To Save a Kingdom [REMAKE] - Lore


The Arisen
Welcome to the Lore tab, fellow adventurer. If you are looking for some more background information about the continent of Neosia, then here is your safe-haven. The lore will be told from two different perspectives - a small piece from a narrator's point of view, to a recording left by two individuals studying the mysterious magical circuits. Please, if you have not done so, read the Settings and Overview tabs.



War never does change. Since the creation of Mankind, Elves, and Demons, there will always be conflict between the three. Unity is only but a myth. Even the gods and goddesses weep over their war-torn world.

The continent has seen much conflict, but four major wars were the ones that shook the balance of Neosia's way of life. The Four Great Wars brought death and destruction. Chaos, and famine. Corruption, and sickness. It was as if the gods and goddesses were finally punishing Neosia's inhabitants for what they had done to themselves.

Oh, but mortals never learn...

After the first Great War between Mankind and the Demons, thousands after thousands of lives will have been lost for territory expansion. The second Great War later began after the Elves refused to hand the Demons resources they needed to further weaponize themselves. Mankind soon followed in to help the Elves. After the war began, the Cledoria Inquisition was founded in order to cease any demonic aggression, and promised peace within the land of Neosia.

Of course, mortals never learn...

Peace did not last very long. The Demons felt offended of even the sight of the Cledoria Inquisition. They even went as far as to say that the organization is just a cult filled with aggressive imperials, and that they will soon turn against the Elves after they were through with the Demons. The Elves of course, were divided by this. After chaos grew to it's boiling point, the third Great War began. And it was a bloody one indeed.

After the war, the Elves had separated into two countries. They did this so that they can avoid a civil war to break due to a good amount of Elves opposing the Humans, and giving the Demons valuable intel, which was one reason why the war even began. The Cledoria Inquisition was of course disbanded, and the Humans prayed to Cledoria that they would never need to bring it back to life ever again. After some time, the eastern side; or the Bojara Estate, had established a trade route to the west of their land and to the Humans, while publicly denouncing the Demons of the north. The Humans on the other hand, occupied Demon cities near the Godbane Territory's border.

Abusive behavior towards the Demons was indeed not rare to find in these occupied lands...

And so, two hundred years have passed since then...

To their surprise, a Demon by the name of Sethos Achimu rose into power, and won in favor of being the Godbane Territory's successor. He would often times meet the other kings in secret, devising a plan to fight back against the Wiojang Empire, and to take back their honor from the "Elven menace." But that was not all...

Sethos was after something that only Humans and Elves held. Magical Circuits, as he had called it. These magical circuits are within all life on Neosia, even the Demons. Only, they are more prominent in Humans and Elves rather than with Demons. Sethos believes that if he could strip the Humans and the Elves of their magical circuits, then he could ascend into becoming a god. He goes as far as to say that Ignaia spoke to him of this prophecy. And so, the first act of the fourth war began by locating Lord Orwald's prince son of the Wiojang Empire, Kazuto Orwald, at one of the occupied cities, and wiping him off the face of the earth with the rest of his fellow comrades. Then the fall of Akatosh, a major city of the Wiojang Empire, took place.

In order to fight back against the demons, Mankind brought back the Cledoria Inquisition to life, an ancient religious militaristic organization that existed to combat the Demons many, many, many years ago. Our story continues off a year after the fall of Akatosh, right when the Cledoria Inquisition has been established in the Wiojang Empire.

Only time will tell if peace can be wrought again...

The sound of a door opening and closing twice in a row can be heard, followed by the sound of one of the inhabitants of the room pulling up a rolling chair and began moving closer to the recorder. Paper is also being moved about as the participant got closer to the recorder.

Voice 1: "Amazing! This lab is just what we need for our research! I-"

Voice 2, muttering to himself: "Why the hell did they put me up with some mad scientist..."

Voice 1, hearing Voice 2's comment: "Now, now, David, we're lucky fellows to be tasked with studying the magical circuits that surge within our very veins!"

David, giving off a long sigh: "Sure, for science. Like that ever helped much..."

