• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern тнe drιғтerѕ

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


Ok! You don't have to do the CS exactly like this but make you add all the stuff required

I do want it to be creative and awesome

I will discuss with my CO-GMs to see who will be accepted

You will receive this symbol if you are accepted

Image or gif here


Alias: (insert experiment name and number)


(16-18 for teens)

(6-8 for kids)




(teens only)


(1st grade-12th grade)

Eye Color:

Hair Color:



Apparance Description:


(insert Manhattan, New York)


(Teens only)


(Add three)


(Add three)

General Skills:

(Add three)

Augument Name:

(Add which power you want)


(A paragraph please 7-10 full sentences)


(One or two paragraphs each need to be 7-10 full sentences)



Theme Song:

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I want to heal, I want to feel



Lyric Elise Woodall




December 7th




Panromantic Demisexual


12th grade

Eye Color

Hazel with gold specks

Hair Color

Light Brown





Apparance Description

Lyric has brown soft skin that is designed with several tattoos, scars and piercings. She has multiple scars covering her body from the harsh experiments the organization put her and the others. Her exact height is 5'9" and her weight is 135lbs but she has went down to 125lbs after she escaped. After a specific experiment to see if her blood can protect her throat, she lost the use of her voice. She has lovely brown hair with gold streaks that compliments her heart shaped face. Her bright smile and beautiful hazel gold speckled eyes agree. Due to the accident, Lyric uses sign language to say what she wants. Lyric rarely shows emotions on her face after she was kidnapped and tortured, she refuses to let anyone in except for the ones who somewhat understand the pain she went through.




I want to find something I've wanted all a long



Manhattan, New York


Kawasaki Ninja 300






Trust Issues



General Skills

Martial Arts Expert


Excellent Cook

Augument Name

Blood Manipulation

Somehwere I belong



(A paragraph please 7-10 full sentences)


(One or two paragraphs each need to be 7-10 full sentences)


Jessie Woodall-Father-43

Elizabeth Woodall-Mother-37

Micheal Woodall-Older Brother-21

Alexander Woodall-Younger Brother-10


Theme Song:

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no slide


{ Hair Color }

Sawyer's hair can be described as a soft brown color with specks of gold flittered throughout. Her natural hair is wavy, and you can often see Sawyer wearing it in it's natural state rather than straightened. Her hair is fairly long, going past her shoulders, though she is quite short. She imagines if she were taller, it'd be shorter.

{ Eye Color }

Hazel to be blunt. They can change color depending on what she is wearing or what type of lighting conditions she is exposed to.

{ Height }


{ Weight }

118 lbs.

{ Appearance }

Standing at just 5'2'' and weighing in at around 118 lbs, Sawyer is a naturally smaller than most. She has a petite build, with little curves here and there, though nothing spectacular. You can usually find her wearing a flannel tied around her waist, with shorts, some high tops and a black t-shirt. Though with parties, she goes all out, and abandons her tomboyish ways.

{ Scars/Body Modifications }

She has many scars located across her body from the torturous training and experimenting, her and the 7 other kids were put through. Her most noticeable scar is a long, slightly faded scar stretching from the left side of her neck to her collarbone. She does not have any ear piercings or tattoos.

{ Virtues }

. Courage


. Creativity

{ Vices }

. Hubris

. Callousness

. Mercilessness


{ Personality }

Meet Sawyer Starling, the girl who likes to think she knows everything and has figured life out. She always has something to say whether its good or bad. Sawyer is stubborn enough to do things her own way, disregarding the rules and what the others want. She can be clever and witty, but if in a panic she will slip up, which frustrates her like no other. You'll never catch her admitting defeat, she has too much pride in herself. I guess you can say that's her fatal flaw. Her sense of pride. She'd rather die than submit or say she was wrong. If there is one thing you should know about Sawyer, it is that she has a way with words. One moment you can be mad at her and the next be completely smitten with her. She's just that good at manipulating emotions, regardless of her power.

