Tokshi Tomoko

Nenma Takashi

Terribly Terrible

Name: Tokshi Tomoko

Age: 16

Height: 4,5

Build: slim fit build

Hair:Short straight brown 


Stand Name: The Stickers

Stand Type: Close Range

Destructive Power: A

Speed: B

Range: E

Durability: A

Precision: B

Developmental Potential:B

Stand Power:The Stickers let's Tokshi take any sticker and place it on something in doing so whatever she put a sticker on is affected depending on the sticker. Such as a fire sticker making whatever it is put on hot like fire, or a dog sticker making whatever it is put on act like a dog even if it isn't alive. Tokshi must put the sticker on with The Stickers and it must stay on for the effect to last, when the sticker is taken off the subject goes back to normal immediately. The Stickers can not make stickers so when Tokshi runs out of stickers she can not use her stand power.   

Backstory:Tokshi had always be a lover of everything man and manly, she idolized anything manly. From wrestling, to sumo, to boxing, and so on this lead to her trying her hand at manly things as well. She would get into fights often with kids in her neighborhood making a name for herself as one tough gal. She even ended up becoming the top dog of her elementary and middle school no one could even come close to beating her. Then when she entered high school she changed she realized being manly meant more than just beating anyone in your way it meant being the best you you could be while being awesome. So she decided to stop getting into so many fights she also decided to help around her town, that's when it happened while picking up random trash off the street she could swear and arrow had pierced right through her chest. But because she woke up a few moments later completely fine she didn't think much of it. That is until a strange creature began to follow her Tokshi found that it obeyed her commands and had a strange power with stickers. Tokshi began to collect stickers in order to mess around and experiment with the power it was then that it hit her. This reminded her of a super power manga she had read the hero gets a strange power in order to save the world. Tokshi knew what she had to do she'd protect not only her town but the whole world from soon as she had found said evil that is. 

Personality:Tokshi is a lover of all things manly, making her competitive to a C she is always looking to turn everything into a competition. She also tends to talk as if she were some kind of main character straight out of a shounen manga making her seem silly. Tokshi idolizes those who she thinks are manly and can easily and quickly fall for those she thinks are manly. She is not one to abandon those who she calls friends refusing to run away in general as she feels it's not manly at all. She tends to get unbelievable mad when someone insults her height since she believes being true to ones self is most important.  

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