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To Kill a Primordial - IC

MasterDAF MasterDAF Random Word Random Word EbonChevalier EbonChevalier Sherwood Sherwood Red Shadow Claws Red Shadow Claws Gravitational Force Gravitational Force

Near the southern coast of the Underworld Inland Sea is the mountain fortress city of Shadar Logoth, home to two of the great Deathlords, the Deliverer of Dark Dreams and Nightmares and the Twisted Toymaker. The two make an usual pair, but it is a pact of mutual protection and it works well for the two of them, letting the Dark Lady be the spokeswoman for the pair while the Twisted Toymaker works to create a variety of undead monstrosities to put the fear of the Underworld into the hearts of men, working deep underground in his laboratory.

Shadar Logoth is home to several thousand ghosts and a handful of mortal followers that are devotees to the two Deathlords and to many Abyssal Deathknights that serve the two powerful Underworld leaders. Dug deep into the mountain, the city is as much a shelter from the heat of the day and a fortress to protect the residents from the hazards of the Underworld, including the other Deathlords that might covet what the Twisted Toymaker and the Deliverer have claimed as their own.

Right now, the residents of Shadar Logoth are all abuzz over reports that there is an invading army from somewhere outside of Creation that is moving across the South with great speed, smashing all forces that try to stand up against them. There are even reports that this strange army has a new kind of Exalt not seen in Creation before, leading the mortal forces in their invasion march. This invasion force has focused on taking land just in Creation and has avoided contact with the Underworld, so at this time there is little reason to fear, at least in the minds of the ghosts of Shadar Logoth.

But things can change with the snap of a finger.

It is currently two hours after dusk, and we find that Voice That Whispers From the Heart of Darkness and Cuckoo of the Endless Facets are returning to Shadar Logoth after making a journey from Chiaroscuro to 'acquire' an old text that had fallen into the hands of a Dragon Blooded noble, and to teach this upstart Exalt a lesson in not dabbling in things of the First Age best left alone by upstart Dragon Blooded Exalts. Voice was there to ensure that the proper tome was acquired, leaving it to Cuckoo to actually lay hands on the old book.

Scion of the House of Bone and Ash is currently elbow deep in the guts of one of her necrotech creations, trying to stitch an extra set of arms to the behemoth under the watchful eye of her mentor, the Twisted Toymaker. With a voice that sounds like the rasp of dry bone on bone, he says little but is aware of all things that Scion is doing in his workshop. Occasionally he’ll come over to where Scion and her assistants are working to see the progress of his pupil with a satisfied mood of his head, but for the most part he leaves Scion to her own projects.

Withered Deathbringer of Desicated Sands and Unholy Glories and his fellow Deathknight Hunger Clad in Eight Broken Chains are also just back from an assignment in Creation, having been ordered to find a newly Exalted Solar that was being an inconvenience to the Dark Lady as he was trying to show some of her mortal followers the error of their ways and to renounce the pull of the Underworld and turn back to the glory of venerating the Unconquered Sun and to show this fool the price of meddling. It was supposed to be bloody and very final as a lesson to any of her followers that may have been swayed by his silvered tongue.

At the moment, The Knight Errant in the Scarlet Cloak is standing at the shoulder of the Deliverer, acting as both bodyguard and physical intimidation as she presides over a dinner party being held to entertain a Guild envoy and his aides. It is unlikely that any of the Guild party would be so foolish as to make an attempt on her life or to offer any offense to their host, but if they do, the Knight Errant will be the instrument of their doom.

It is during this party that we see the Dark Lady seated at the head of a long table idly sipping a glass of dark red wine that was one of the many gifts to her from the Guild Proctor as the court musicians play soft music in the background while Knight Errant looms silently at her shoulder.

The dinner party has been going on for several hours when an Infallible Messenger Sprite appears in the room and zips over to the Dark Lady. This is an unusual occurrence since those of her Household know that she is to be entertaining guests and did not wish to be disturbed. She leans over to listen to the message and in response to what she hears, the Deliverer raises an eyebrow. She then stands and says, “A matter has come up that requires my immediate attention. Please, continue to eat and enjoy yourselves, and Lord Weiss we will continue our discussions at a later time.” She motions for Knight to follow as she glides out the door.