Voice 1, sounding a little irritated by David's brash comment: "Oh please, if it wasn't for SCIENCE, the mages within our society would have never been able to use magic in combat scenarios. Even healing magics were not possible without the help of science!"

David: "Yeah, yeah, I get it now, Alderic. Mind telling our little recorder why we're here?"

Alderic: "Ah yes, that's right! Well, we were sent here by our lord, Orwald, to further study the so called ''magical circuits'' that reside within our bodies so that we can open up our understanding to this powerful gift we all have. David here will be my test subject for our time here, and will be a valuable asset for science!"

David: "Oh dear Cledoria, not this again."

Alderic: "Alright, why don't we get some rest, David. We have a long day tomorrow!"

-End Transmission-

Two days later...

David, yawning: "You're awfully up early."

Alderic: "Of course!"

David: "Man... It's only been two days and yet it feels as if it's been longer than that. Anyways, I realized we haven't recorded in two days, what's up with that?"

Alderic: "To be honest with you, I did not find anything interesting to talk about. The past couple of days have been, say, uneventful. Though I am starting to understand what exactly these circuits are."

David, sounding intrigued: "Oh really? What's up?"

Alderic: "These circuits are very much like our veins, believe it or not. Though these veins are invisible to the naked eye, with some help, you could see very, very bright turquoise colored vein-like structures throughout our bodies. When using magic spells and or abilities, they use up your magic reserve, as the way stamina works. This magic reserve also "recharges" like how our stamina does, and I'm sure pushing ourselves over the limit would dry us up, like how you would feel dehydrated after a long run with the potential of collapsing. Magical Circuits are apparently dormant from the very start of our lives, up to the point we commit ourselves to "magic training" in order to awaken these Magical Circuits. A typical mage may take about four years training at the Mage Society Academy. Others who acquire demons; which is rather rare and frowned upon in our country, will unlock this power almost instantly. It is very hard to explain, honestly."

David: "How do we supply this extra vein from the heart and back, then? Where does it connect within the heart? Actually, here's a better question... What organ does this supply?"

Alderic: "That is where I am at a loss. You see, as the circuits reach to our upper body, their tracks disappear, and then reappear at the nape of our necks, and stop at our brain!"

David: "What the hell, then..."

Alderic: "Again, though, it's not important, really. I do have a theory as to how we supply this magical circuit."

David: "And what's that?"

Alderic: "Have you ever heard of the God-Tree?"

David: "No, why?"

Alderic: "Well, our world supplies us with the amount of magical circuits we need to survive. It is like a sixth sense, only we need it to stay alive, apparently. When the world was created, it gave off a catalyst, or spore, if you will, upon the world. Then this spore will grow into a mighty fine tree, and once it reaches adult-hood, it will spread it's energy to our individual souls. For this to have happened since the magical circuit's discovery 2oo years ago, the tree must be extremely durable. And this very tree is within our grasp, here in the Wiojang Empire."

David begins to chuckle: "Sounds like a crack-pot theory to me, pal!"

Alderic, scoffing: "Bah, think what you want, but it is true. I am the go-to scientist in our empire, and I have seen this tree kept in captivity. I can't say where, of course. But if you don't think that demons even existing are odd, then you definitely are a simpleton."

David: "Wait a minute, what about them?"

Alderic: "What about them?"

David: "The demons, do they have magical circuits?"

Alderic: "Oh, well that's where it gets strange. Us Humans and the Elves are connected with the tree spiritually and physically, whereas the Demons are merely connected spiritually to the tree, which is why they can break their bounds of our laws and physics and do crazy things with their own "abilities," like transforming from a giant cyclopse to a human being! What is also known is that if they were to acquire this power from the God-Tree, they will become unstoppable, more than they are now. They may even rise into power over the world as gods and goddesses themselves."

David: "Then why don't we just destroy this tree before that ever happens?"

Alderic: "Because, as I said, my dear lad, we need this magical circuit to survive. Cut off the supplier, and we all drop dead."

David: "I see..."

-End Transmission-
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