Sawyer has never been one to play well with others. She isn't a team player, which could prove disastrous now that the organization has found them. Sawyer can be very flirtatious when she wants things to go her way, that is no secret. She's a gal that tends to hold grudges to those that have wronged her. A firecracker and ticking time bomb all in one, you do not want to see her explode. If you dig deeper down into that little body of hers, beyond the impulsive and reckless girl, you will find a shattered soul. The training she experienced with the organization screwed up her head and way of reasoning right from wrong. Because of this, she tends to get herself into quite some trouble, believing that what she did was the "right way". That's the thing with Sawyer, you'll never know if it is a facade or truly her. She doesn't care
who she has to hurt or who she has to betray to protect herself in the end. Never feel too comfortable around her, because she can and will backstab you if necessary.

{ General Skills }

. Expert Lier

. Good Swimmer

. Observant

. Long Term Memory

{ History }

We all know what happened at the organization. The rigorous training and torture everyone was put through. That's no new news. But before the kids were kidnapped. They had lives before, at least the teenagers did.

On a dark, gloomy morning on Valentine's Day, Joanne's wails could be heard as she was bringing our beloved Sawyer into the world. Joanne was a teen mother, a child herself, with nothing but fear built inside of her. She was residing in a home for pregnant teen mothers, as her parents( Sawyer's grandparents) were strict Catholics and frowned down upon her decision. Sawyer's father had left the moment he found out. Soon Sawyer's mother was able to pick up two jobs and afford an apartment for her and her child to live in.

It wasn't the greatest place, but Sawyer had a roof over her head and food to eat, so that's all she cared about. Growing up, Sawyer never really got to see her mother as she was always away working. Therefore, she never really had a mother
or father figure to look up to. Her mother soon got pregnant again, not like they needed another mouth to feed. On March 12th, Natalia was born, her father was unknown. Sawyer had to grow up extremely fast and take care of her younger half sister. She'd pick Natalia up from school, walk back home, cook dinner and help her with her homework. This all stopped when Sawyer decided to stop by the pool with Natalia, who was 5 years old at the time.

The night Sawyer was kidnapped was the night her younger sister tragically died in a drowning incident. Sawyer had taken her eyes off of Natalia because she saw her own friends across the street. Unbeknownst to Sawyer, Natalia's leg had gotten caught in the drain underwater, and she had no way out. Kicking frantically and moving her arms around in a desperate attempt, seconds and minutes ticked by with no help. Around 5 minutes later, Sawyer strolled back into the enclosed pool area slowly where she laid her eyes upon her sister. Lifeless. Events thereafter unfolded rather quickly. Her mother blamed her for the death. Screaming foul things and chastising Sawyer's immature behavior that costed a life. Subsequently, she was kicked out of the house and roamed the streets in a confused state, the street lamps illuminating her soft pale features. As she crossed a street, heading towards her school, the organization took advantage and kidnapped her effortlessly. The death of her sister has always haunted her, even to this day. Not because she was the reason Natalia died. But because she had felt nothing that day. No remorse. No grieving. Nothing.

Once she arrived at the organization, Sawyer Starling was a stubborn but lovable gal. Quickly taking note of the other kidnapped children like herself, and observing anything and everything she could. She picked her favorites among them and stuck by them- those she hated, she despised. After her and the rag-tag group of the other drifters escaped, Sawyer didn't really have a place to go back to. She was a changed person. Deep down, she does care for the others and would hate for them to go back to the life they all once had, but if push comes to shove she will save herself before the others. Due to Sawyer not really having a place to stay, she stayed with some of the other experiments. There, she lived and attended Stradford High School. Well...at least until now.

{ Other }

Sawyer developed the habit of digging her nails into her palms when stressed out, which then draws blood.

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Ian Montgomery Kidd


David to Goliath, #0004




July 13, 1997


Cisgender Male


Homoromantic Asexual



Eye Color:


Hair Color:



120 lbs.