Once out in the hall, the Deliverer spends a few motes of Essence to activate Echoing in Emptiness, saying to the Abyssals in her service, “My darlings, come to the throne room in two hour’s time and be prepared to receive guests. Gault has several surprises for us.”

You all know Gault; he is one of the few Dragon Blooded that has sworn his oaths to the Dark Lady. His last directive was to go forth and try to learn more of the outland invaders and to report back. Apparently he has acquired some information and prisoners, and the Deliverer wants you there to see them.
Cuckoo of the Endless Facets shrugs as he gets the message, and makes his way directly to the Dark lady's throne room. The Toymaker was probably still in his lab, and won't require the tome, or even remember that he requested it, until he and Scion were done with whatever new creation they were working on. Once he got there, he found a dark corner and standing still, blended into the shadows, not to be seen until his presence was called upon.
Hunger Clad in Eight Broken Chains is hungrily watching as Seventh to Serve (the ghost of an assassin 'rewarded' by the Deliverer of Dark Dreams and Nightmares by being assigned to serve one of her favored Abyssals) prepares his latest meal.

He's saved the Solar Exalt's tongue for the Deathlord he serves, the rest has been butchered and lies next to an enormous grill as a huge pot of rice cooks.

With his helmet removed Hunger Clad in Eight Broken Chains's horrific features are on full display. His bones have overgrown his body to form a psuedo-exoskeleton and his thick tongue licks over teeth like tombstones as he decides he's too hungry to wait and begins eating from the pile of raw meat to be cooked.

Seventh to Serve notices this and speeds up her grilling. She knows her existence depends on being less appetizing than whatever the Dusk Caste she serves is focusing on. He's devoured the six servants he was assigned before her and she has no intention of being a cautionary tale for whoever is named Eighth to Serve.

Hunger Clad in Eight Broken Chains receives the command to assemble an hour after he's started eating. During that time he finished eating the remains of the Solar and started consuming the Solar's followers as well. Irritated at having his meal interrupted he nonetheless orders Seventh to Serve to pack up as he takes his frustration out on the survivors among the Solar's followers. By the time he's ready to leave the gauntlets of his armor are caked in gore.

Arriving at the throne room Hunger Clad in Eight Broken Chains walks in carrying a box containing the Solar's tongue and pulling a wagon filled with food for him to eat while he waits. Seventh to Serve excuses herself on the basis that the invitation was for him only, Hunger Clad in Eight Broken Chains doesn't care if she's lying or not and lets her go.
Voice That Whispers receives the message with interest knowing that the Deliverer would not waste their time for something routine. She hurries up to her chambers and looks in her closet for a gown that of suitable to receive guests in. Once her selection is made, she steps to the center of her bedroom and holds her arms out, directing her maids to undress her.

Moving with haste, the two servants quickly began to disrobe their mistress. Voice says nothing, preferring to stand as the two women do their work.

Finally dressed, Voice checks her ivory and bone timepiece and sees that her time is running out. Securing her twin daggers to her belt, the young necromancer summons forth her pyre flame servant and directs the blue-black flame to hover above her head. As she prepares to leave, Voice comments to the maids, “Make sure my chambers are cleaned and ready for me to retire later this evening. I expect the floors to be clean enough to eat off of.”

Sweeping out of her chambers, she adjusts her veil to keep her eyes hidden as she regally strides through the halls of Shadar Logoth to the throne room. If the Dark Lady of already there, she will drop down into a deep curtsy with her head bowed to show her subservience to her Mistress. If the Deliverer isn’t there yet, she simply takes her place at the side of the throne where she usually stands when in attendance of her Mistress receiving visitors.

With her hands primly folded up in front of her chest, Voice waits with the patience of the dead.
The Knight Errant in the Scarlet Cloak stood at his lady’s side dire Lance at the ready to kill any who would show disrespect or lay an unwanted finger on her. But while his mind was mostly on the Deliverer one small space was as all
ways occupied with the thoughts of his princess.

‘I would compare her skin to finest Ebon jade, her hair to softest fleece, and her eyes as warm as amber hearth fire.’

Her was a man devoted to two women for complete different reasons but he’d kill all of creation without a second thought in service of both. At the slightest gesture he follows her like a well trained guardian beast. He stands at his lady’s side he sees the others file in from there various ventures and duties. He felt no lover oraffection for them but for his ladies sake he’d stand by all of them.

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