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Toby, Pembroke Welsh Corgi Mutanimal M.D.!


Kaerri's Man. =)
Roleplay Availability
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  • Paola Majid at playgroundai.com.jpeg (Image credit: The talented Paola Majid at PlaygroundAI.com) Name: "Toby" a.k.a. Doctor Spot!
    Alignment: Principled
    Nature/Demeanor: Scientist/Caregiver
    Personality: Happy, affectionate, kind, friendly, fun-loving, restless. Intensely curious, studious, lots of positive energy!
    More: Tucked-down tail, big dog bark, barks often, loyal, dutiful, "CAN-DO" attitude, eats lots.
    Quote: "I was named after a dog Sherlock Holmes was fond of! Sherlock Hooolmes!!"
    Ethnic Background: Welsh
    Species (Human, Mutant Animal, Yokai): Mutant Animal (Pembroke Welsh Corgi)
    Age: 18
    Sex: Male

    I.Q. 26
    (+6%/+6 to Perception)
    M.E. 22 (+5 to Saving Throws vs. Insanity/Willpower Points: 7)
    M.A. 17 (+55% to Charm/Intimidate)
    P.S. 15 (+0 to S.D.C. damage)
    P.P. 20 (+3 to Strike, Parry, Dodge)
    P.E. 16 (+5% to Saving Throws vs. coma/death, +1 to Saving Throws vs. Magic, Pain, Poison)
    P.B. 10 (0% to Charm/Impress)
    Spd 51 (35 miles/56 kilometers per hour, +4 to Initiative)

    Hit Points: 17
    S.D.C.: 62
    Willpower: 7
    Size Level: 6
    Weight: "68 pound weakling" (31 kg)
    Height: 4 feet, 6 inches (1.38 m)
    Human Features:
    Biped: Full
    Speech: Full
    Looks: Partial (required for Canines to have a humanoid body.)
    Mutant Animal Powers? (Yes/No): Yes.
    Martial Arts System? (Yes/No): Yes.
    Natural Weapons (if any): 1d6 Bite.
    Vestigial Disadvantages (if any): Carnivore.
    Level of Experience: 1st

    Combat Modifiers
    Perception +6
    Initiative +5
    Actions per Round: 5
    Strike: +3
    Automatic Parry: +4
    Dodge: +4
    Automatic Roll with Punch: +8
    Damage: +0
    Other/Special: +2 to Backflip/Somersault/Cartwheel/Handstand, Critical Strike from Behind, +1 to Rear Attacks.
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