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Multiple Settings To Whom it may Concern,


A Rather Docile Butler
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

I had previously posted a 1x1 search thread here and, instead of simply stating within the aforementioned document that I was not looking for new partners at that very moment, decided that the best option for closing requests would be to simply delete the entirety of said document. I have since come to regret these most egregious actions and have found that, as I now have an abundance of time and an insatiable craving for creative outlet, I am in desperate need of another (freshly printed) interest thread.

So, hello, rambling stranger. I welcome you to browse my query. If you find yourself questing for a writing partner, search no further! (Unless you find this post to be incredibly unappealing. Then I encourage you to continue searching as I am sure there is nothing much I can offer you. Unless you would like a cookie. It is remarkably easy to pass out cookies on this platform. It brings great joy…) I find I am open to new RP partners at this time and am excited to work with you! Yes, you! The person reading this strange, silly note right now!

At this point, I am sure you are quite curious as to what it is that I am looking for as far as a writing partner is concerned. That is an excellent question, and I shall answer it thusly: I am completely unsure. Here’s the thing, wayward traveler, I am not particular when it comes to story. I love ideas, as a general rule. I love all ideas. With very few exceptions, there are no such things as bad ideas (Jumping off a roof and into a pool while screaming “CANNON BALL” would be considered a bad idea, for instance. That being said, if you have a character idea of someone who would jump off a roof and into a pool while screaming “CANNON BALL”, I already love them and would love to create a character of my own to meet them).

With that said, I do have things that I very much enjoy. For instance, I prefer to exist within a queer space (For the context of this post, let us assume that the word “queer” refers to the entire rainbow/LGBTQIA+ community). Whether the dynamic be romantic or platonic, I prefer it to be set within a queer framework. This does not mean that the story needs to focus on queer elements, per say, simply that I would prefer a narrative in which characters can be comfortably queer. I understand a character having a strained relationship with a parent due to their romantic preferences or self-identity, but I refuse to have a character be considered “deviant” within the narrative due to their romantic preferences or self-identity. I’m sure I’m being overly explicit here and the meaning was evident within the first sentence of this paragraph, I just feel very strongly about this clause. Inclusivity (in all variations) is shockingly slight in modern media and this is my small way of rebelling against the machine as well as remaining as comfortable as possible within the tumultuous tides of the interwebs.

As far as posting length goes, let’s use this very paragraph as an example. Consider that I have spent some time putting this paragraph together and have considered how it could be interpreted from multiple angles. Consider that I have written this paragraph with the purpose of you reading it and coming away from it with a certain message in mind. Consider, if you will, that every word was chosen with care and that I have put together every sentence with intention and a dash of creative liberty. Now, consider that this paragraph is not particularly long. Perhaps there isn’t much more to say at this time regarding this specific point. It could be that having a short response is more poignant at this time than a longer response could have been. This is, quite simply, the best way to convey the message. I’m sure we can all agree, it is often not the length that matters, but the substance.

Ah. Yes. Right. I don’t do existing characters. If you were looking at someone to help you fulfill your Naruto X Sasuke needs, I am not your person. My mind rebels against the idea of controlling someone I have not created. I wish I could explain this further, however, I find I am mystified by the machinations of my own psyche on this one…. Regardless, I shall not portray any existing character as a main in any RP. If you had an idea for OCs within the city of Konaha, that is a different story entirely. I like to believe that any author creates a world with the full intention of others being able to explore that world as thoroughly as possible. That said, I am completely willing to introduce canon characters into the narrative as long as they are not main characters, important side characters, or immediate family members. If Naruto is the Hokage (spoilers…) and various ninja OCs are going on an important mission, I understand the need for Naruto to make a cameo to deliver the mission to our young heroes. I would like to minimize the use of existing characters. (If you were wondering if I am craving a Naruto RP, the answer is no. It’s not that I’m opposed to the idea of a Naruto RP, it just isn’t something that I have considered. However, if that’s your jam and jelly, I’m down to discuss it, just keep in mind I only brought it up because it was the first thing that popped into my head.)