Apparance Description:

Ian is of very small stature for a young man of his age. He stands at only 5'2" and is almost dangerously thin, weighing only 120 lbs. His boyish face seems to be transfixed with a permanent scowl, and his brown eyes are exceedingly guarded. His skin is so very pale that many people wonder if it's completely healthy. He has a full head of black hair that is usually a ruffled mess. In regards to clothing, Ian can most often be seen in a simple pair of loose-fitting jeans and a solid colored sweatshirt or sweater, preferably in black or gray


Manhattan, New York


2005 Honda Civic


Calm Under Pressure





Fears Abandonment

General Skills:

Mechanics (Fixing Things)

Good with Children (Fatherly)

Giving Advice

Augument Name:

Superhuman Strength


Ian is a kindhearted soul with a rough exterior. On the up side, he is empathetic, always able to connect with the emotions of others, even though he wishes this were not so the majority of the time. He is wise beyond his years, and in effect is great at giving advice. Pressure has no hold on him, as he can maintain at least a semblance of calm in any situation, even when, in reality, he is just as freaked out as everyone else. Though he may be harsh to those his age or older, he considers it his job to look after the other like a father would, especially the children, for whom he has a soft spot. On the down side, however, Ian is sarcastic, sharp-tongued, and belligerent. He prefers to keep his true thoughts and feelings closed off from others, hiding them behind a hardened façade. He is quick to lose his temper and after a fight can isolate himself for days at a time. A major part of this is the result of his inability to articulate his emotions. Ian generally prefers to keep away from those whom he does not know, as he harbors a deep-seated fear of social interaction. In addition, he fears heights and the prospect of abandonment. His biggest pet peeve is being disrespected, especially in regards to his small stature. Deep down, under the surface, there is a deep loneliness and sadness that has no definitive origin but that oftentimes gets the best of him.

Ian Montgomery Kidd was born on July 13, 1997 to Annaleise and Roland Kidd in the city of Baltimore, Maryland. He grew up in a kind and loving Christian family, as both parents were teachers of theology, his mother at a local elementary school and his father at a college. His mother was his greatest role model and closet companion, while with his father, well, the two were much too similar to get along well. As he got older, this rift steadily grew in size, as Ian drifted away from the ways of Christianity and into atheism. Another great joy in Ian's life came from his younger sister, Clara. The two were nearly inseparable, and confided in each other in all matters. In school, Ian was primarily interested in subjects such as math, the sciences, and engineering. He was a generally quiet young man, who preferred to keep his own company.

The night that the experimenters came for him was a bleak one. When he thinks back on it, all he can recall are the sounds of his sister's sobs, his mother's screams of protest, and the look of guarded satisfaction on his father's face as he was taken away. As soon as they reached the facility, it became quite obvious that breaking Ian's spirit would prove to be a challenge. He yelled and fought at any chance he got, which most often ended up getting him a beating of reprimand. These beatings, however, simply bruised; they never scarred. Surprisingly, despite his unfriendly nature, he was able to make friends amongst the other test subjects. Some admired him for his defiant spirit. However, that spirit was eventually crushed, and the psychological damage dealt by the experience is likely to haunt him for the remainder of his life. Things seemed to turn for the better, however, when he joined a group of seven others under the common goal of escaping he facility. He now resides with them in Manhattan, and desires nothing more than to see his mother and sister again.


Annaleise Kidd - Mother

Roland Kidd - Father

Clara Kidd - Sister


The physical damage inflicted upon him by the experiments is mainly internal. Though he does possess superhuman strength, exerting his body in the way that this requires does a great deal of damage to his muscles and even bones.


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Karthus Arial Idiom
" But you can call me Kai"


Name: Karthus Arial Idiom

Alias: DDs xx46

Age: 8

D.O.B: April 28

Sex: Female

Grade: 4th

Eye Color: Hazelnut Brown

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Weight: 120 lbs

Height: 4'5

Apparance Description:

"What can I say, guys have really cool stuff."

Karthus looks about average when it comes to your typical child build. Short arms and long legs she stands to be 4'5 and weighs around 120 lbs. With her tan skin tone and slender cheeks , you can tell she has a bit of everything in her (Black, White, and Irish.). You can spot this little fuzz ball wearing jeans and a t shirts with cool graphics on them, like small little skulls around the upper right hand shoulder, skateboards on a railing, and her personal favorites, shirts that resemble space. As far as shoes are concerned , she dreads them with a passion. If she could have it her way, barefoot would be the way and only way.

