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Nation Building To the Dregs: Rebel Factions [Dystopian Strategy] - Organizations


Senior Member
Check the spoilers for more info.

These are not player factions, just broad organizations.

Taken from the Universe Information thread.


See info about Government Security Forces here.

The Continental Bulwark is a tyrannical hegemony that controls nearly all remaining civilized regions on the Tricosan continent; mainly the coastal regions of Wosten, Cossia and Hetland. These countries were "united" when Wosten annexed them; Hetland was absorbed using diplomacy, while Cossia was simply invaded. The official demonym is "Tricosan" when referring to a citizen of the Bulwark, although "Bulwarki" is also commonly used.

The Bulwark is controlled by the
Autumn Party, who were able to rise to power in Wosten shortly after the initial crisis. People were looking for "strong leaders" at the time. They won a landslide election, then subsequently shutdown the democratic system and assumed absolute power. At that point, they could basically do whatever the fuck they wanted because the military supported them. Wosten would later form the Bulwark, and the Autumn Party's leadership would carry over.

The Autumn Party messes with people's sense of right and wrong. Many folks have been brainwashed over the years, and now simply view it as
immoral to oppose their rule. Although only the most fanatical loyalists have reached this level, they are growing in numbers. As far as you know, you might all end up as their slaves one day.



Most (though not all) rebel groups who want to take down the entire government are members of the Syndicate. The Syndicate is not a single organization, but a network of sub-factions who share the common goal of overthrowing the Autumn Party, doing away with their leadership, and establishing democratic rule. The Syndicate has become more connected over the years, and is growing in strength.

The Syndicate is kept running by
the Council, which is an assembly formed by the most influential rebel leaders of the Syndicate. While all of the Syndicate's sub-faction share a common goal, some use more terrorist tactics than others. The Council has the power to exile sub-factions, and will sometimes do so if they start garnering bad reputation.

The Syndicate is referred to by the government as "traitors," "terrorists," "traitorists," etc.-although normal cops and soldiers have just nicknamed them "Syndies."



The Split Movement is a more of a concept; there is no main leadership at all. Any Cossian separatist group can be categorized as being part of the Split Movement.

Occupied Cossia is the least stable region in the Bulwark, and the Split Movement is mainly responsible. Splitter rebels fight for Cossian independence, often waging open warfare against the occupying Government Security Forces. Splitters simply want the Bulwark to leave Cossia, and couldn't care less about any of the other territories, so they are usually uncooperative with the Syndicate. Some Splitters want to kill all non-Cossians, including Syndicate rebels, who are mostly Wostenian.

Sometimes, Splitter sub-factions fight against each other, since there is no main leadership. The most powerful Splitter groups are the Cossian Wing, the Northern Liberation Front, and the Separation Order.

There are very few Hetish separatists, since Hetland is a more stable, collaborationist country. They formed the Bulwark by willingly cooperating with Wosten, and thus received better treatment.


The Vatzian Commonwealth is the only true external threat to the Bulwark, it seems. They are allegedly a shitty dictatorship just like every other government left in existence- at least from what the Autumn Party has told you. Bulwark propaganda likes to bash Vatzia a lot, and they are prone to getting into wars. The only thing worse than the constant air raid drills, are the constant real air raids. Occasionally, Vatzia tries to invade the mainland, although it only happens every once in awhile.
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