Story To Squash A Spider (Short Story)


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To Squash A Spider

A lone man stood in the middle of a cave. The air was cold, and damp, the light from the entrance scarcely reached his feet. Nothing but spider webs littered the floor, and only the sound of his breathing and the flickering of his torch echoed through the cave. Taking a deep breath, the man kept his composure, believing he is not afraid for whatever lurks within the dark.

The man himself is a Hunter, tasked by the people of his home to kill the monster that lurks within this very cave. Now this was not a feat or test of strength, this was more of a matter of safety than pride and accomplishments. He walked deeper into the darkness, his steps quiet and cautious. He did not want to make any harsh or rash movements, that alerts the monster, or whatever life residing within the cave.

Little did the Hunter know, the monster he was tracking was watching him every step of the way. Its quiet footsteps seemed to be unnoticeable to the hunter, who kept walking deeper and deeper into the cave.

"Dammit where are you?" The Hunter thought, looking around. Only equipped with his bow, sword and shield, the drive to keep his home safe kept his mind steady. He was not afraid of whatever monster this may be, but he is ready to vanquish it once for the sake of his people.

The Creature in question the Hunter was tasked to kill was said to have lured many innocent people to their deaths, along with killing various livestock when the sun goes down. Throughout the few months that this Creature has been here, plenty of lives have been so carelessly lost. Having no prejudice on its prey, the Creature has killed men, women, and children alike. No sympathy for the elderly, and whoever does not have the strength to fight. Anyone is prey to the Creature, no matter how tall they walk or how weak they plead.

While others have tried to face this monster, so far none have succeeded. In some cases, they turn and run back with their lives intact, while others… do not return at all.

But the Creature itself, was curious. Still stalking the hunter from behind, it could not help but wonder why the man was here. Armed to fight, yet his breath slightly trembles, even if he may not notice it. It seems like just another person has stepped into their domain, and so foolishly risking their life.

"Hmph, all talk and no show." The Hunter thought.

The Hunter stopped walking and sighed. With no current sign of the Creature so far, doubts of this Creature’s existence were starting to creep into his mind. He traveled three days to arrive at the cave, which could have been spent helping others elsewhere. The people of the town claimed that this Creature was terrible and ruthless, but he has seen nothing but an empty cave, and silky webs everywhere.

“I do not have time for your games,” The Hunter thought, “I know you are aware that I am here.”

"Now where are you…you eight-legged demon?" He called out. Still hidden, the Creature smiled. The man is brave enough to fight, yet not patient enough to wait for it. Nothing but a short walk inside the cave and yet he is ready for action. "I’ve had enough! Show yourself dammit!" The Hunter yelled. “I have traveled long enough to end your killing once and for all!”

Slowly lowering herself from the top of the cave, the Creature waited and watched the Hunter’s frustration with glee. Just like the others who have tried on her life, this man was like the rest. He had no room for patience, no matter how cautious and quietly he crept.

"Yes, but do you have the actual heart to kill me?" The Creature said, and the Hunter turned around.

Jumping back, he dropped his torch and fell on the ground. He was surprised to see the Creature have such a human face, or even appear to look...female as is. As he fell his torch gave out, leaving him in complete darkness, and with a Creature that can clearly see in the dark.

"E-eight eyes?!" The Hunter asked, as he counted what he saw in the dark. The Creature was upside down staring the hunter in the face, its eyes glowing a deep red. Her skin was such a deep purple, giving her slight camouflage against the dark walls of the caves. Her hair was a smooth white, draping down past her shoulders.

As human as she looked, the Creature was much more than that. She had the body of a human at first, yet no human legs at all. Instead, her torso lead into the body of a spider, and eight needle-like legs sprouted from the extended body. The Creature was bigger than the Hunter himself, and quite possible bigger than a normal riding horse.

To see such a creature that big and be completely unaware of it, was more than a blow to the Hunter’s pride, but also his skills as well.

"You called?" The Creature said, smiling. "I answered." She spoke. The Hunter backed up, scurrying up against the wall to get some distance between him and the creature.

"D-don't come any closer!" He exclaimed, and the Creature scoffed. It seems she was right about him just like she was right about the others. He was too ready to fight, but not ready enough to comprehend what he was going to fight against.

"Hmmm?" The creature hummed, walking closer to the hunter. She scraped her hands along the wall as she got closer to the Hunter, it’s screeching sound echoing through the rest of the cave. "Or what?"

"Because it seems you're too afraid to stand up.”


Author's Note

Okay, so this is actually the first short story that I ever written, and I initially wrote it for Halloween but never really got around to posting it. It took a little while for me to actually finish this, mainly because I'm working of compiling together a story that is filled with short stories. So, I hope you enjoy, and any feedback about what I can change or fix would be appreciated!

I don’t feel like there’s much direct critique I can give this, it’s very much a first short story and there’s quite a lot of stuff that just takes practice. The tension is pretty well-developed but doesn’t quite pay off (where’s the peak of emotion? The ending line is okay, but the reveal of the monster’s form comes long before that), and the language use is a little bland (how could you use less, more important words to express the same ideas but stronger?). That being said, this is really creative and I think you should keep trying.

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