Location: Manhattan, New York


  • Loyalty
  • Honesty
  • Justices


  • Aggressive
  • Envy
  • Glutton

General Skills:

  • Great Stamina
  • Excellent Hearing
  • Instincts

Augument Name:

"I don't cry when I see blood, quite the opposite actually."

Shadow Manipulation

More Below


Karthus is a spunky young girl with an attitude of a thousand adults. Driven with the need to be a leader, Karthus takes matters into her own hands, whether they end up helping her or putting her in tough situations. Because her power hungry need to be on top, Karthus gets put in many bad situations, making her less likely to be nice, and more aggressive then most kids her age. Other than her aggressive side of hit first ask later, Karthus is well liked by the massed of her school peers. Sure she can be aggressive, loud and mean, but when it came to helping someone out, fixing things, or needing a friend to play with Karthus was always the first to help. Dependable and honest, Karthus keeps secrets well hidden, and can form any alibi as to why she cant say, or why she doesn't know. Despite her "grown up" style she is still a child, and throws many tantrums when she doesn't get her way, or when someone has more of something then her. Envious and a glutton that is one Karthus turns sour and the only thing she can think about, is taking whatever you have that she doesn't have away from you.


What was life before then? Simple , easy, a walk in the park. Everything was a juicy burger placed and sprayed with butter on a silver platter. Karthus had two siblings , one boy one girl. The girl was 2 years older than Karthus while the boy was the same age. Karhtus was the second oldest, her brother only being born three months after her. The mother was nice, the father was nice. Big home, two cats and one bird. The school was about a mile out, and the club activities always tried to match the middle school that was right across the street. The car rides to school were fun. Karthus always ate a sandwich while sitting in the middle back seat. She would kick her legs and sing along with her mom. The sister always sat in the front and her brother sat next to her asleep. Peaceful and tranquil her mornings where. School was no different. Everyone liked Karthus and understood to never show anything shiny to her. Always coming to the rescue Karthus would swat away annoying bees, help push swings, be the robber in their little games.

Thing where just right for Karthus till the night of the play. It happened every year, on the same day , at the same hour. Her parents like normal dressed up and came to the show. Her sister walked over from the middle school and sat next to a boy named Timmy that had moved in a month ago. Her brother was a tree, and like always was caught sleeping next to the bathroom sink. So, what was different this year?

A little girl named Roxy had shown Karthus a trinket her mother had gotten her. Dylan another boy was sitting next to them when he saw the gleam in Karthus eyes. Roxy a pretty little girl was warned the day she had moved in and came to class. Whatever you do, don't show Karthus anything shiny. Why? Karthus was like a crow. What she didn't have she wanted. Roxy though didn't care for their warning, and instead flaunted her new little trinket as she twisted her blonde hair. Karthus angrily held out her hand as she desired her trinket. Give it to me she said with a demanding voice. Let me see what it looks like she said ever so slyly. Roxy with a ignorant smile handed her the trinket. Dylan gasped as he heard the chains break with the quick little tug Karthus gave. Falling like rain, the trinket ripped in half and fell to the floor. Roxy screamed as she saw her new little trinket die. Karthus though will a smile rose from her chair and simply walked off.

Evil? That wasn't even the icing on the cake.

During the play Roxy wanted to get back at Karthus. So, during their musical number where Roxy was to grab hold of Karthus and swing her to the side, Roxy instead swung Karthus and with all her might slammed her to the floor. With a thud Karthus's head banged against the wooden stage. With a loud trembling voice Roxy yelled at her and screamed for breaking her trinket. What she didn't know was that Karthus never backed down. With a quick pull Karthus grabbed Roxy by her hair and pulled her down also. With another thud, Roxy's forehead slammed right into the floor. Yelling, Karthus quickly pulled her over on to her back and like a lion pounced on Roxy. Clawing, hitting, and scratching Karthus made a mess out of Roxy before being pulled away. Karthus anger didn't stop there. Pushing and shoving Karthus pushed the teacher into another who was smoking in the back. Like the domino effect, the cig hit the stage, and just like thunder fire began to spread.

