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Realistic or Modern Tomorrow's Dream - CS

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Weight class:
Professional Status: (prospect, part-timer, amateur, semi-professional, world-class, champion)
Fighting Style: (karate, boxing, kickboxing, Muay Thai, taekwondo, etc)
Signature Attack:

Mixed Martial Artist Stats

Power: x/10
Speed: x/10
Endurance: x/10
Technique: x/10
Reflexes: x/10
Talent: x/10
Ring IQ: x/10

Name: Daigo "John" Uchiyama
Age: 21
Sex: M
Height: 5'5"
Weight class: Flyweight
Hometown: Osaka, Japan
Professional Status: Semi-professional
Record: N/A
Fighting Style: Boxing, a little bit of kickboxing
Signature Attack: Dempsey roll
Backstory/Bio: Not much is known about John's early childhood and the family he grew up in. He was raised in an orphanage, was a delinquent, and lived a difficult life, getting into trouble with the law multiple times. He was born in Osaka, Japan. When he was in juvie at the age of 14, he was mysteriously bailed out by Thomas O'Reilly, an elderly Irish man who was a naturalized Japanese citizen and a retired professional boxer. Thomas saw potential in John after witnessing him effortlessly beat up three other delinquents before getting arrested. It was then that Thomas started training John in boxing and teaching him about the hardships of life.

During his training, Thomas gave him the name "John" for ease of pronunciation, in contrast to his Japanese birth name, although he technically considered it as a nickname. Additionally, Thomas taught him English so that John could possibly participate in boxing championships in the States in the future. Throughout his training, John perfected his boxing skills, such as increased punching power, better reflexes, and mastering the Dempsey roll. By the time he reached the age of 21, Thomas, due to his old age, became seriously ill to the point that he could barely continue with his training. Eventually, Thomas passed away from eye cancer, leaving John in a state of depression, having lost his boxing coach and his only best friend.

One day, John saw a poster for a semi-professional MMA fighting tryout and decided to test his strength and skills there. After winning a surprisingly lucky fight, he eventually got accepted.

And from there, John was introduced to the world of MMA, a combat sport unlike any other, especially boxing, which was his original intention to pursue professionally. However, something changed for him. Going from being a boxing prodigy at a young age to now entering the world of MMA, he was determined to show off his fighting skills to the world, despite a fatal flaw of lacking immense kicking power compared to his punching ability. The deceased Thomas would be proud of him if he were still alive. But does he have what it takes to become an MMA champion?

Mixed Martial Artist Stats

Power: 7/10
Speed: 6/10
Endurance: 7/10
Technique: 5/10
Reflexes: 6/10
Talent: 5/10
Ring IQ: 9/10
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Name: Shakti Barinova
Age: 23
Sex: Female
Height: 5'3
Weight class: Strawweight
Hometown: Sharjah, UAE
Theme: Dance for Love - Zella Day
Professional Status: Amateur - she doesn't fight competitively.
Record: N/A
Fighting Style: Capoeira
Signature Attack: Meia Lua de Compasso (Compact Half-Moon Kick)
Backstory/Bio: Born and raised in the United Arab Emirates, some may say Shakti lived a charmed life. Her parents were archaeologists who travelled the globe on all types of digs. Once her mother found out she was pregnant, they decided to settle down in the UAE. Once she was old enough, they began to take her along on their travels, homeschooling her so she'd be able to keep up with other kids. It was on one of these trips, that she fell in love with the Brazilian dance-fighting style of Capoeira. She made her parents set up lessons for her and joined as many roda's as she could until she entered her first competition. Shakti, realizing that she couldn't bring herself to purposefully hurt another person, forfeited. She never gave up her practice though, still attending her lessons and joining the dance when she could even after graduating from nursing school. In an effort to remain involved in the MMA community, she can often be found at the nurses station during fights, patching up the injured and cheering on those still standing.

Mixed Martial Artist Stats

Power: 5/10
Speed: 6/10
Endurance: 4/10
Technique: 5/10
Reflexes: 7/10
Talent: 4/10
Ring IQ: 1/10
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