Topaz Academy ~ Pokemon RP


Pounce Ninja

If you are interested in joining one of our prestigious schools there are a few thing you must know. It is your responsibility to keep your profile up to date! Only the information the profile thread can be used in official battles.

~ Starter Pokemon: New applicants are only allowed 1 Pokemon to start and they must be on their first stage of the evolution chain. Why? Because your Pokemon grow along side your trainer. Of coarse no legendary Pokemon if it is on that page its not allowed.



My name is: full name

I also go by: nickname

I am: Age 13 and up. because age and responsibility are weird in the world of Pokemon.

If you can't tell I am a: Gender

I am from: Home town & region

I am a: Freshman

My preferred type: Top 3 type of Pokemon you like

People think I'm: Personality, flaws, strengths, quirks. Be as serious or as childish as you want honestly I welcome characters of any kind the more interesting the better.

If you want to know more: Bio of your character. The history of your character up until they joined the academy. Can be as detailed as you like but please include why your character has joined.

My Current Team

(This short bio must be completed for each of the 6 Pokemon on your team. Freshman may start with up to 4 Pokemon. Freshman are to start with only one.)




: Up to level 10


Ability: Hidden abilities are allowed

Nature: Has no effect on battle, more so for personality

Moves: Only 4 at a time, Pokemon caught can only know/learn level up moves. Only one egg move is allowed. No Tms
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Character Is Based On Me In Real Life, Both In Physical And Personality Aspect's



  • Mackauley F. (Fredward) van Spunkmeyer


  • Mack


  • 13

Date Of Birth:

  • April 7th

Place Of Birth:

  • Sunnyshore City, Sinnoh


  • Male


  • Fortree City, Hoenn

Student Status:

  • Freshman

Preferred Type's:

  • GroundIC_Big.png

  • FlyingIC_Big.png

  • BugIC_Big.png

Personality Summary:

  • Very patient, extremely intelligent, like to learn study, dedicated, addict reader, clement nature'd, straight forward, hard working, extremely greedy, a chatterbox nerd, arrogant with people, anti-social, sufferer of Intermittent explosive disorder (IED).

Background Story:

  • Mack was born on April 7th in Sunnyshore City in Sinnoh. His mother passed away due to loss of blood while she was giving birth to Mack. Since Mack never knew his mother, it doesn't really bother him nor affect him at all (Which makes people think he is cold blooded).

  • When Mack was 5, his father, Quentin V. van Spunkmeyer, decided that Sunnyshore City was too loud and industrial to raise a child, so he decided to move to Canalave City, not only for their well known library in which he knew his son well enough to know that he would enjoy it (This reflect's how he has been a extremely intelligent boy andaddict, dedicated reader since of young age), but also that an old friend of Quent, Mack's father, offered him a fishing job that had a stable pay, and also, had a couple pokemon's he could not take care of anymore, one of them being a very rare Whismur which was shiny and had the hidden ability making it a VERY rare pokemon, which was given to Mack.

  • One day, Quent lost his job, when Mack was 6. Which landed the 2 of them, a big economical situation. In the brink of desperation, Quent had no other choice but to work for the criminal organization, Team Galactic and assist them with his sea pokemon knowledge, in the water pokemon study branch.

  • After 2 years, Mack now being 8 years old. Team Galactic suffered a downfall to professor Rowan's assistant's, Dawn and Lucas who took them down for attempting evil operations. So again, Quent was left without a job, but not only that he was one of the few unlucky people of Team Galactic that where arrested and sentenced to jail. When this happened, the Police obviously had to give Mack a home, so they contacted his uncle that lived in Fortree City in Hoenn, Wallace G. van Spunkmeyer, who like his brother (Quent) was a lover of water pokemon and the sea itself, who made a living being a sailor and a well known deep sea explorer.

  • Mack moved in with him and lived with Uncle Wally until he got Mack an application for the Prism University, with his best pal Marek.

My Current Team:


Level: 5

Experience Gaining Rate: Medium Slow

Experience To Next Level: 44

Current Experience: 00

Gender: Male

Nickname: Marek

Species: Whismur

Shiny: Yes

Type: Normal

Ability: Rattled

Nature: Naughty







HP = 21

Attack = 12

Defense = 7

Special Attack = 10

Special Defense = 6

Speed = 9

Extra NPC Characters for future reference (Might be more as RP goes on):


  • Quentin V. (Vince) van Spunkmeyer; Mack's father.
  • Edith van Spunkmeyer; Mack's deceased mother.
  • Wallace G. (Gregory) van Spunkmeyer; Mack's uncle. (Father's brother.)

Mack's friends, or friends of family (Dad's Friends' etc.):

  • Fester "Feast" Stornaiuolo; Father's friend (Person who gave Mack his Whismur and gave his dad a fishing job when most needed. Also served with Quentin in the army.)
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My name is: Henry Barnibus Salmine

I also go by: N/A

I am: Age 16

If you can't tell I am a: Male

I am from: Hearthome city, Sinnoh

I am a: Freshman

My preferred type: Physic, Ghost, and Posion

People think I'm: smiley and friendly I happen to be very ecstatic person but I hate when im compared to my Parents

If you want to know more: Both of his parents were well known trainers and he traveled with them so he staged pokemon competitions in his parents backyard until he became of age to travel on a journey he was near Eterna when he met his friend misdreavus. when he was traveling when he heard of a place where he could home his skills as a trainr to be just as great as his parents Charla and Simon.

