equivalent to 10 health points

Speed is how fast you are

Luck is how often you can crit an enemy

Charisma is how well you can speak to NPCs

Gear what you have on


Skills are broken into two groups Passive skills and power Abilties

Passive skills are like weapon usage, tracking, stealing ect, The more you use them the better you become.

Power Abilties
Unlike Passive skills Power abilties need skill points to become stronger. They require your mp to use. These moves can be for offense, defense, area, or temporary buff/debuff of your team or enemies
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Here's Faulkner's stats. Looks good?
Name: Faulkner Kang
Race: Human
Class: None
Lv 1 Intake
40/40 Health
300/300 MP
Magic Regen ....

Strength 3
Constitution 4
Intelligence 3
Speed 8
Luck 10
Charisma 4
Business Suit Set
Butler Attire
Throwing Knives x5
Passive Skills
Knife Proficiency: Proficiency with knives during melee combat. (Novice)
Knife Throwing: Proficiency throwing knives (intermediate)

Active Skills
Shadow Trip: A direct hit from a knife will halt some of an enemy's momentum. Must be charged, with a 1 second charge time. 20 mp per charge.
Recall: Teleports all thrown knives back into the hand. 5 mp for each knife. Cannot be activated if the number of knives exceeds current mp.
100 Lyra
Mp should be 130 starting out.

And novice for knife throwing. Everyone needs to grow into their skills before being intermediate

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