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Well-Dressed Skeleton.

Hey there, and thank you for checking out my thread ^_^
My name is CreatureFriendly, or more simply, Creature. As of late, I've been binging on a lot of cartoons and have been craving an RP that has to do with them. But before you post here or try to PM me, here are some things to know about me.

About Me
-I am 18+
-I am semi-advanced to advanced. This can fluctuate depending on muse, but I like to make my posts detailed.
However, I am willing to mirror however much it is that you put.
-You can expect a post from me a day at minimum, depending on muse and availability. If ever something is to happen where
I am unable to post, I'll let you know. However, if I don't then feel free to send me a quick message. Sometimes things slip my mind.
-I like to chat OOC, I think it makes the RP more enjoyable.
-I am ditch-friendly, just let me know if you lose interest.
-I am available on Discord.

Interests (The more * = The muse)
(This list contains cartoons from TV shows, movies, and video games.
However, my interests aren't limited to this list. So feel free to ask me
about stuff that isn't on here!)

-Woody Woodpecker *****
-Who Framed Roger Rabbit ****
-Cuphead ****
-BATIM ***
-Looney Tunes ***
-Animaniacs ****

-Please no one-liners. If I'm going to put effort into my posts, then I'm hoping you'll do the same. Otherwise it's just a surefire
way to kill my muse for the RP.
-Please be somewhat available. You don't have to post everyday, I understand that life can get hectic at times. But if something
is to happen where you won't be responding for a while, then give me a heads-up.
-If you're considering dropping an RP with me, go ahead- Just let me know first.
-Be open to talking OOC.

Read all of that? Awesome! Feel free to post here or send me a PM if you're interested in RPing with me- And just for the heck of it, why not put your favorite cartoon character? I'd love to hear them :grinningteeth:

In the early part of the 21st Century, a discovery was made that changed the vacation industry like nothing had before it. Working at a midwestern university, scientists finally proved the existence of parallel dimensions -- worlds just like ours, but with different histories and physics. Soon after, a portal was developed that actually allowed them to go into this parallel worlds.

Naturally, the entertainment industry immediately grabbed at the opportunity. Agents and lawyers made contact with representatives from various worlds, setting up agreements for people to vacation on their worlds. And the public eat it up. For unlike the regular "earthbound" resorts, each parallel world offered its own unique experience.

Like DinoWorld, where people could co-exist with the extinct reptiles. Or MythWorld, where all the creatures from fantasy mingled with the crowds. And there were hundreds more. But by far, the favorite was ToonWorld.

ToonWorld was just that -- a world where the rules of cartoon physics were a reality. And people who visited ToonWorld were as subject to those rules as any of its own inhabitants. People rushed there to experience the feeling of being run over by a steamroller. Or inflated like a balloon. If it could happen in a cartoon, it could happen on ToonWorld. And just like a cartoon, the effects were temporary. Thus, no one ever experienced any permanent damage from the trip. Just a great deal of fun.

So, come visit ToonWorld, and let the fun begin!

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