My Current team


Nickname: Pandora

Level: 7


Ability: Levitate

Ability: Jolly

Moves: Hex, Shadow sneak, Ominous wind, Psybeam
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My Name Is: Luxian Valan Irxsos

I also go by: Lux, Ian or Lu

I am: 14 years old

If you can't tell I'm: Male

I am from: Olivine City, Johto

I am a: Freshman

My Academy is: Topaz

My preferred type(in descending order): Fire, Electric, Dragon

Personality: Luxian is a very intuitive, and acts on instinct. Has a tendency to rush things, and doesn't think about the consequences at times. Isn't very talkative, and won't talk unless approached or it is required. He isn't exactly shy, speaking to others is just not something he feels he needs to do.

Bio: Luxian has been interested in Pokemon since he was an infant. His mother , Valan Irxsos, was a Battle Trainer, and has always kept her strong Pokemon around her child; She's even won the Pokemon League in Johto! Luxian's father, Shernan Irxsos, was(still is) a breeder and a researcher, and has worked with the vanguards in the Pokemon research world. All of the exposure to Pokemon rubbed off on their son, and he decided that it was his dream to win a Pokemon League championship, somewhere in the world. He began studying Pokemon with his father when he turned five, and tried to understand as much as he could. However, that wasn't enough for him to be satisfied. His dream was Pokemon Champion; not to become a researcher like his father! After his 14th birthday, Luxian begged his mother to teach him how to become a Pokemon trainer. Valan was quite happy with this, and smiled at her son. "I'll send you to an Academy. When you come back, I'll test your abilities, to see if you've got what it takes!" She smiled again after saying this, and brought Luxian to Professor Elm, one of her husband's associates, and requested a Pokemon for Lux.....

Current Team:


Level: 10

Nickname: Cyrus

Species: Cyndaquil( Fire-mouse Pokemon)

Type: Fire

Ability: Flash Fire

Nature: Naïve


(1) Tackle

(2) Leer

(3) Smokescreen

(4) Ember
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(Custom made on the Joy-Ling Pokemon trainer creator.)

My name is: Cross Sophia Tetras, otherwise known as Cross Elm.

I also go by: No.

I am: 16..

If you can't tell I am a: Female. I have all the necessary bits to be qualified as a woman, so.

I am from: Blackthorn City, Johto.

I am a: Freshman

My preferred type: Grass, Electric, Dark.

People think I'm: Generally seen as clumsy, sarcastic and a little intense.

If you want to know more: I grew up in Blackthorn City. My original parents didn't want me, so into the adoption system I go. I adopted by a wealthy family in Blackthorn, so I lived a nice life. I got a Chikorita when I was six, and oh, I love my partner quite a lot. But, when I was eleven, the mansion we lived in burned down. Killing everyone... Except me. So, with the ashes of my home behind me, I fled down the mountain, with what little I could spare from the fire. I found myself in New Bark Town, where I met my second "dad", a certain Professor Elm. I lived with him for a while, before he sent me here, last year.

My Current team: Chikorita

Nickname: Luna

Level: 9

Species: Chikorita

Type: Grass

Ability: Overgrow

Nature: Gentle




Razor Leaf

Poison Powder
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My name is: Sakuya Wright

I also go by: N/A

I am: 14

If you can't tell I am a: Female

I am from: Nimbasa City in Unova

I am a: Freshman

My preferred type:

Water, Grass, Ice.

People think I'm:
Cocky and confident, while also being a loner. I don't like to admit defeat easily, saying I'm very competitive, but I won't tarnish my reputation by cheating or being ignorant. If you don't get on my bad side, we may be good friends, but if you get on it...We'll be rivals for life.

If you want to know more:

Hey there, my names Sakuya Wright, born and raised in Nimbasa City. You would expect someone from a laid back and fun place to be more open and friendly. But, that's not always the case. My parents were lawyers of sorts, and were constantly busy. The only time I got to play was with their pokemon, and not them. Pokemon have always been there for me, even when my parents could be. The only downside is...I became really socially awkward in school. No one was willing to accept a girl who didn't have time to play with them. So, I accepted it. At lunch, I would study alone, eat alone, really, do anything alone, until I got home, where I could play with my parent's pokemon.

This went on for several years, and by several, I mean a majority of my life. You would expect they would at least take me to the amusement park, or see Elesa battle, but, they just didn't have the time. Luckily, my loneliness did have an advantage, I was an ace student. I felt it was necessary to continue my education by applying for Topaz Academy, where I could get the most out of education and experience then in a free loving city.

My Current Team

Nickname: Techiko

Species: Aipom

Gender: Female

Level: Level 9


Ability: Skill Link

Nature: Adamant


1) Scratch

2) Tail Whip

3) Sand Attack

4) Astonish


My name is: Lucian Ossler

I also go by: Lu

I am: 17

If you can't tell I am a: 'Manly' man!

