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1x1 Interests


Drinker of coffees
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hey, so this is a list of plots/pairings I've been wanting to do.

  • I can play either male or female characters, but will prefer only to role play MxF or MxM romances. Although I have no problem with FxF romances irl, I have no interest to role play one.
One last question: Do you have a problem with my god being a creation god? As in, made the universe and all that? @universal silence
Alright, sweet. I'll go set up a 1x1 thread and then we can role play.
Steven Universe

I'm interested in doing this with you if you're still looking for a partner
Hey, I'd be interested in any of your plot ideas! You can shoot me a PM, if you'd like. Hope to hear from you soon!

Holy crap, guys, this is from February. I didn't expect this to come back from the dead.
Hi! I'd love to do an rp with you. Haha, it rises from the deaaaad! Wooooo! -spooky voice- Anyways, I'm way into Percy Jackson right now, and I'd love to maybe do a god/human, or maybe angel/human, or pokemon with you! Shoot me a pm when you can!
Go away! *drop kicks everyone out of this thread* Nah, I'm kidding, please don't leave.

But seriously, why are you guys here?

@StoneWolf18 I might be interested, depending on the plot.
Noivian said:
Go away! *drop kicks everyone out of this thread* Nah, I'm kidding, please don't leave.
But seriously, why are you guys here?

@StoneWolf18 I might be interested, depending on the plot.

I really don't have any ideas currently but you could check my signature for my partner thread if you see anything?

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