If you are still reading this, honestly, thank you. I know this is an (unnecessarily) long post and, I promise, I am almost at a conclusion. If you are curious as to what kinds of stories I am interested in, they are as follows:

  • Anything comfy and cozy. If you want an RP with two roommates hanging out on a sofa, talking about life and doing literally nothing else, that sounds like a good time to me. If you want a cozy little café where people show up, hang out, drink coffee, and read books, that sounds like a fantastic time to me. If you want the epilogue to the knight’s epic, dragon fighting adventure where they end up as a tavern owner in a small town and end up providing people with the comfort they need after harrowing adventures, boy oh boy does that sound like fun. Stereotypical cozy shenanigans sound like a great time to me. Hooray for being cozy.
  • I love a good mystery. The less you want to tell me the better. The more mysterious anything can be, the better. I honestly much prefer knowing as little as possible about what is going on (in general). Honestly? If you just send me an opening bit for a new RP without any planning at all that just gives me a hook for an extremely basic plot line and what you kind of want my character to be, I am completely ok with that. Seriously. Or, if you have a mystery in mind for an RP that you want someone to be in the dark about, I love that so much. I will try to solve every clue you give me and get to the solution. I will likely fail, as my two brain cells do not often communicate with one another, but I will have such a great time trying to figure out everything. I love being kept in the dark. It makes me happy.
  • If you enjoy a darker story, I am completely ok with going as dark as you want. There are elements of darker stories that make me uncomfortable, but I am also actively trying to write a horror novel (unsuccessfully) and want to get more comfortable with writing horror elements such as violence, gore, psychological trauma, general spooks, and other slimy, underground, uncomfortable things. If you are wanting something darker, please reach out and let me know what it is you are looking for. I would be interested in exploring some darker elements.
  • Romance is not required for any story, but I do love a good romance. I love the pining, the uncertainty, the hidden glances and secret thoughts … I am a hopeless romantic in both literacy and reality and I will seldom turn down a romantic RP. I love romance SO MUCH. SO INCREDIBLY MUCH. Thank you.
  • A little bit of magic is always wonderful. This could be a high fantasy setting with dragons and mages, an urban fantasy with witches in New York, a harrowing tale of patrons swept off to different lands, or simply the story of a key that can open any lock. I love a little slice of magic. I love a story that supposes magic exists within our own reality and you just have to squint very hard to see it. I’m not opposed to stories set within the confounds of reality, I just well and truly love magic (Insert magical sparkles here).
  • Comedy is fun. I like to think I’m funny, despite previous experience that would indicate otherwise, and am always game for a good laugh. If I can make you laugh, I have had a wonderful day. If you can make me laugh, I have had a truly magnificent day. I know that “laughter is life’s greatest medicine” is something you may see on a cross stitch in a southern grandmother’s home, but I find the sentiment still stands.
I think that’s it. I think that’s all 1,606 (count starting now) words of it. If you have read all of this, thank you. If you are not interested, thank you still! You reading this means so much to me! If you are interested, feel free to reach out! If you have seen this and think there are any group RPs that I may be interested in, feel free to tell me about those too! I love writing with groups as well and am unlikely to turn down an invitation.

Genuinely, thank you for your most valuable time, my dear, previously unencountered companion. I wish you a fabulous day and a most spectacular night and, if luck is at all on my side, I look forward to writing with you in the future.


(P.S. If you find you have any songs/animatics/short media inspiration that you would like to share, I love that so much. I have previously based entire stories around a single song. Please, feel free to share media that inspires you.)

(P.P.S. It has recently come to my attention that many other interest checks have age included. If age is of concern to you, I am 30.)
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Good morning/evening, MisaMai!

After reading through this interest check, I must say that you seem like a very well-spoken yet laid back person. I'm very new to this site and I hope to find my first 1x1 RP soon, and I really think you could make for an amazing partner.

I am very laid back and willing to listen to pretty much any idea. I'm pretty flexible, and as of late I have an okay-ish amount of free time on my hands. If you have a basic plot outline, we can run with it. If you want to set a story in an existing world, we can run with it. If you want to use a pre-existing universe as a base, I don't mind at all¹. I can work with most genres and tones, too (I do admit that romance would be difficult for me, but I'll manage).

So, if you think I'd be a good partner to RP with, I'll welcome you with open arms!

Thank you for your time,

(P.S. I know this is a massive deal breaker for a lot of people, but I am under the age of 18, specifically 16.)

¹Marvel/DC, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Red Dead Redemption, Godzilla, I can probably find a way to work with a fandom-inspired RP.

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