Towers of Steel: A Dungeonpunk RP


New Member
Okay, for a quick definition: Dungeonpunk is genre similar to steampunk, on in the manner that while the world has reached to a technological age equivalent to the 1800s to early 1900s, the tech is power by magic. For example, while early trains of our world were coal-fueled, a Dungeonpunk train could be powered by an ensnared fire elemental. Or have guns that fire spell bolts rather than bullets.

Now, onto Maercia. It is a quaint country that recently allow immigration into it. Is a constitutional monarchy, with the common people being spoken for on the behalf of a parliamentary council. It is traditionally a human nation, but has recently seen an influx of other species to the melting pot. The country, however, has also see crime and desperation rise up along with its bustling cities. The focus shall be on the city of Great Caliburn, a huge industrial center similar to pre-Great Depression New York City. Who shall you be? A criminal? A factory worker? Maercia is also known for its new form of police, called the Wardens, who are low-level mages who have the ability to use casters, pistol-like firearms that shoot spell bolts instead of bullets.

I even have parallels for the species:

Humans: ....Nothing much to say here.

Kobaloi: In a sense, your tradition breeds of goblin/orc. In parallel to our world, they are much like the Eastern or Southern European immigrants of the late 1800s. Hated as they are different drastically from the human-centric culture of Maercia.

Yelphie: Elvish in appearance, but Native American in comparison. Once proud natives of the wilds of Maercia, they have been forced from their lands or to adopt the ways of the humans.

Twarrow: Dwarves of fantasy, but Scottish/Irish/Gaelic in accent and stereotyped mannerism.
Interesting. If I may ask though, what would a civilian expect to do in this scenario? I get what would happen if we played wardens or even the criminals but how about the unaffiliated?
Ebonysdagger said:
Interesting. If I may ask though, what would a civilian expect to do in this scenario? I get what would happen if we played wardens or even the criminals but how about the unaffiliated?
I imagine that civilian would likely play normal roles of society, such as bystanders who could sympathize with either side.
Well, this is merely the backdrop. If anyone wishes to add on ideas, feel free to do so. You wouldn't be hurting my feelings if you did. :3
I'm very interested in this. Was thinking, I know it's a little bit early. But what about a rise of war. Sort of similar to world war I?

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