Karthus mother grabbed her child by the hand and quickly led her to the nearest exit. Smoke rose from the building as people scrambled to find their child. That fated night marked the death of her brother who was sleeping behind the curtains, and the disappearance of her older sister who had "Seemingly" ran off with Timmy. Her mother had given Karthus a good whooping that night, and had plans to send her off to a private school the next day. Karthus refused and ran away late night, where she was kidnapped behind a pizza shop.

During her time with the organization Karthus had been broken. With ever attempt to flee or fight back, the test done to her would only worsen. Her eyes had lost its joyful color, and her laughs and wishes had died too. Hours of no sleep, hours of harming and hurting others was the only thing Karthus knew. Constant loss of blood, constant times of being on the brink of death, Karthus began to wish for it. Was this her reckoning, was karma a real thing?

Other: Karthus created a habit of biting her lips and picking at her gums.

Theme Song: Crystals by Of Monsters and Men

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Universalbore said:
Karthus Arial Idiom
" But you can call me Kai"


Name: Karthus Arial Idiom

Alias: Crimson xx46

Age: 8

D.O.B: April 28

Sex: Female

Grade: 4th

Eye Color: Hazelnut Brown

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Weight: 120 lbs

Height: 4'5

Apparance Description:

"What can I say, guys have really cool stuff."

Karthus looks about average when it comes to your typical child build. Short arms and long legs she stands to be 4'5 and weighs around 120 lbs. With her tan skin tone and slender cheeks , you can tell she has a bit of everything in her (Black, White, and Irish.). You can spot this little fuzz ball wearing jeans and a t shirts with cool graphics on them, like small little skulls around the upper right hand shoulder, skateboards on a railing, and her personal favorites, shirts that resemble space. As far as shoes are concerned , she dreads them with a passion. If she could have it her way, barefoot would be the way and only way.

Location: Manhattan, New York


  • Loyalty
  • Honesty
  • Justices


  • Aggressive
  • Envy
  • Glutton

General Skills:

  • Great Stamina
  • Excellent Hearing
  • Instincts

Augument Name:

"I don't cry when I see blood, quite the opposite actually."

Blood Manipulation

More Below


Karthus is a spunky young girl with an attitude of a thousand adults. Driven with the need to be a leader, Karthus takes matters into her own hands, whether they end up helping her or putting her in tough situations. Because her power hungry need to be on top, Karthus gets put in many bad situations, making her less likely to be nice, and more aggressive then most kids her age. Other than her aggressive side of hit first ask later, Karthus is well liked by the massed of her school peers. Sure she can be aggressive, loud and mean, but when it came to helping someone out, fixing things, or needing a friend to play with Karthus was always the first to help. Dependable and honest, Karthus keeps secrets well hidden, and can form any alibi as to why she cant say, or why she doesn't know. Despite her "grown up" style she is still a child, and throws many tantrums when she doesn't get her way, or when someone has more of something then her. Envious and a glutton that is one Karthus turns sour and the only thing she can think about, is taking whatever you have that she doesn't have away from you.


What was life before then? Simple , easy, a walk in the park. Everything was a juicy burger placed and sprayed with butter on a silver platter. Karthus had two siblings , one boy one girl. The girl was 2 years older than Karthus while the boy was the same age. Karhtus was the second oldest, her brother only being born three months after her. The mother was nice, the father was nice. Big home, two cats and one bird. The school was about a mile out, and the club activities always tried to match the middle school that was right across the street. The car rides to school were fun. Karthus always ate a sandwich while sitting in the middle back seat. She would kick her legs and sing along with her mom. The sister always sat in the front and her brother sat next to her asleep. Peaceful and tranquil her mornings where. School was no different. Everyone liked Karthus and understood to never show anything shiny to her. Always coming to the rescue Karthus would swat away annoying bees, help push swings, be the robber in their little games.

