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Fandom ~ Tokyo Ghoul : Red Rain ~

Drake sighed "because yui you stole Thanos from us and know where stealing you from him except this time" he said with a sinister grin "this time I'll be taking you away from him for good" he said as he brought a hand to her cheek and stroked it

River walked back form yuis Tom not having found her katana "what is it" he asked renshi as he walked into the cafe then emediatly got drakes scent "no" he wispered as his left eye started to turn red and black

Renji checked the time before answering, "I'm not totally sure of the exact details, but I have a feeling that there's one or more ghouls that frequent it," he said as they continued walking, "I'm sure we'll find out soon enough though." Renji stopped for a moment, looking back at Ryota. "If we stake out the cafe, I'm sure we'll be able to get to the bottom of it."

@The Regal Rper
"I agree. Let's head back there now besides it should be morning soon nothing but something to drink to keep us active right?" he said turning around heading back to the cafe shop. "What about Rei should we invite her to join us?" he asked remembering the young investigator roaming around.

Masaki looked at Jasper as he listened to what he had to say, "Oh... Alright, thank you" he said as he continued to drink his coffee and eat his meat. After a minute or so and put the empy mug on the table, he looked at Jasper. "Uhm, I hope you don't mind me asking, but do you have any jobs going here? I kinda owe it to the people here for being so hospitable towards me.." He waited patiently for Jaspers reply, a look of serenity on his face.

Yui's eyes widened and smacked his hand away from her cheek "don't touch me..." she said with a glare " i didn't take him away... I gave him a choice ...he could have gone back to you whenever he wanted... but he decided to stay" she looked at him in the eye " i wonder why..." she said in a slight sarcastic voice.

Renshi looked at him at River and blinked when she saw his eye turn red and black " do you know who did this?" He asked him

@Daniel reaver


Jasper looked at him for a few minutes " hm.... did you have a job before in being a waiter?" He asked him.


Masaki shook his head in response. "I've not, no. But I do know the basic concepts of one though. I would say I'm especially good at keeping a friendly face and...I know how to smile" He giggled slightly as he kept his eyes on Jasper.

Renji nodded in agreement, taking out his phone and calling Rei. "We're going to meet back at the coffee shop, meet us there," he rung up without waiting for a reply. "She's more of a wild animal, so it's best not to try to control her," this statement stemming from an earlier comment Ryota had made about her, "She has her anger and issues pointed at the enemy, so it's not too much of a hinderance."

@The Regal Rper

Rei placed her phone in her pocket, having been posted up on a rooftop looking down at he streets below. Ghouls like to hide in the shadows and the roofs held the best vantage point for seeing those that didn't want to be seen. She slowly made her way back to street level and the back toward the coffee shop. She wondered what his ordeal was with that particular shop and if he was going to make her drink bitter coffee again. She shuddered at the thought.
Ryota couold now see the coffee shop not far off from them. As they got closer he spotted Rei making her way there now. "So you know about this place better than I do, what's the deal? Why do you believe there are ghouls here? I will admit I have my own suspicions but of course I haven't been around in this ward much so fill me in on anything I might be missing" he stated once they were in front of the coffee shop.

Renji slowed his pace a bit, so he could finish what he wanted to say before meeting up with Rei. "It's more I a feeling than actual proof or facts," he stated as they grew closer to the shop, "The feeling of being watched and payed a little more attention to than necessary. I don't like to make assumptions or make a move without having absolute proof, but I have a strong feeling that either some of the patrons or the staff are ghouls." As they rendezvous at the front of the shop. "I think I'm going to have you," talking to Ryota, "team up with Rei here and see if you two can't figure out anything about the White Lotus. They're suppose to have been in operation in this ward. I follow up on a few of my own inquiries. However, if you two get into any sort of trouble, I expect a call."

@The Regal Rper
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"The White-Lotus huh" Ryota thought as they entered the shop. "I'll have to be careful from here on" he thought as they peered at the shop from outside. "I can see why the Director said you and I would make a good team, we both have our priorities straight and don't come to random assumptions without proof." he stated with a small smile. "Anyway you have nothing to worry about, I'll make sure Rei" he says looking at her now, "doesn't get too out of hand." he finished smiling at her .

@Evergreen98 (Not sure if you or if one of your other characters are in the coffee shop)
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Raiden spent a lot of time at his house practicing using his new quinx powers. Raiden now has really good control over his kagune. He went out to the city and went ghoul hunting. Raiden caught a scent of a ghoul and followed it. At the end of the trail there was a ghoul that was eating a dead human corpse. Raiden took out his pocket knife and clicked it open. It then turned into a giant scythe. The ghoul immediately pounced at Raiden, but Raiden deflected it with his scythe. Raiden then activated his kagune. When the ghoul saw the kagune, it started to growl at it. Raiden then launched the ghoul in the air with his kagune. He then sliced the ghoul while he was in the air and then the ghoul died. Raiden then went back to his house, changed his clothes, and started the paper work with the ghoul that he killed.

