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Nation Building To the Dregs: Rebel Factions [Dystopian Strategy]


Senior Member

It is YEAR 27. It's been awhile since the apocalypse.

Just random chance, really. Nobody saw it coming, nobody deserved it, and there was nobody to blame. Still, it was horrible; most of humanity kicked the bucket, and remaining society has been left in the pits. A draconian superstate known as
the Bulwark was able to rise from the ashes, controlled by the Autumn Party.

The Bulwark is governed by dictatorial politicians in cahoots with ruthless military leaders. The populace is mostly kept in brainwashed squalor, and the government controls many aspects of life. Technology is continually being developed, yet standards of living slowly decline. The apocalypse had plunged the world into chaos, making it necessary to have stricter laws and stronger leaders. Maybe at first, the dictatorship was needed to keep everything from falling apart.

However, it has been over two decades. Times have changed; is this brutal regime necessary? Progress is being kept in a stranglehold by the
Autumn Party and their lust for power.

Overthrowing the regime won't be easy. Although slightly unstable, the Autumn Party is a coordinated and powerful entity, with access to a large support base and vast resources. There are many competent, well-equipped lackeys who serve in their
Government Security Forces. Even though their sheer strength may seem discouraging, there's chinks in their war machine's armor.

You're not going to endure a lifetime of oppression. Those in power need to be done away with, lest they spread this suffering to further generations.

You might just end up in the grinder, like many others before. But you have to break free, before it's too late. You're going to fight until you see a day of change, or until the bullet puts you down.


Basic Rules & Notes

  • Ask whatever questions you want, especially if you're unsure about something.

  • You make leadership decisions, and I determine the outcomes of them. So, do not post: "I attack the military base, win, and get tons of equipment." You should post what you attempt to do, and how you'll go about attempting it.

  • Do not make a list of resources you want to start off with, since I determine that. If you want anything specific, you can ask beforehand.

  • You play as a leader character, not the faction itself; you just control it. So, if your leader character dies, you have failed. If your faction collapses, you can still keep playing, as long as your leader character survives.

  • There will be IC situations in addition to "command mode," you could say.


Extra Information

  • If you want, you can be something besides a rebel group. Any "armed gang"-type organization works, really. Religious cultists, pro-loyalty militia, ethnic supremacists, etc. If you have a different idea, ask about it.

  • Including more detail in decision-making posts can make a difference.

  • You can discuss tactics with your IC advisors before starting an operation.

  • Make sure the government doesn't find out where your leader character is located. If you don't cover your tracks, you could be abducted or assassinated by "Fixers." If your group gets notorious, they will put more effort into finding you.
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