Thing where just right for Karthus till the night of the play. It happened every year, on the same day , at the same hour. Her parents like normal dressed up and came to the show. Her sister walked over from the middle school and sat next to a boy named Timmy that had moved in a month ago. Her brother was a tree, and like always was caught sleeping next to the bathroom sink. So, what was different this year?

A little girl named Roxy had shown Karthus a trinket her mother had gotten her. Dylan another boy was sitting next to them when he saw the gleam in Karthus eyes. Roxy a pretty little girl was warned the day she had moved in and came to class. Whatever you do, don't show Karthus anything shiny. Why? Karthus was like a crow. What she didn't have she wanted. Roxy though didn't care for their warning, and instead flaunted her new little trinket as she twisted her blonde hair. Karthus angrily held out her hand as she desired her trinket. Give it to me she said with a demanding voice. Let me see what it looks like she said ever so slyly. Roxy with a ignorant smile handed her the trinket. Dylan gasped as he heard the chains break with the quick little tug Karthus gave. Falling like rain, the trinket ripped in half and fell to the floor. Roxy screamed as she saw her new little trinket die. Karthus though will a smile rose from her chair and simply walked off.

Evil? That wasn't even the icing on the cake.

During the play Roxy wanted to get back at Karthus. So, during their musical number where Roxy was to grab hold of Karthus and swing her to the side, Roxy instead swung Karthus and with all her might slammed her to the floor. With a thud Karthus's head banged against the wooden stage. With a loud trembling voice Roxy yelled at her and screamed for breaking her trinket. What she didn't know was that Karthus never backed down. With a quick pull Karthus grabbed Roxy by her hair and pulled her down also. With another thud, Roxy's forehead slammed right into the floor. Yelling, Karthus quickly pulled her over on to her back and like a lion pounced on Roxy. Clawing, hitting, and scratching Karthus made a mess out of Roxy before being pulled away. Karthus anger didn't stop there. Pushing and shoving Karthus pushed the teacher into another who was smoking in the back. Like the domino effect, the cig hit the stage, and just like thunder fire began to spread.

Karthus mother grabbed her child by the hand and quickly led her to the nearest exit. Smoke rose from the building as people scrambled to find their child. That fated night marked the death of her brother who was sleeping behind the curtains, and the disappearance of her older sister who had "Seemingly" ran off with Timmy. Her mother had given Karthus a good whooping that night, and had plans to send her off to a private school the next day. Karthus refused and ran away late night, where she was kidnapped behind a pizza shop.

During her time with the organization Karthus had been broken. With ever attempt to flee or fight back, the test done to her would only worsen. Her eyes had lost its joyful color, and her laughs and wishes had died too. Hours of no sleep, hours of harming and hurting others was the only thing Karthus knew. Constant loss of blood, constant times of being on the brink of death, Karthus began to wish for it. Was this her reckoning, was karma a real thing?

Other: Karthus created a habit of biting her lips and picking at her gums.

Theme Song: Crystals by Of Monsters and Men
Sorry sweetie I have the blood manipulation xD

Pick another before it's gone


Daniel Oakwood

Fusion #6613

Augument Name: Energy Manipulation

Age: 6

D.O.B: December 9

Sex: Male

Grade: 1

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brown

Weight: 21 lbs.

Height: 3'

Location: Manhattan, New York







Quick to anger


General Skills:


Good with computers

Really, he's a genius with math/ science and anything mechanical

Relationships: Friends with Kal, More maybe added as the RP progresses.