Sora got ready in his uniform and met up with Renshi. "Uh, hey i'm here. could you teach me the ways of the coffee making O great coffee lord." Raiden said with his hands together like he was worshiping him. @Evergreen98
Rei raised a brow as she stared at the new guy. 'Not bad looking at all' she thought as he smiled at her. She replied to his comment with an eye roll. "Good luck with that, Pretty Boy," she jested, as she winked at him.

Renji simply nodded to Ryota. "Well, get a feel for the ward and follow any leads or evidence you find, I'll call you for updates every now and then." He looked at, "Ryota will be your superior, so play nice." He turned and left them as he began prepare to follow his own suspicions.

@The Regal Rper
Raiden took a break from the paper work. Raiden then just noticed how lonely his life actually is. He has no family they all died. He has no friends because he stays inside or hunts ghouls. Raiden then though about how nice it would be to have a partner in the CCG. a lot of people have one. I wonder if any one would be willing to partner up with a quinx.
Rei sighed, turned her back to Ryota and motioned him to follow. "There really isn't much to see, at least I don't see too much that strikes me as out of the ordinary," she said as she walked the path she had the day before, arriving at the graveyard where she met the ghouls, "This was the place I first made contact with a few ghouls. One was an S, the other an SS, and then even a SSS showed up, Thanatos." She looked at the graves that she had destroyed and rolled her eyes, remembering that their repair was coming out of her pay. However, she felt that this place would make for good bait later on, as she would surely be able to lure that ghoul back out at some point once the repairs were made. "So what got you sent here?" Rei inquired, sitting atop a headstone and staring at Ryota.

@The Regal Rper

"Not much just a direct order from the head of CCG , I had just gotten back from some business at the 1st Ward when he rold me to come here because he had assigned me a partner" he said casually.
@The Regal Rper

"Well aren't I the lucky girl," she said as she stood up and made her way through the graveyard, "Well I'm sure that Fox masked ghoul with the katana can be baited into coming back here, and I'm sure she'll have her buddies with her again." They walked through the graveyard, leaving the residential section and entering the industrial one. There were a bunch of factories and mills and old buildings of all kinds, which could possibly be housing any number of ghouls, but there were so many that it be difficult to check them all. Also, they didn't have the proper man power for such a search, not that that really concerned Rei. "This place is likely to be hiding some good secrets," she said staring at a line of rundown buiodings.
River growles as he stared at the needle nodding slowly to renshis question "as a matter of fact I do and I also know that he won't be living much longer" he said coldly as he pulled out his mask from his pocket his face becoming a sinister death glare as he slipped the mask on then looked up at renshi his eyes showing nothing but rage and blood list for drake

Drake smiled "but you where the one factor that made him stay yui. Ever since he first met you he had been drawn to you. He would have never saved you and brought you to us if you where any one else" he said softly to yui as he turned back out to look at the passing destruction

Renshi put a hand on his shoulder "calm down.... you cannot go fight and him like this... your going end up hurt someone innocent...." he said to him calmly. "Let me come along, he is going to use her as hostage and which mesn your going to need back up..." he then looked at Sora and shook his head "not today... go ask uncle Jasper" he said to the boy and looked back at River " give me 10 minutes and meet on the rooftop of the 3 blocks down. He said and ran off to his room.

Yui stared at him " i guess it's because I wasn't scared of him when we first met..." she said to him as she looked out the window. She tried move her hands but couldn't 'why did it have to be today?...' She thought.

@Daniel reaver

@Kawaii Centipede


Jasper listened to him and chuckled a little " alright... your hired... but i need to teach you the numbering system we use for the tables...ok? It not really that hard... I'll get you go your uniform ready and you can start tomorrow... ok?"


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"Fine then." Sora said. Sora then headed towards Jasper. "Umm Renshi sent me here so I can learn what to do." Sora said.


Raiden was on the roof top of the building across from the coffee shop. Those ghouls haven't shown too much of a liking of killing humans. Maybe not all ghouls are that bad. I should observe some more though. Raiden was surprised at how much these ghouls were growing on him. Raiden didn't really like it, but it can't be helped.
Masaki looked at Jasper and nodded happily, "That's not a problem, Truthfully I look forward to starting it should be fun" He chuckled to himself and then looked at the other person who also seemed to be new, Masaki looked at him and could tell that this person was also a ghoul. "Hi there!~" said Masaki with a cheerful tone in his voice.

@Evergreen98 @Kawaii Centipede

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