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Fandom Titan Combat Guide

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Cadet = N/A
Corporal = 3-5 Meter
Sergeant = 6-15 Meter
Lieutenant = Abnormal 3-15 Meter

Captain = Titan Shifter Level 1 (Eren)
Colonel = Titan Shifter Level 2 (Annie)
General = Titan Shifter Level 3 (Ymir Fritz)

To kill a titan a die must be rolled to determine the outcome, rolling dn or lower

There's a reward incentive for roleplayers who react first in consideration of the risk involved in killing a titan, indicated by the storyteller liking the roleplay. This reward will normally be granted in the following storyteller's narration

Two ranks above:
<100 on a d100 (Captain vs. 6-15 Meter) 100%

One rank above:
<80 on a d100 (Captain vs Abnormal 3-15 Meter) 80%

Equal rank:
<60 on a d100 (Corporal vs 3-5 Meter) 60%

One rank below:
< 30 on a d100 (Corporal vs 6-15 Meter) 30%

Two ranks below:
<15 on a d100 (Corporal vs Abnormal 6-15 Meter) 15%
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*Failure results in death
**These characters can be rescued by others: <50 on a d100.
***Failure in this case will result in a severe injury, e.g. loss of limb, PTSD, shell shock, ect
****Roleplays should mention killing the titan. Should you fail the roll, don't edit the roleplay. The storyteller will narrate the outcome

*Dual effort increases chances by +10
**More than 2 doesn't increase chances

*Targeting weak spots, e.g. cutting Achilles tendons, blinding eyes, ect, increases chances by +10
**Solo requires 2 posts, duo requires 1 (First roleplay weakens the titan, second roleplay kills the titan)
***Solo requires 2 gas uses

*Forests and housing districts increase chances by +10

*Arlert and Smith heritage increases chances by +10

*This applies to NPCs only

Death, when your character can no longer be roleplayed as, occurs when:
  • Your character is killed
  • Your character is no longer apart of the story, e.g military discharge, life imprisonment without parole, exiled
  • Your character has deserted the military. As these characters are wanted by the military, their interactions are limited and these interactions mostly consist of combat situations where the character is trying to avoid capture. Those who roleplay these characters are eligible to apply for a second character, losing access to this character in the process. Despite this, these characters could make appearances later on to further the story, usually roleplayed by a storyteller
When characters die, the roleplayer is rewarded for their character's contribution to the story. These are called Give Backs. Give Backs are applied to the roleplayer's next character, ranging from a variety of things, e.g the Ackerman family. Note that these are not guaranteed
  • Ackerman ( “Awakened” allows one to escape a life-threatening situation once, after which the user permanently acquires a passive +1 to their rank)
  • Fritz/Reiss (Items are reduced in cost, will add items i.e body armour, explosives, poison later)
  • Blouse (Passive +1 to their rank, only in terms of strength)
  • Azumabito (Passive +1 to their rank, only in terms of swordsmanship)
  • Artlert (Increases % when attempting to kill a titan)
  • Smith (Increases % when attempting to kill a titan)

A full tank has 5 uses (10 uses is in effect following this episode's conclusion but right now it's 5)
1 use for standard use of ODM equipment
2 uses if attacking a titan right after slaying one (e.g. if attacking 2 titans in a row, the 2nd uses 2)
3 uses if carrying someone
4 uses if evading a titan rather than engaging it (not requiring dice rolls)
4 uses if evading a titan to engage another titan
4 uses if attacking multiple titans in the same post (requiring dice rolls for all titans attacked)

*Gas can be shared or stolen by roleplayers
Gas is assumed to be limited, generally. Reserves will run out only as a plot device
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Titan Shifter Guide

The Nine Titans
  • The Founding Titan / vacant
  • The Attack Titan / vacant
  • The War Hammer Titan / vacant
  • The Colossus Titan / vacant
  • The Female Titan / vacant
  • The Beast Titan / vacant
  • The Armoured Titan / vacant
  • The Jaw Titan / vacant
  • The Cart Titan / vacant

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