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Multiple Settings Tons of plots and pairings [Literate]


Wandering but not lost...yet
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to my partner search!
The spring semester for college is letting out soon, and I'm tentatively looking for one or two literate to advanced writing partners. Feel free to PM or comment should you think you're a fit for the position.

I only have a few things.

1 - Please be willing to talk about things/brainstorm, and let me know if you're no longer interested. (Honestly, won't hurt my feelings. I prefer honesty to being left high and dry.)
2 - Please be able to generally write more than three sentences with basic, functional grammar. Mistakes and slip ups I can deal with, but when things are written nicely it's a more pleasant experience.
2.5 - On this same note, I don't mind short posts now and again, as long as they don't become the constant standard for length.
3 - These following notes are my personal preferences.
I play mainly female, but now and again I can do a male character.

I only roleplay MxF pairings.
Follow the site rules!

I'm very open to OOC chatting. Let's toss ideas back and forth, rant about characters, whatever. I'm in!

I would like to play the bolded role.

Dragon shifter x princess/royal
Sassy princess x charming rogue/thief
Dashing pirate x captive
cafe worker x regular customer
kidnapper x abductee**
Siren x young seafarer
Rival x rival (lots of tension and angst)
villain x hero(in)

**Not Stockholm syndrome. Something more along the lines of kidnapping the wrong person and not knowing what to do about it.


I'm currently in the mood for something casual, but still with quality writing. Relaxed literate, really. It doesn’t have to be long-term.

Genres I enjoy:

Futuristic (with a good plot)
(some) Supernatural.


Now, some notes.
I'm searching for a partner that is as passionate about writing as I am, that loves developing characters and relationships over time, and enjoys not only romance, but the action and adventures, the conflicts that accompany it. I love romance, I love the flirting and the other things that go along with it, but I dislike that entirely on it's own. It lacks substance.
I'm really looking for a partner that has spunk and spirit! Someone whose characters have a will of their own, and who doesn't expect me to do all the work in advancing a plot. I want a friend! Someone to fanaticize over possible situations for characters OOC.

Enough of my rambling. Have an example of my typical starter before we get to plots and ideas...

Zephyr stood on the edge of a darkened street corner. Leather boots rested half-off the curb. She had been after her target for a little more than a month now, and keeping what she was doing a secret from her brothers had been quite the task. She wasn't entirely sure they even believed her excuses.She was lucky that it was summer... Though with the current weather, it certainly didn't feel like it. Everything was cast in shades of wet blue. Rain drizzled and poured in turn, keeping the streets thoroughly puddle-strewn. It was the miserable kind of cold that slowly sunk into you, staying with you long past the time you got home. But it was keeping most people inside, which suited her purposes perfectly.
Zephyr saw him then. She froze. Her careful gaze locked on him as he moved into an alley, and after a moment, she followed, stepping to avoid the puddles that would give her presence away prematurely.


She paused at the corner of a building, keeping carefully out of sight to wait for the moment she could pass. But her eavesdropping gave her pause. She stood stock-still, silver-blue eyes widening slightly. A rebel instigator had been caught? After a few moments of mental debate, she spun on her heel, altering her course to retrace her steps. Forget climbing the tower. That would still be there in a week. This prisoner might not.
A couple of moments later found her back where she had started, and she had to duck behind a cart to avoid one of her tutors. Shoving back her hood, now unneeded, she made her way back through the busy courtyard and into the lower floor of the castle, intercepting the nearest servant with a hand on their shoulder as they passed.
"Do you know anything of a new prisoner? An elf?"


That's quite a lot of reading, so let's get to the plots!
I'm looking for something simple. And, admittedly a bit cliche for the main part. I am in the mood to play the female, but can be convinced to play male.
If you've made it this far, you have my respect.

A headstrong princess/daughter of a noble is out in the city in disguise, when she somehow runs into a roguish yet charming thief or rebel, (possibly an elf, when elves are in a position of being unpopular). Things go from there, with him tailing her back to her house unknown to her, and then returning to plague her with flirting/ the temptation of an adventure. The relationship progresses with clear knowledge that her parents would not approve.
I would be playing the female. Don't worry, this isn't the typical sappy sweetheart of a girl. She's got SASS.

Two people who hate each other are stranded on an island that is trying to kill them, and they are forced to work together.
(How? Up to our brainstorming. Could be magical or carnivorous plants, monsters, cannibals, simply hostile natives, etc. LET IMAGINATION RUN FREE!)

Kindapped redone! Historical, sort of. My character is being sent from the American colonies to a boarding school in England. The ship doesn't make it, being captured by pirates. A young sailor/first mate takes a liking to her, or for some reason chooses to watch out for her under the guise of holding her captive. Eventually feelings emerge aside from the sarcastic/heated exchanges.

My character is a spunky, tomboy-ish girl with a penchant for getting into scrapes and tendency to witty comebacks. She meets her match in a flirty half-elf, whom she repeatedly rebuffs and brushes off all attempts at romance. What she doesn't know is that the small, cuddly black dragon she befriended is said half-elf. She eventually ends up finding out, or giving in to his flirting, and what happens??? (Up to my partner and I. You've got big, flirty shoes to fill, here.]

These characters have spent the last four or five years of their life training to navigate booby-trapped temples, palaces, and ancient ruins, to retrieve priceless and powerful artifacts safely.
At their graduation, each trainee is assigned to a partner, and the two are given a mission, usually one of lesser importance, to test their skills. In this instance, my character has been anticipating being assigned a mission with her best friend, with whom she has been trained with. Instead, she is paired with her least favorite trainee. Though they greatly dislike each other, they must work together to survive, and succeed, in their mission, which, they will soon find out, has more resting on it's success or failure than a simple graduation.
Through the course of this role-play there are expected to be character conflicts, dissension, but eventually bonding, grudging admiration of each other's abilities, and perhaps...fondness and romance.
[Romance, or platonic. Steampunk-ish, medieval. Action, adventure, drama, magic.]

That's all, folks! Hope to hear from you!

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