I am from: Sinnoh, Veilstone City

I am a: Freshman

My preferred type: Poison, ghost, dark

People think I'm: An arrogant sophisticated individual who dwells on tactics instead of brute force. He is a child prodigy and came into the academy so late because he spent so much time studying, but he strives to be the best he can be still. Within in his heart though he still wants to appear as a dignified individual and will help those in need of assistance. He also has quite the silver tongue

If you want to know more: Born to a small family of three in Veilstone city. In his young years he looked up to Maylene, the gym leader of the town, but soon grew away from her when he noticed her strategy was simply brute force. He wasn't exactly the most popular kid either, often being left out in games and was only comforted by his families treasure pokemon a Ghastly named Enigma. When he discovered the academy he asked politely to go and was allowed, he would strive to further his skills and become a renowned pokemon professor or trainer, along with his friend, Enigma

My Current Team

Nickname: Enigma

Species: Ghastly

Gender: Female

Level: 10

Type: Ghost/Poison

Ability: Levitate

Nature: Quirky

Moves: Hypnosis, Lick, spite
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My name is:
Rei Hamasaki

I also go by: N/A

I am: 14

If you can't tell I am a: Female

I am from: Lumiose City & Kalos

I am a: Freshman

My preferred type: Grass,Water,Flying

People think I'm: Friendly and warm hearted, really like to help each other but can't give much because her weak strength

If you want to know more: Rei born as the only daughter of a rich family at Lumiose, and that's why her parent very protective to her. Her daily activities filled with lesson for manner and studying, she never get outside from her house, the garden is the furthest place she can play outside, there was a pond at the garden and there where she met with Froakie, at her spare time she always come outside and play with him, her love to pokemon is grow stronger and she want to explore the outside world to see other pokemon but her parent doesn't let her they even send the guard to expel the Froakie, Rei sure very sad about that she waited in front of the pond hoping her friend will come back. At one late night when she was sitting in front of the pond a wild pokemon appear and try to attack her, there was no guard arround and when the wild pokemon almost tackle her the Froakie came and block the wild pokemon, a little fight happen and the Froakie manage to win the battle, her parent come with the guard and they try to expel the Froakie again but Rei told what was happened and she said she want to become a trainer so she can always together with Froakie and explore the outside town, her parent allowed her now but in her current age it will be risky so her parent decided to send her to the academy first to study how to become a trainer.

My Current Team





Level: 10


Ability: Torrent

Nature: Quiet

Moves: Pound,Quick Attack,Bubble,Lick

  1. My Name Is: Max Gold
  2. I Also go by: Gold
  3. I Am: 15
  4. If You Can't Tell I'm A: Male
  5. I Am From: Violet City, Johto
  6. I Am A: Freshman
  7. My Preferred type: Flying, Pyschic, and Grass
  8. People Think I'm: Kind and somewhat full of courage, loves everyone to his fullest attempt.
  9. If You Want To Know More: I was born in the Violet City pokemon center. As I grew up I spent most of my time outdoors in the woods with Pokemon. I also trained with Falkner the Violet City gym leader. At age 12 he gave me my very own pokemon... Pidgey. Me and pidgey have been together for 3 years now growing with each other and that's pretty much all.
  10. My Current Team



[*]Species: Pidgey

[*]Gender: Female


[*]Type: Flying/Normal

[*]Ability: Big Pecks


[*]Moves: Sand Attack, Peck, Tackle, Quick Attack.


[*]Nickname: None

[*]Species: Eevee


[*]Level: 16

[*]Type: Normal

[*]Ability: Run Away

[*]Nature: Calm

[*]Moves: Quick Attack, Dig, Return, Charm.


[*]Nickname: None

[*]Species: Ralts

[*]Gender: Female

[*]Level: 17

[*]Type: Pyschic

[*]Ability: Trace

[*]Nature: Hardy

[*]Moves: Confusion, Magical Leaf, Double Team, Growl


[*]Nickname: None

[*]Species: Cyndaquil

[*]Gender: Male

[*]Level: 19

[*]Type: Fire

[*]Ability: Blaze

[*]Nature: Joyful

[*]Moves: Ember, Tackle, Smokescreen, Leer.

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My name is: Tachika Kaiba

I also go by: Kai

I am: 15

If you can't tell I am a: Female

I am from: Dewford Town, Hoenn

I am a: Freshman

My preferred type: Fighting, Ground, Dragon

People think I'm: Harsh. I get called an overachiever a lot since I'm always training. But mostly it's harsh. Look, I know I'm not the easiest to get along with, but if you can't keep up with me, that ain't my fault!

If you want to know more: I was born and raised in Dewford, but don't call me an island girl! My father trained day and night with Brawly in both martial arts, and Pokemon. When I was nine, he gave me my Mienfoo and started my training. I live and breathe through my battles, and this academy will be no different.

My Current Team




Gender: Male

Level: 10

Type: Fighting

Ability: Inner Focus

Nature: Calm

Moves: Meditate, Pound, Detect, Vital Throw(Egg)
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