together we map the world


This is all subject to change and the opinions of the people involved. If parts of it do not appeal to you we can negotiate them as a group. I don't want to have the final say in anything just because. I want this to belong to everyone.



An anarchist-in-spirit community with no formal leadership. There are respected people who others listen to and trust, but nobody has any authority over any other person. What this means for parent/child relationships is up to the parent and child, or just the parent. The people live in houses, and the unbonded animals have their own sheltered dens for raising cubs/pups/etc., but most familiars live with each other. Not all humans or all animals have familiars.


People live with brothers, sisters, partners, parents, children, or any combination thereof. Participation in the community is voluntary (you choose to come, choose to leave) but everyone is expected to take part in feeding and protecting the community. Some people farm, some people forage, some people hunt. Either you produce your own food or come to an agreement with somebody who can.


A familiar bond is most typically between one human and one animal, but there are people who have more than one familiar animal, and animals who have more than one familiar human. It's rare, though, because it's complicated. It is somewhat of a voluntary thing; you can't force it or pick your familiar, but if you are not emotionally ready or available for a familiar bond, it won't take root.


The bond entails constant emotional awareness of your familiar, but nothing like telepathic communication or anything. Basic communication is easier between familiars than between other human-and-animal pairs, but (this is tentative) they can't communicate with language, verbally or otherwise. Animals live as long as their human familiars unless they come to a violent end. After the human dies, the effects of familiarity wear off and the animal usually dies within a few years.


Human-animal pairs will never hurt or lose each other. Unless you treat your familiar animal cruelly, you never need to fear them. The pairs also have a homing instinct toward each other.


This takes place in a conveniently vague location of temperate climate where there happen to be a huge number of "exotic" animals.
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