Theme Song: Skyfall by Adele, Different Child by Roo Panes

Other: GAD, Synesthesia,

Daniel was born into a midddle class home, with everything a child could wish for. His father, a man named Eric Van-Piet, was an architect and designed several buildings of note, including the laboratory where the experiments would take place 8 years later. His mother, Mary-Ann, was a well-known actress, starring in several shows. She often brough Daniel with her to the set, and he played several small roles in various movies, making his big debut starring as one of the the lead child in a horror movie. (His sister, Carrie, was the other, along with a kid neither of thm had met.) He was hailed as a prodigy, only exemplified by the fact that at age 3, he was already taking classes in the kindergarten at the local elementary school. However, on his 4th birthday, things took a nasty turn. His father was murdered by a local gang on his way home from work, and his mother sunk into depression. After a year of being neglected, on his 5th birthday hid mother remarried, a cruel man named Stephan. At this time, Carrie was a stronger influence in his life than ever before. Their abused Daniel in many ways, killing Carrie when she tried to help Daniel. He was devastated, and it resulting in him turning to a group of street kids for help. He was fast friends with 9 year old Ernest, an autistic boy who's brothers and sisters helped him hide from Stephan. On his 6th birthday, the night of the school play, the school burned down and he had to run, again from his stepfather who blamed him. That night, he was beaten within an inch of his life and forced to flee to the alley behind a pizza shop, where he spotted the girl that was in the third grade class where he did his math. He witnessed her get kidnapped, and while pursuing her captors, he was kidnapped as well. The physical torture was quite possibly the worst for him, considering his already fragile state. But he took it quietly, the same way he handled his stepfather. THe mental abuse is what got to him. Seeing Kal, the girl he had adired for her spirit, broken... It broke his last shreds of sanity.


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/horses___robb_stark_by_alucardvampiregirl-d8oy8yk.jpg.5a1124410bb1cab3734b28490dafa124.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83211" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/horses___robb_stark_by_alucardvampiregirl-d8oy8yk.jpg.5a1124410bb1cab3734b28490dafa124.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Josh Marsh

17 l Male l Metalli #001

Day Of Birth: March 6th | Sexuality: Heterosexual | Grade: 12th

Eye Color: Blue | Hair Color: Brown

Weight: 155lbs | Height: 6'

Apparance Description

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c56d2ceaf_giphy(1).gif.e83c109afbf4638ce32fc4a88847c40c.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83214" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c56d2ceaf_giphy(1).gif.e83c109afbf4638ce32fc4a88847c40c.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Manhattan, New York


N/a, Subway, walking









General Skills


Always aware


Metal Manipulation





Theme Song:



  • horses___robb_stark_by_alucardvampiregirl-d8oy8yk.jpg
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  • giphy (1).gif
    giphy (1).gif
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[QUOTE="Alexis Martin]


Skye Oakwood

Fusion #6613

Augument Name: Energy Manipulation

Age: 6

D.O.B: December 9

Sex: Female

Grade: 3

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brown

Weight: 21 lbs.

Height: 3'

Apparance Description:

Location: Manhattan, New York






I have to do this at some point.

I have to do this at some point.

I have to do this at some point.

General Skills:


Theme Song:


Daisy was born into a midddle class home, with everything a child could wish for. Her father, a man named Eric Van-Piet, was an architect and designed several buildings of note, including the laboratory where the experiments would take place 8 years later. Her mother, Mary-Ann, was a well-known actress, starring in several shows. She often brough Daisy with her to the set, and Daisy played sseveral small roles in various movies, making her big debut starring as the lead child in a horror movie. She was hailed as a prodigy, only exemplified by the fact that at age 3, she was already taking classes in the kindergarten at the local elementary school. However, on her 1st birthday, things took a nasty turn. Her father was murdered by a local gang on his way home from work, and her mother sunk into depression. After two years of being neglected, on her 3rd birthday her mother remarried, a cruel man named Stephan. He abused her in many ways, resulting in her turning to a group of street kids for help. She was fast friends with 6 year old Gabrielle and 7 year old Jamie, who helped her hide from Stephan. On her

The femail child position has been filled choose either the male child, male or female spot

Also if you want the male child spot...you can't be a 6 year old in the 3rd grade...6 year olds are mainly in the 1st grade
[QUOTE="Alexis Martin]Ok, I'll change to male. Second, yes you can. Several of my friends skipped a grade, and one of them skipped two.

Well not in my rp sweets

I'm not being lenient anymore, so change it please
[QUOTE="Alexis Martin]Is that better!? (It still needs some tweaking, but...)

Hmmm...let me check real quick and I suggest you fix your tone with me before I'll decline your CS all together cause I do have the right to do that :3

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